Please explain : Are there any psych... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Please explain

Downinil profile image
23 Replies

Are there any psych. Professionals on here who can explain Agoraphobia as well as how to resolve it?

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Downinil profile image
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23 Replies
Dolphin14 profile image

This is a peer to peer group.

There are people here that have suffered agoraphobia.

I will link your post to one of these people


designguy profile image

I am not a health care professional but had anxiety/panic for years and healed. My suggestion is that you can start by checking out the DARE Anxiety youtubes to learn what anxiety and agoraphobia are and how to best heal from it. The DARE book, youtube videos and phone app really helped me make progress.

Kamgal5 profile image
Kamgal5 in reply to designguy

Love the DARE app and book. I am not a professional, but had agoraphobia for 3 months, 22 years ago. First, I went on effexor XR, then started forcing myself to go out at night.. quick trip to the stores… then quick trips during the day… then built up from there. It wasn’t comfortable at first- but positive thinking helped. It’s not a race but a marathon. Progress not perfection.

designguy profile image
designguy in reply to Kamgal5

Good for and glad it helped you as it did me. Once you realize that anxiety can't hurt us and that it's just uncomfortable but doesn't last we gain a little confidence and it makes it easier to start challenging ourself to bring it on - and it works.

Agora1 profile image

Hi Downinil... My name is Agora1. I may not have a degree in Psychology but have

lived and learned about the causes and treatment due to my 5 years of Agoraphobia.

It started with extreme anxiety both Panic and Anxiety Attacks. From there it went

to "free floating anxiety" where I never got a break from the feelings. I would go to

sleep and wake up with these intense feelings of fear. (I use to tell the doctor it was like

someone was pointing a gun at me) The fear of fear kept growing until finally one day

the fear grew outside my home.

It was then I was afraid of everything but not knowing why. It became easier and easier

to avoid going out, I mean even to the point of not being able to stick my head out the

door to get the mail.

I covered the windows with blankets to avoid the light coming in. I began to wonder

what was out there that I was afraid of??

No one (family or friends) understood my delemma, How was I to get medical care if

I couldn't go out?

I worked hard in finding health care that would come into my home. Now I realize that

was just enabling me to stay in. The doctor, nurses, lab techs, social works would visit

me in the comfort of my safety place. Groceries were delivered, essentials could be

had with a next day delivery. Gee, I could stay like this forever... Sound familiar? :) xx

Downinil profile image

Hi Agora1, Thank you so much for contacting me with this information. Unfortunately it does sound familiar. It’s been about almost four years since I left my house. Can you give me any tips to have the courage to break this cycle?

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Downinil

Hi Downinil, I certainly can let you know what steps I took in breaking that wall I had built

around me for 5 years. But first, we need to know why this happens and address those

issues. As you can see, I'm a talker lol but then again Anxiety is not an easy thing to get

over unless we understand the mechanics of it. I wanted to know why as well as what

prompted me to go from overwhelming fear to literally locking myself inside my house.

The answer was that my life was out of control. I no longer knew what to expect

from day to day except more and more fear. I was in a repeated cycle of fear begets fear.

There were times that I felt like a mouse caught in a maze, running through the different

paths looking for an escape but I couldn't find it.

Eventually the fear built up so much that I became home bound. My case was bad.

I not only didn't want to go outside, I didn't want to be home alone. The "what ifs" became

what I imagined everyday. My nerves were in quite a state that I jumped every time i

would hear the phone ring or the doorbell. I would immediately go into a panic and hide.

I was losing control over my life because I couldn't accept my situation. I never fought

it but yet focused on feeling trapped. I did know however that I Could and I Would find

a way out. I was not going to allow Anxiety to take any more away from me. I wanted

out and when Agora wants something bad enough, she goes after it.

Will continue with finding ways to the cure. :) xx

gajh profile image
gajh in reply to Agora1

Hi Agora1. I have to thank you! I have been taking the baby steps to get out of the house. Last week I drove myself to the pharmacy to pick up my meds because I had to. This morning I had to drive myself to a new pharmacy in the next town over to pick up meds. On the way there I saw The Dollar Tree. Instantly I thought of you and what you had shared about going shopping at The Dollar Tree as your first time going out. I drove to the pharmacy. On my way back I built up the courage to go to The Dollar Tree thinking of you. I went in and shopped all around. I think I looked at every item they sell. I never looked at the clock so I don't know how long I was in there, but I know it was quite awhile. I never once thought I have to get out of here, I have to get home. I actually enjoyed myself. I bought a bunch of things I didn't need. I couldn't resist. I got to share this with a couple of friends on this site and with my boyfriend. I just felt like I had to share it with you. To properly thank you and let you know how much of a difference you are making in people's lives. Thank you for staying here since 2015 to help us. Where did you go on your second trip out? My next step will be to drive 20 minutes from home to visit my parents. I don't know if I am ready yet, but I do know I am one step closer. Thank you again!

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to gajh

Thanks gajh for the biggest smile from me for the day.

I'm sorry I haven't completed the 3rd part to recovery from Agoraphobia but I

promise it's coming. My daughter is so unwell with her Anorexia that of course

my time becomes limited. But I want you to know how proud I am of you. Isn't

the Dollar Tree something else?? They have the neatest little things that I call

my treasures, that I forget about time and place when I'm there.

Doing these little steps will eventually lead to bigger and bigger ones.

I'm going to make time tonight to finish my recovery post with agoraphobia.

Thanks for your positive update :) xx

gajh profile image
gajh in reply to Agora1

I wish your daughter the very best in her recovery. I am so glad she has you for support. I am actually looking forward to going back to The Dollar Tree. Imagine that.

CLB1125 profile image
CLB1125 in reply to gajh

I love love the dollar tree!! I do lots of crafts (my therapy) so being able to buy supplies there is great! Even better than Hobby Lobby. I can't believe I just said that! 😄

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Downinil

Downinil, I don't mean to leave you hanging with the last response but today hasn't

gone well. I will get back to you within a day or so to finish my experience with Agoraphobia.

My daughter is not doing well with regards to her iron and electrolytes from Anorexia.

Trying to get her in for infusions... Once things settle down, I will be responding to you :) xx

Downinil profile image
Downinil in reply to Agora1

I understand, Agora. Thank you for thinking of me.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Downinil

Hi Downinil....thank you for waiting. Actually our goal to get out again is easier

once we know the mechanics of how the mind/body works. When we become so

overwhelmed with anxiety, we no longer can think rationally. After a while, the

fear within us builds to a point of no return, trapping us inside our house.

We tend to think at the time, that if we stay inside, we will be safe. But safe from

what?? As the fear is not real. The fear is within our minds so no matter if we are

in our house or try to go outside, the fear will escalate. It's all about ridding

ourselves of what is causing the fear.

Once again, a life out of control is like a house of a hoarder. We have stored

away all the negative thoughts of a lifetime in our mind. After a while, we have

no room left to think rationally. The clutter becomes too much for us to bear.

So without any rational reason, we think that hiding away in our house will hide

us from all these stored emotions in our subconscious mind. Until we clean out

the negative thoughts and put positivity in it's place, the fear will continue. :) xx


Downinil profile image
Downinil in reply to Agora1

Agora, That makes so much sense. I realize that because I tend to catastrphize the irrational fears make it more difficult to discern from real danger. I do give them too much unnecessary power. I need to work on this. I appreciate you very much for making time to help me while you are going through your own personal struggles. I hope your daughter recovers from anorexia. I hope I can help you deal with the challenges that poses. If you need to be heard I’ll be here. I was anorexic and bulimic for 25 years but have recovered, thankfully.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Downinil

Thank you Downinil for your kind offer. Like anything else in life, it somehow helps

to know others understand by having gone through it themselves.

You certainly deserve a lot of credit for overcoming an issue that is more powerful

than any other mental health situation.

Good Luck in reaching your goal to overcome Anxiety. I truly believe you can do

it. :) xx

CLB1125 profile image
CLB1125 in reply to Agora1

This is a great analogy! I couldn't cram any more junk in my brain if I tried!

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Downinil

There comes a time when we become ready to tackle the situation. No longer

allowing Anxiety to control our lives. This was my life and will continue to be

mine when (not if) but when I kick anxiety to the curb. It started out very slowly.

A therapist (more than medication) was responsible for giving me the courage to

take that first small step. Walk outside in the backyard just for moments. Having

to get use to the ground under my feet. From there, walk to the garage and sit

in the car (hadn't been in the car for 5 years).. Next time start the car but don't

move it. Next, start the car and move it to the end of the drive. Next, drive car

around the block and back. You're getting the picture in how slowly everything

was done. Many times, I had my therapist on speaker phone in car with me.

After several weeks, I felt ready to take that first drive to the Dollar Tree which

by my surprise, opened the locked door to my mind. It was going to be okay,

I was going to be okay. But I was cautious in not moving too fast down this new


The next several outings were to pick up my prescriptions through the drive thru.

My goal was to eventually go to the grocery store, shop, stand in line no matter

how long and still survive. When at the store, I used my breathing whenever I

felt I might be getting uneasy. When in the checkout line, besides my breathing

I would move my legs up and down like on a bicycle stimulating the calf muscles

or rocking back and force to rid myself of excess adrenaline. Chewing gum also

helped. I did anything and everything to fool anxiety and she started fading away

little by little.

I had finally found the "key" to my success over Anxiety I make sure that I am

plenty hydrated when going out. When going to the doctor or dentist, I listen

to my relaxation tape on my cassette in the waiting room. Finding what works

for each one of us is the answer. Since we all respond to different things.

I hope these posts can help someone know that it is possible to overcome and

control Anxiety. Afterall it's just a figment of our imagination taking us for a ride.

If you could be so fortunate to achieve your goal, please pass it forward and

help others. At least they will know Life can be amazing once again. :) xx

Downinil profile image
Downinil in reply to Agora1

That is what I plan to do.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Downinil

:) xx

Downinil profile image
Downinil in reply to Agora1


Junella profile image

Not a professional but once had it. I was fearful of going out (not to work though) even to stores. I later wrote an article about my experience that was printed in a health magazine. I had panic spells on car trips as well. I joined a group and they used desensitization which means doing the thing you fear little at a time until you no longer find it threatening. That's how I learned to drive at age 30. You need someone to guide you, at least at the beginning.

I have always (since birth) been fearful, so fearfulness could come back with triggers or life events, but no more panic attacks. The more I made friends and enjoyed them, the better I got.

One more thing. Have you had a good physical? It was discovered I was hypothyroid and got so much better after being treated for it. A healthy lifestyle helps a lot, for we are whole persons. What affects us physically will be felt emotionally for most people. My PTSD happened as a child when I lost a sister and never knew why. It set in as I entered my teens at 13.

gerrerd profile image

Im no professional but its a fear, Thoughts of fear stop us doing things, constant thoughts expand in the mind.

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