The worst intrusive though ever. - Anxiety and Depre...

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The worst intrusive though ever.

jwhitleyjr profile image
28 Replies

I think I need more love and support and advice. Because I have the worst intrusive thought ever. I accidently convinced myself that I am scared of my own heart beat. Now I can't sleep. I created this thought due to my GAD.

I try to fight this thought and try to sleep properly but I can't. I feel like I perform improper breathing and that I am cutting off circulation to my body.

So it's a shame. I was scared one day and I tried to fight off one intrusive thought then this one came.

I do not want to die but I feel like if I keep trying to force myself to sleep. I will force a heart attack or stroke.

So I feel like I have basically given myself a death sentence.

One minute I am great health. Now my life is in risk.

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jwhitleyjr profile image
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28 Replies
Ladybug9 profile image

If you find you can't get to sleep at night, see if you can take naps during the day or when you can. Sleep is imperative for our health and not sleeping can cause so much illnesse's. Don't FORCE sleep because it won't come. I've tried that and the harder I try to force it, the less sleep I get. Try putting on some really soft music low!

Purrsona profile image

That sounds so stressful. I've had similar things happen--generally while stoned, but not always. I promise you that breathing and heartbeat are automatic processes, and nothing you do mentally is going to make them stop. It is 100% your anxiety tricking you into hypervigilance. You can safely go to sleep, don't worry. Your body is smarter than you think it is. Hugs.

jwhitleyjr profile image
jwhitleyjr in reply to Purrsona

That is what it feels like hypervigilance. I was trying to get rid of another intrusive thought, then this one came up. What an accident. I never thought that my mind would believe it.

Purrsona profile image
Purrsona in reply to jwhitleyjr

I'm glad you're able to stay rational in some part of your head. Sounds like you know it's not a realistic fear but are unable to get rid of it. Which is awful, and I know the feeling, but I hope your perspective can help you talk yourself through this. Glad you're getting therapy too.

jwhitleyjr profile image
jwhitleyjr in reply to Purrsona

Any advice on how to rid myself of this thought? Or it will take time and eventually go away? I hope.

Purrsona profile image
Purrsona in reply to jwhitleyjr

I'm a little hesitant to give advice because what works for me might be completely the wrong approach for you. Personally, I find that eventually the thought will suddenly stop bothering me when I think through the worst possible scenario and mentally accept it. In your case, it's not possible to think yourself to death, so what you fear just isn't going to happen.

I can tell you that it has helped me to think, "Well, if I die in my sleep, so be it. I won't even know about it, so I don't even have to think about it." But I really don't know if that approach will freak you out more, so I would discuss it with a therapist.

Distraction really works for me. Something to engage my brain--a crossword puzzle, a short story, a game of Set, something like that. Not letting my brain have room to chase its own tail. It takes the pressure off trying to force myself to sleep and lets me do something i enjoy.

And I know this is a catch-all answer, but meditation really can help. Just focusing on a boring point in space, breathing in and out, and counting to ten on the exhale, then starting over as many times as you want.

Good luck. It sounds like you're having a really rough time but we're all rooting for you.

jwhitleyjr profile image
jwhitleyjr in reply to Purrsona

Thank you. I have had GAD for the past six months. I thought I was doing well until this. I mean I thought things were getting better until this.

jwhitleyjr profile image
jwhitleyjr in reply to Purrsona

I just hope I did not set myself up for ruin.

Purrsona profile image
Purrsona in reply to jwhitleyjr

No! You haven't. You're stuck on an intrusive thought but it won't last forever and it won't hurt you. And it's not your fault.

jwhitleyjr profile image
jwhitleyjr in reply to Purrsona

Thank you so much.

Purrsona profile image
Purrsona in reply to jwhitleyjr

Btw, I don't have OCD (I don't think) but my dad does. He deals with it partly by playing out chess games and studying chess moves. That may or may not be your thing, but I think puzzles and such are really good for redirecting your mental energy.

jwhitleyjr profile image
jwhitleyjr in reply to Purrsona

Good idea

I'm sorry; that must be really scary. I don't have an anxiety disorder, so I hope this doesn't sound like I'm downplaying your thoughts because I'm not. If you can convince yourself that your own hearbeat scares you, can you convince that it doesn't scare you?

Is there a family member, therapist or someone else you trust who you can talk to about this?

jwhitleyjr profile image
jwhitleyjr in reply to

Yes I am my therapist are trying to work on it. I tell you it was an accident. I was trying to get rid of one really scary intrusive thought then it got replaced with this one. I never would have though that I would believe it for real. So what a mistake.

jwhitleyjr profile image
jwhitleyjr in reply to

Yes, excuse my language but I have screwed myself over.

in reply to jwhitleyjr

Hey, you're fine. I've heard worse.🙂

I'm glad that you're speaking with your therapist about this!

I don't know what methods are suggested for anxiety disorders, but is CBT one of them? You could try that.

jwhitleyjr profile image
jwhitleyjr in reply to

We will try that possibly. Thank you.

in reply to jwhitleyjr

You're welcome🙂

Good luck!

jwhitleyjr profile image
jwhitleyjr in reply to

You have really heard worst. Wow.

in reply to jwhitleyjr

Do you mean the language? Oh yeah.

in reply to

The worst part? Colorful language describing me. Was it shocking? Sure was since it was news to me. So you're fine😀

Ladybug9 profile image

Making my ex disappear for sexually abusing my granddaughter!

jwhitleyjr profile image
jwhitleyjr in reply to Ladybug9

I am so sorry that happened to her.

MrRigatoni profile image

Hello pleased to meet you .

Sorry to hear this. This is very common to reasurre you I have had this before and the need to find ways to cope are the following.

Identify any community support in your area as know do not live in the UK.

Looked at webpage your wall first consider mental health charities a lot of these offer support, advice and much more.

Including techniques coping methods stratergies.

I would consider that as well thinking of using these bedside lights that change colours.

When touched by staring and concentrating helps the anxiety.

Power up recharge lead for mobile phone.

Have one near my bed helps me concentrate my breathing remain calm.

Often health anxiety and anxiety generalised be at night time our brains often responsible the neuro transmitters firing off memories sometimes bad deep ones.

Before going to bed making sure no TV media causes harm Horror awful tragic news or sometimes stress can bring up issues not aware of.

I used and still do sometimes have vivid dreams this a side effect meds taking, or have had rarely night terrors.

Convincing my self something happened to me.

Using sleep diary self healing awareness can begin, also diet not heavy meal spicy food three hours before any respite and rest.

Complete relaxation and meditation.

Quiet room dark sit chair brain begins to respond send messages to sleep.

Other is to eat good food contain tryphofan a chemical sends you sleep in whole meal bread and honey, pulses , beans milky drinks warmed help a lot.

If you have underlying health issues then deal with some support will be able to cope.

As we age older less sleep needed but if having same issues and not doing anything about it can be harmful to health.

Insomnia and other sleep disorders.

I know my self hence the information, advice.

Fear of fight is a natural response for the own body systems defence.

Often a case of protecting you in ancient times.

All of us who ever you are suffering some forms of anxiety have some forms also of health worries anxiety.

Dr.Google being not the answer yet we see these stories as we do .

As a long term mental health member use the web for research and information for my own interests.

Have a wealth knowledge expertise qualifications.

Just happy to be supportive any questions please ask.

One final tip ice cold water on your bed stand get the sweats the shakes the anxiety heart thumping take a sip slowly count to ten, works a lot.

Please take care

jwhitleyjr profile image
jwhitleyjr in reply to MrRigatoni

Wow thank you for all of this advice and information.

MrRigatoni profile image
MrRigatoni in reply to jwhitleyjr

Hello pleased to help you.

Please can I add just a matter of learning.

Any where in the States must be community health programmes then you start to be learning.

Education knowledge willing to be listening very much can help you.

Mental health is an illness so we need to treat it like one with good food exercise good to yourself positivity.

By doing much of learning educating yourself perhaps ended up helping others in your community.

Volunteering mental health can be rewarding plus also a valid point new career always some one needs the help support advice if you have it.

Gain confidence use your skills, abilities and talents to enpower others.

Health knowledge can save lives help those in distress hopefully given any inspiration.

Feel for all my friends across the pond right now we need to support each other.

Current situations in your Country and mine.

Wish you well in prayers and thoughts

Purrsona profile image
Purrsona in reply to MrRigatoni

Great advice about the cold water! Another technique I just learned: If you're feeling really bad, fill a big bowl with ice water and dunk your face in it briefly. It's kind of a reboot for your body and brain.

MrRigatoni profile image
MrRigatoni in reply to Purrsona

Hello pleased to meet you thank you reply.

Yes does work that a lot my time waking up in sweats ice cold bath works or the fan I have bought.

Sweats reduced by eating lots of foods that reduce blood pressure such as chillies, bean pulses, drinking water.

Cold months turn off heating at least hour before bed. Have a routine most people do not with sleep issues.

Few facts not aware of . As we get older less sleep is needed .

Others include three stages of sleep most bed times are around 11 to midnight well the body needs to be relaxed mind in state of serenity and calm.

Going to bed retiring sensible times is the first stage of sleep many think never can sleep straight away so this the first stage.

Means mind is still active .

Never sleep any way straight away if mind worried wired and all encompassing thoughts have I locked the door those little worries tasks duties.

Make a list I actually have done washing up cleaned the floor the rubbish out prepared the breakfast and any other duties.

Helps the mind stay calm add on muisc chill outs nothing loud, while working body gets gentle therapy and slowly begins to tire.

Next stage is REM this the Rapid Eye Movement the mind is focused and ready but eyes half closed.

We actually go in to deep sleep next third stage for a limited time so may suffer this the awaking the can not sleep but will eventually after a while.

Body natural responses is to sleep and when ready to sleep but only after the first preparations of organising the routine.

One other is your bedroom too dark too ligh, just done walls decorated.

Grey dark colours never white is a sign still too light and of course the mind sees this as response to wake up .

Colours dark work best as the mind says dark need to sleep natural responses. Have dark curtains black outs first one night for a long time sleeping OK.

I forget meds never take these too late if have to night time need to be taken three hours before bedtime.

Favourite snacks added to meds take with Porridge Oats banana sliced. Warm Milk Oats Banana all contain chemicals Tryphophan and Serotonin which makes you sleep.

Add others Whole meal toast and honey works marvellous.

All of this can be learnt educated much on line.

In my case Sleep School my story basically am and was an alcoholic.

Had a numbartal lifestyle means Days were Nights Nights were Days took me around ten years or more since coming staving off.

Sleep learnt a lot mental health charities course available volunteered to do these. At various community places, resource centres.

Sleep school fasinating.

Wire you up go to sleep and the ECG Video evidence is showed to you.

I used to sleep walk disturbances of sleep actually over the period of staying there did do this notice I did shouting talking putting my hands out to visually wanted to strangle some one.

Lived with abusive family my Mother being the abuser, need I say more.

Long deep buried much of it but in my sleep apparently as you do not know seem to struggle fight and toss turn shouting.

I have none of this now mental health helped charity plus the Sleep School.

Which why I say we have much to learn and we need to be educated.

Thank you for reading

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