I will be detailing my somatic manifestations within, it you are sensitive to "I think, I feel" anxiety I would advise reading with caution
I have had general anxiety for a decent period of time, only recently has it been starting to affect my sleep regimen, I am wondering if anyone else has/had this same issue, and what you've done/are doing to alleviate or at the very least; cope with it? Firstly I must admit I have poor sleep hygiene, regarding tech especially, the very few hobbies I am still able to enjoy despite my feelings involve screens to some extent, as such it's difficult to "wind down" around my desired bedtime, when I do decide it's time to put on an audiobook, or sometimes a movie (screen off, low volume of course) I am almost always overcome with varying somatic challenges ranging from perceived "racing heart", upset stomach, hot flashes, tingling, the shakes, jaw clenching, etc (which I'm sure many of you have struggled with as well). As such it brings me not only tremendous challenge to fall asleep willingly, at reasonable times, it has also started to cause its' own general anxiety about going to bed, as I find myself frequently staying up later than I should in an attempt to tire myself out to the point where my brain cannot even manage to be anxious, which causes its own problems. As such sleeping itself does not seem to be an issue, but moreso the time, the lull between getting in to bed, and going to sleep, where I am completely alone with my thoughts, mind & body. Exercise seems to help but I cannot really go for a vigorous walk at 2:30am as much as I know it would help; In honesty, I have not tried meditation or yoga, due to my upbringing I have a deeply ingrained "all or nothing" attitude/mentality which is especially challenging when dealing with mental health, something like anxiety doubly so, as most people find a combination of things to be helpful rather than a single panacea as much as we'd like to have; as such I frequently find myself doubting these things thinking "well, try this, it doesn't work, and you just wasted 3 months of doing something that could actually work." which is an extremely unhealthy way of approaching treatment.
Basically, I am seeking reassurance that I am in fact, not alone in this regard, and there is, in fact, objectively helpful things that can be done; I know there is, but I deeply desire some kind of "first hand" experience in dealing with this type of anxiety; as I'm sure we all know too well how good anxiety is at pushing our individual buttons and making us feel alone and hopeless; Honestly? my biggest fear is feeling something completely unique, because then my my mind has free reign to spin it however it pleases.
Too Long of a ramble, didn't bother reading(i dont blame you 🤗):
Sleep issues due to somatic manifestations of day-to-day anxiety, seeking support/reassurance from folks that have been through/going through this same issue