Hi. It's been a bit... I've started the second part- the more difficult part of my PTSD treatment (it's the same program the VA uses) I'm trying the prolonged exposure module- you pick the traumatic moments & discuss them. The secessions are 90 minutes long & it's a 10 week program. We are focusing on the time my parents divorced & the abuse by my father. Yesterday was a lot, first deep discussion of that time. I'm feeling a mix of anger, sadness, loss & a dash of disgust. Having flashbacks, nightmares & my body is stressed... told this is to be expected. My sister is visiting- suppose to see her & my mom this weekend... first time seeing either since starting this... scared I'm going to be triggered . My husband will be there, is going to keep an eye on me.To top this all off, we've lost 2 family members... my uncle (mom's brother) nearly 3 weeks ago & my husband's aunt yesterday. I wasn't close to my uncle, but still sad & it's stirring up some stuff. The lost of my husband's aunt is still too fresh- close to his family. She had ALS, lost her voice sometime back... knew this was coming, still difficult.
I know this is a lot... thanks.