I have been depressed and been sleeping a lot staying in bed and not eating. My friend convinced me to go to Starbucks. Once I was there I got anxious and didn’t want to be there. My friend is inside Starbucks and all off a sudden I feel as I can’t breath. I started breathing so heavy it sounded like an asthma attack. I felt I’m going to pass out or choke. My whole body tingling and numb. I texted my friend I need help. I didn’t know what was going on. It was the scariest thing ever. I wanted to call 911. Eventually I controlled my breathing. I never want to feel this again. No one at Starbucks tried to help me.
First panic attack ever: I have been... - Anxiety and Depre...
First panic attack ever

Hi panic attacks can be very scary can't they? The dizziness and tingling is due to over breathing so you take in too much carbon dioxide. Learn some breathing exercises (lots online) for anxiety and you will feel more in control.
If you have been isolating yourself a lot it sounds like it was too much for you going to Starbucks, so concentrate on smaller steps first. For example you can go for short walks then if you think you are going to panic you can go home again. Keep doing this and it will become easier. x
I like this notion of starting small. All of the stuff I’ve read about panic and anxiety says that total avoidance just feeds the beast. We have to put ourselves out there a little at a time to create new thought and behavior patterns.

Yes avoidance is the worst thing you can do. The secret is to do baby steps at first then work up to bigger ones.
Yes, avoidance is a killer! I got to the point of total agoraphobia: I avoided each situation in which I had a panic attack until, eventually, I was stuck in my house. Baby steps is what it takes, even better if you can take a supportive person with you.
As far as the breathing, try taking a paper bag with you. Breathe into & out of the bag, it will slow your breathing and heart rate down. Might sound embarrassing, but better than a panic attack. Often, just knowing you have that option with you is a relief.
...And try to take "belly breaths", not "chest breaths" = imagine your belly is filling with air, not your chest. If you focus on filling your lungs, those are short breaths and they lead to further hyperventilation.
Watch someone sleeping and see how their belly rises and falls. (Diaphragm breathing) That is your natural state of rest.
Feel like you're dying with first attack don't you?its horrid

Yes it was
I had to get myself a nerves self help book it did me wonders,I was scared to even go out but overcame it.my own 12yrold had a full on attack with sickness last year,its good that you've came here where people really understand.👍👌
Panic attacks are so frightening. I had my first when I tried Zoloft. I knew it was the meds, but it still felt like I was going to die. As for the social anxiety, I am feeling that way as well, especially right now. I have been on medical leave for a hormonal imbalance that has my anxiety sky high. I have been able to make it to doctor appointments and the occasional errand, but tonight we are supposed to go to a party for one of my husband’s clients. I woke up pretty anxious about it. My first major outing in a month. 200+ people and I won’t know anyone. I want to be there for my husband because he has been pretty patient with how I’ll I’ve been this last month, but it is taking a lot out of me to stay chill today until we have to go. I want to be at the point that a silly party doesn’t throw off my whole day.
I'm so sorry you had such a scary experience. I understand how terrifying they can be and they are so uncomfortable. It's important to know, though, that it was a panic attack and though extraordinarily uncomfortable, it is not a heart attack or even an asthma attack, so they aren't life threatening. Understanding that doesn't make them any more fun, but it can take a little bit of the scariness away, and you can be a little less afraid of having another one because you know that it will be over on its own. Panic attacks usually end within 10 minutes, so it's a super sucky 10 minutes, but afterwards, you can know that you will be safe and feeling better.
It is also important to know that as your panic symptoms are increasing, you can take steps towards lowering them to prevent the onset of the panic. Of course, since this was your first panic attack, you couldn't have known that what was building up was leading to that, but if you start feeling a buildup of symptoms again, there are things you can do: holding ice in your hands until it melts and focusing on the sensation, pulling up an app like Calm or Breethe and others and doing a 5 or 10 minute meditation can be really helpful, putting a few altoids in your mouth and sucking on them, anything to bring you back into the moment and realize that you are okay is helpful.
I would've thought that going to starbucks would have been a good idea to try because getting out and about always helps me, so maybe when you're feeling more calm, thinking about what specifically caused the panic could be a good idea. Was it seeing that friend, was it people seeing you in a panic state, was it seeing people in general? Figuring that out could be helpful so you can avoid that for next time. It is nice to know your friend was trying to help you do something to help, even though it didn't turn out well- it sounds like they had good intentions.
Again, I'm so sorry that happened to you, it's absolutely the worst, but it is ultimately survivable and manageable. Take care!!
Great advice, and I soooooo want you to write a book about panic titled A SUPER SUCKY 10 MINUTES.
I agree! That phrase made me smile just a little (for the first time today).
Avoid coffee ☕️
I know how you felt! When I had my first panic attack I had no clue what was happening. There was too much going on in my head and I thought I was going to lose my mind or die. It was the scariest thing I had experienced in my life! I had aftershocks of jumping out of my own skin for at least 4 months after it. I then vowed to myself that I would never allow myself to have another full blown attack ever. That was 10 years ago. I havent had a full blown panic attack ever since. I went on the right medication & found a great therapist. I still suffer w anxiety but it's no way near what Ive had to endure.
I’ve had this so many times. I call it air hunger because it’s like I can’t get enough air. When it happens now I start to hum to myself for some reason this helps. Sorry you are experiencing this but like others have said, don’t become reclusive it just makes it worse. You have to keep pushing yourself and going out. Having a safe person with you is a good idea in the begging process.