i was diagnosed with panic disorder, but i've never met anyone else with this before so it can feel very lonely and isolating at times. it is hard to talk to friends and family about it because i feel like they cant understand how hard it is. looking for others with panic disorder who can share their story, share tips, really anything to help me feel less alone in this disease.
looking for someone who can relate - Anxiety and Depre...
looking for someone who can relate

I forgot to add but i do have ativan for attacks which helps but i do tend to throw up when i enter a panic attack so sometimes it is hard to keep the medicine down long enough. i have been on prozac for 4 months but have not noticed any improvements or changes. i want to switch to a new SSRI but i am scared of withdrawl symptoms
I was on Prozac starting soon after it came out in the 80's and for me it worked great for about 10 years until it stopped working. I was switched to Celexa and had no difficulty with the switch. Going from one SSRI to another you can usually just switch drugs the day after you stop the first one since they are in the same class. In the beginning of being on Prozac I was also on Xanax until I switched to a doctor who would not prescribe any benzos and she put me on Buspar which really helped. Was on Celexa for about 10 years until it, too stopped working. Long story short, after many meds over many years I am presently not on any antidepressants thanks to having had TMS, but am on Ativan(prn) and back on Buspar for the anxiety and occasional panic attack. I became treatment resistant to antidepressants a few years ago. My anxiety for the most part is under control.
Howdy and welcome tulipss! I am sorry that you are dealing with this and feeling alone. There are a lot of us out there, and I would wager that as you get to work on this and find ways to open up to people somebody you already know will have stuff to share with you. You are definitely not alone in these feelings, thus this website and the booming business of therapy.
What does of prozac are you on? Have you gone up since your initial dose? I was on it for a number of years and it really took the edge off the anxiety and depression, though I was very drowzy. Drowziness was definitely preferable to heart palpitations, tight throat, dizziness, feelings of impending doom, and lack of will to live that was the other option though.
I always recommend the book "Feeling Great" by David Burns. There is also an accompanying podcast, the Feeling Good Podcast. He talks about the beautiful and functional things our anxiety shows about us, then I have found it easy to accept my anxiety and live with it. We are all different, but there is a path to peace for each of us, and living a life that we enjoy. I think that you will find a lot of support and understanding on this site. ☮️
Hi tulipss, actually Panic Attacks are very prevalent in the general population of
anxiety ridden patients. PAs may be more intense but frequently short lived where
as Anxiety attacks tend to come more often or wax and wane throughout the day.
There is usually a root to these fears that need to be addressed by a therapist. Medication
can also help buffer the frequency of these attacks.
Finding other methods or tools is almost a must in controlling these symptoms when
you first sense them coming on.
I do daily Meditation and Breathing exercises. By doing this on a daily basis, I have
basically trained for the times when I feel more overwhelmed with stress. This makes
me in control of my emotions and able to reduce the intensity and frequency of any
adrenaline surges.
You are definitely not alone tulipss but I do understand how it feels when going
through these episodes.
I'm happy to Welcome you to a caring supportive community. With our help
and support, you will find ways to help you live and accept anxiety. The goal being
one day anxiety free. xx
I didn't list panic disorder on my profile, but it kinda goes along with the PTSD.
You are not alone in your struggle nor in the fact that friends and family don't understand. Sometimes when I'm in a crowd I feel completely alone and claustrophobic and feel that I need to escape. At those times I go sit in the bathroom and take a minute or 15 to get re-centered. If it's really bad I try to encourage my hubby it's time to leave.
Also don't get discouraged if the first medication doesn't work for you. I've been on a long list of antidepressants and finally found I needed a different type of medication. It took a while.
Hi your surely not alone,I been suffering bw panic and anxiety disorder since childhood and its a very hard thing to try n live with,no one does understand the horror ofbthevfeelingsbofbavreal panic attack,I suffer w unmanaged cglhronic pain w bipolar disorder and its not for disability insurance I'd be living on the street and I panic thinking of that. .I'm here if wanna chat,I can relate,though we all try n cope differently I feel...stay strong n much hope to you. Pita...
You are not alone. I do have panic attacks and it's hard to deal with. At times, I feel I'll die but it will eventually go away. It's hard to even explain to people how you feel. You are not alone at all.