I had emergency surgery to clear out a septic joint and ended up hospitalized for weeks. The pain was almost unbearable. Ever since the trauma, I have been bothered by "what if?" anxiety. What if my partner dies? What if I get another painful health issue? That kind of thing. I've used some calming music, affirmations, and talked about it a little with my partner, who has similar anxiety. Is this anxiety following a health crisis common? What can help put these (not entirely irrational) fears to rest?
Anxiety following acute health issue - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety following acute health issue
Hi DancingQueenerama The "what if's" are in a category by themselves but a part
of the anxiety phase. I always ask myself "Does this help me?", if the answer is no
then I mentally watch it fade away into the clouds. I don't need anything that doesn't
apply to the present moment.
Anxiety, following a health crisis is common to experience for both ourselves and
those we love. We must stay in the present moment. Doing Mindfulness Meditation
can reconfirm the fact that in that moment you are okay. You are Safe. We need to take
one day at a time since we can't erase the past and we can't predict the future.
It's going to be okay . Breathe a sigh of relief. You've got this. xx
Totally agree with Agora1. I do believe in delayed shock and you have certainly have had an awful trauma physically which of course has a great impact mentally as well. Go easy on yourself, you have done so well to get so far and you must give yourself credit for that. Better days are on the way for you xx