The last couple of days have been extremely rough!! I am not in the Christmas mood at all especially with what happened the other night!! However I have a 5 year old that I have to put up a front for and it’s extremely hard especially since I won’t be able to get any pictures with him this year😪.. I just want to throw in the towel and give up this by far is the worst Christmas ever!! I don’t have anyone to talk to about what happened.. Ian ashamed about what happened I have to lie about what happened it kills me and on top of that I feel like I can’t even go out of my house!! It sucks!!
At a loss for words: The last couple of... - Anxiety and Depre...
At a loss for words

I’m so sorry it’s rough for you right now if you would like to get it out off your chest, we are good listeners here but understand if that’s not what’s best for you right now.
sending ❤️
Dearest Dolphfan47, I don't know what might have happened the other night but
I do know that you can talk with any of us w/o judgement. By releasing those emotions,
it may help you focus more on your 5 year old.
I'm sorry for what you may be going through but don't be ashamed.
Things happen in a split second at times w/o thinking it through.
Life is a learning experience which we all go through.
I'm here (as well as the others) if you need to talk. xx
Thanks I truly appreciate that I am ashamed that I let myself get into this situation. I am truly sick to my stomach because I feel like I am at a loss right now. A lot happened the other night and I’m not even sure where to begin all I know is this Christmas will definitely not be forgotten and will truly be the worst one yet.. I can’t even take any pictures with my son for Christmas just an idea of what went down the other night.. like I said I’m at a loss no where to turn.. right before the Holidays
I’m here if you feel like getting it off your chest. When I leave my thoughts and feelings bottled up and let them build up with no one to talk to it’s overwhelming
I'm not sure what happened. But don't give up. It's hard with kids. I know. But just do your best. That's all you can do. And that's really enough.
pm me