been on so many pills for so long and am finally on one now i am trying to figure out. been so depressed I hardly have any happy thoughts. Weather here is cold. Not much snow yet but am not looking forward to it cause I am not capable of doing too many things. COPD and anxiety together is the pits. Been going on too long.been feeling not to bad on the new pills but am still searching for just a little more help. was thinking of going inpatient for a couple months to get pills sorted out but am just feeling the best I have for a few months so I am not ready to have them screw with my meds again
every day is hard: been on so many... - Anxiety and Depre...
every day is hard

Hi barlock, I am sorry that you are going through this. Life can get so difficult... the times when I struggle to get out of bed are so dark. COPD sounds really hard too. Does it get any better when your anxiety is lower? I have been amazed how much better I feel physically when anxiety is not overpowering.
I had to do inpatient for a few weeks 1.5 years ago and it was really good for me. I guess ride these days out and see what happens, but I think that is the best place to get stuff adjusted. I wish you peace, hope, and strength
Hello and Welcome. I am glad to hear that you are feeling the best that you have for a few months. Hopefully the new meds will be the right ones for you. You are searching for just a little more help. Maybe joining us here will provide the help that you are looking for.
You are not alone. I don’t have much advice to share, but I understand.