have been feeling fairly calm the last 3 days,not sure why but was happy for some relief from anxiety. Was awakened early this AM in the middle of a severe panic attack.lasted about 15 minutes but now I have been anxious all day,especially after feeling better the last 3 days .has this happened to anyone else?thanks
Waking up in the middle of a panic at... - Anxiety and Depre...
Waking up in the middle of a panic attack

Dearest 76Cat, this is how anxiety works by keeping us in an anticipational state
of mind once we have a panic attack. Then we wonder can it happen again or
when will it happen and before long we are on edge. That alone takes away the
feeling of relief that we should have.
Yes, it has happen to me before as well. That is until I learned to no longer fear
if's mind gaming play. Once we lose interest in anxiety and accept it for what it
is, it starts to dwindle away. xx
I've tried to ignore it, doesn't work for me.
76Cat, it didn't happen for me overnight. It took many years of my learning about
anxiety, how it triggers the mind and body connection. Once anxiety leaves that
mark of fear on you, we must find other methods or tools to work on. For myself,
it was about learning to meditate and breathe the thoughts and sensations away.
In time, I was able to stop the thought from escalating to a full blown panic or anxiety
attack. Stopping it with that first inkling that I felt. Sometimes, left over adrenaline
can cause that free floating anxiety to persist. This too, can be turn off through our
breathing. Belly breathing in slowly and feeling the calm, exhaling long and slow
and feeling peace. In time you can have complete control of your feelings of fear
and anticipation as well. We're here for you dear. Don't get discouraged, with
time and practice, it will get better as well as easier to obtain. xx
Thanks I have been practicing my breathing. I am looking for sites about meditation
Hi 76Cat YouTube is my "go to" If you type in Belle Ruth Naperstek
you will find many of her Meditation videos. From Sleeping to over coming
viruses, covid, any pain as well as cancer etc. The power of the mind like I've
said before is more powerful than we can believe. With practice and belief,
you can eventually fall asleep to listening to these suggestions. Within 30 days
you might start seeing a difference in your perception of anxiety and fear.
Of course after that, it's a matter of continuing this habit every everning,
every morning and 5 minutes in the afternoon. This will allow your mind to
stay in an even keel. My best dear xx
Hi 76Cat.I suffered with nocturnal panic attacks whenever there was too much anxiety in my life. They can be scary & physically exhausting😨
Agora1 has given excellent advice to manage them.
One trick that a psychologist gave me was to just b4 bed write down the concern(s) in a book, propose a solution then close the book on the issue for the day, literally and figuratively. It seemed crazy but worked for me.
Yes, it happens that way. It's like one step forward and two steps backwards.