I’ve been nursing a nasty migraine since early morning on top of feeling like garbage from a new med. I just want to give up. It’s so hard when you go thru so much and no one cares at all and you are so alone. I have no one really and it’s really hard right now.
Feeling very down: I’ve been nursing a... - Anxiety and Depre...
Feeling very down

It always feels worse doesn't it when you don't feel very well and you are on your own!
I have had times myself wondering what the point is of always trying my very best only to have it thrown back in my face!
You are so right Turnipgirl. I’ve worked so hard my entire life and often wonder why I bothered.
Yer l can relate to the process and the pressure migraine stressors have keeping calm and away from the light can help
Reducing the latter and strain, also medication that helps calmness hope you find some tranquility and resolve or if finding cause or effect limitations always seek help the health practitioner or Nurse
so sorry U are in so much pain. I’m 65 and have had terrible headaches since I was a little girl. I can appreciate what U R going thru. I’m here 4 U. And there R others on HU who R here 4 U as well. I would also recommend calling 988 the crisis hotline. They R very caring and supportive. Also if U live in the U.S., try calling your local NAMI - mental health hotline. I’ve been calling them for support since COVID hit in 2020. It feels good being able to have a 15 minute conversation with a peer mentor who is nonjudgmental and supportive.
Thanks Shnookie. I had them since I was 12 too. It’s just too many things piled up at once. I’m so glad I have people at HU who understand.
I understand totally. If at possible U can break things down that might be helpful. I know this is easier said than done. I’m going thru a lot of challenges now. I’m so lucky that I have my support group on HU.
I've got flu and headache - side of face eyes ears and throat really hurt. What can you do in these situations, just hope next day better. But I'm going to try really hard to get something done and go to work - hopefully. Wishing sleep or rest will help too but hasn't so far. Hope you feel better to - pray for better days and better medication - just know thinking of you

Thank you so much Vonus. Mine is weather related. The weather changed too quickly for my head to handle. Boom migraine. Hoping it will moderate tonight.
Yes I notice when I go to Holidays to other countries I don't get flu or as bad. Hoping weather gets better

Flu is horrible isn't it when it strikes you down!
Years ago I had flu and stayed off work for a few days until I recovered!
After that every year I make sure I get my flu jab as soon as I can!
Yes I had flu jab but too many people on the buses I got had and somehow got through but this time I had antibiotics and it is still doing damage. Getting old or weaker immune system. I am fighting with home remedies now - thanks
I too have had bad symptoms like so many and no one to help try to see what I’m missing to find relief
We are here
Much love

Thank you so much. I think that’s the worst part of it being alone trying to handle it all by yourself. I’ve been having so much trouble with the trial of the new med. I just think we’ll have to find another way. I just can’t handle it all together.
Well I seem to have a decent ability to help other people see something that might be missing.
Not as good with my own mental health challenges. Lol
Isn’t that why we sometimes need someone or to just cares if their is discomfort.
Dm me if you feel like trying to problem solve the new med or anything for that matter

Thanks Cragliving4Jane. I was recently diagnosed with osteoporosis. The med is fosimax and it really does a number on my system. I take it once a week and have nausea and digestive problem for the whole week. It really wiped me out. I have another week until I see my gp again. I’m going to see if there is another way. I also take Zoloft which I’ve taken for years and it doesn’t cause half as many problems!
I care Gillyflower, I remember all too well the days with migraines only interuppted
by muscle contraction headaches. They do go away. Headache free for years now.
Take care and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Hugs xx
Thanks Agora. I’ve been drinking tea water and milk all day. Milk particularly because it helps me stand the aspirin better. I don’t get the headaches as often as I did when younger but they are usually doozies when I do. I e got the drapes all pulled and my steam vaporizer going because coughing makes it hurt worse. I find headaches cause me to tense up my neck and shoulders. I use a magnesium rub to help me relax a bit. I think it will go away slowly as the barometer goes back down tonight. 🤞
Your description Gillyflower is so reminescent in what I went through as well.
I always protected my stomach as well, drapes pulled shut, tense neck and shoulders etc.
I like the idea of the steam vaporizer, so I learned something new today.
Feel better soon. Sending gentle hugs. xx
I am so sorry you are feeling this way❣️I know exactly how you feel because, I too, have days like that. Please don’t feel like you are all alone in this❣️ There are so many of us that suffer with depression, anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia—like me and you are right now with depression. I have found on days I feel like that if I read a book or put jigsaw puzzles together it makes me feel a little better. Of course, the days I have migraines I take migraine medicine and sleep. Please know, that we are here for you and you are not alone. Also, I do not know what your beliefs are but I am a Christian and find comfort in know that God is with me through this storm, as well❣️
I feel for you, after suffering with migraines with aura for many years I have been put on 75mg aspirin for a possible heart condition and do you know migraines are completely gone after wasting half my life in bed from them and trying every med going. Hope you get relief soonx
Migraines are horrible, before I got on monthly shots I was near ending it all! We care and most of us can relate to how you are feeling. Keep fighting please, we need you here!
It went away when the barometer went back down last night thankfully. I don’t get them near as often as I did when I was younger. There’s at least something good about getting older!
My doctor put me on the generic Topamax for migraine maintenance. I was having blackouts. It works great most of the time. I might get a migraine every couple of months.