Why is the news so negative - Anxiety and Depre...

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Why is the news so negative

davidthecoder profile image
32 Replies

I like to stay informed about what is going on in the world. But I noticed the news is always negative.

Why do they do this? I have heard people in the news business mention it is because people respond more to negativity and fear. If they do more positive stories, their metrics show that they make less money.

I want to stop reading the news but it is a habit. But even if I do stop reading the news, I will know that it will be affecting others besides myself. It is also very difficult to avoid these days.

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davidthecoder profile image
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32 Replies
LadyZen profile image

I've wondered about this too. The news naturally feeds our anxieties.

in reply to LadyZen

Hello LZ and David, yes I end up turning it off I like updates on things but some stuff is just arful I mean during the Ukraine war when it first came on they put those on that lost there family's and said how do you feel I mean what a ridiculous question and how distressing for them to have to answer some shouldn't just made them cry, yes it's like the headlines in newspapers often fake or dramaticed to sell the papers, and they put news reporters on live filming bombs and explosions in the background why put them through that and make us see it I often fear for the reporters, some have died too, it's a job I fancied when younger if had more confidence not in really danger zone areas tho,I'd have enjoyed putting my report together been a bit of a writer, I like a quick look at my local news mam keeps me informed of the gloom,I had a meal at hers other day and it was on I said do we have to watch this whilst eating she turned it over, it's like on here it's important to have breaks in reading the depressing posts or it gets too much for most and people go on breaks or feel more down so thats why i like my nature posts and of course your posts with a difference, I wish you both a good day and hope you both get some good news my mam had a small premium.bond win thats our good news today and we didn't flood despite them keeping sending warnings out 🤗✨🎄🙏

davidthecoder profile image
davidthecoder in reply to

Thanks for the comment, and yeah everything you have said here is valid and resonates with what I am trying to say. I think as long as I have been alive, it seems there is always a war that is the focal point in the news. That seems to be never ending, and it does feel like some of these corporations are monetizing that pain and suffering.

I understand the importance of journalism and shining a light on these situations but we have now feels like deep down, it is nefarious rather than in the interest of spreading awareness. I say this because it becomes practically all they talk about. A story here and there, it makes sense. But all day long, its too much.

davidthecoder profile image
davidthecoder in reply to LadyZen

Which is why I need to quit reading it.

But again, I like to know what is going on in the world. Even the local news, they always post car crashes and it is a trigger for me. So I can't even really know what is going on in my city without being triggered all the time.

I have a feeling this is a problem for others as well. It might even actually be an environmental factor that is partially responsible for the rising numbers of people with anxiety. We want to be informed, but we are also being presented with a negativity bias in the stories we are being shown. And that negativity fuels more negativity, its a feedback loop that builds upon itself.

I think this is also going on with news organizations all over the world, the same trend. It is having a major impact on the world unfortunately.

gerrerd profile image

They keep us in fear with all the bad news, When people are in fear you can control them. The media is bought and paid for by the people who are in control behind the governments.

davidthecoder profile image
davidthecoder in reply to gerrerd

I think this is generally right, and of course the people that own these corporations are super rich. They can use it to swing an election in favor of the political candidates of their choosing, while attacking the opposition. It's not just about money, it is about that power.

But also what you mentioned about using fear to control people, I also believe that is true and probably goes far back in history.

Unfortunately that means I don't really get to know what is going on out there, only what I am being told really. Sometimes it could be a complete lie, and I might not even know it.

So maybe I just need to let it go altogether. And be uninformed. Maybe that isn't the worst thing in the world.

But I will also say there are some good journalists out there that really just want to "tell it like it is", and they even go after some corrupt people. And that is a good thing. It can actually be quite a dangerous job for that reason, especially in certain countries that actively seek to suppress those journalists.

But these are generally more rare than the ones that end up just writing clickbait.

in reply to davidthecoder

David I just edited my reply to ray and added on concept of fear ref do the thing we fear to overcome it but this can't work regarding watching news unless we disensitice ourselves to it but this I doubt unless we were glued to it all the time, sorry I'm rabbling 😊

davidthecoder profile image
davidthecoder in reply to

Desensitization, another good word to mention here. It has that effect on people as well.

While I might be able to remove myself from its influence, I know that it will continue to affect those around me. I guess I just cant do anything about that, though.

in reply to davidthecoder

Sorry if I spelled it wrong lol not sure on a word you used earlier was going to look it up I can't find it now just scrolled back I'm in bed getting up for toast soon I'll check back on your post later it's very interesting subject, I guess like all things they key to been ok is moderation balance we do need to know what's going on in the world so do what I try and do now just look a bit then turn over if some distressing event happens, all the things add up in our mind and contribute, I like to get away from it all regularly have walks in my local park you may find it helpful to check my posts I have lot of nature pics a lot find them helpful, I was watching some news last night and switched onto a comedy show it completely distracted me 😊

davidthecoder profile image
davidthecoder in reply to

No worries about the typo, it was a really good word to bring up here. And also, you are correct about moderation. My problem is that "checking" is part of my OCD and so I check the news, which triggers the anxiety. It is like out of habit. So I will need to break this habit. I just started seeing a good therapist that has OCD himself but is managing it, so he is giving me some help.

But it just bothers me that others might fall into the same problem I have with it. Because pretty much everyone reads the news, and usually daily.

in reply to davidthecoder

I hope your therapy works out, can you replace this news checking with something else something constructive I have experienced bit of OCD myself, yul laugh lol a friend of mine has it too I can't stand dirty feet like bits on my feet or socks or slippers and people coming in with dirty shoes, but of food sticking on my mam's terrible for it she's so easy going her slippers are usually filthy she even goes outside in them, I washed a pair for her at my house so she can take her shoes off and wear them, I overcame it somewhat when lived at mam's she had mats allover for dirty shoes when goes in I feared walking on them as my feet may get dirty but eventually I became oh what the heck that was desensitizing wasn't it I guess, but since moved into my new house it's come back, I started cleaning the carpets when moved in ripped the hall one out for laminate floor, I have a new door mat in the porch mam said oh no I can't wipe my feet on that lol no they can't I have another one next to it it's nuts but the door mat is really nice 😁

in reply to gerrerd

Good morning Ray that's a good point about fear and control I never thought of that concept, ref to other aspects of life too unfortunately, I wish you a peaceful flood free day I so wish they'd stop sending me flood alerts one day it will happen and I won't think it is as I'm getting used to false alarms,🙄🙏😊good to see you getting involved on the forum, did you know fear is the strongest of emotions well so I read 🙄and of course the saying do the thing you fear to overcome it or face your fear but I'm going bit off track, as usual 😩😁

gerrerd profile image
gerrerd in reply to

We have nothing to fear, but fear.

in reply to

Hiya. My username has changed slightly, but it's nicks on the washing line here! Who keeps sending you flood alerts - is it the council?

in reply to

Oh hi I signed up for them not sure mam gets them too I'll check who the emails are off thing is since we flooded in parts they like to safe guard themselves and a lot of bad weather often misses us 😊haha on the washing line 😂

in reply to

thought you'd remember me! I signed up for local council alerts. I think they cover their backs and portray the worst possible scenario. Must be quite alarming for you to keep getting this - low level threat. It would be doing my head in every time it rained...which is often down here in the SW.

in reply to

Yes mam has a bag packed ready I told her it's not going to happen well most likely not I've got some flood defense stuff anyway, how come your user names changed and you rejoined

in reply to

problem but all sorted, Well I reckon it's good to be prepared. Blitz spirit and all that.

in reply to

Yes everything changed now tho with freak weather all I'll be packing is pixies carry cage infact I won't be leaving the house I'll go in the loft where do people go when flood I've got some water in bottles and food stock up and going to get more seriously 😳

in reply to

Ahh poor you

in reply to

There was a tsunami in 1607 which flooded the Somerset levels. Apparently this could happen again due to a fault line off Southern Ireland but I really can't worry about that as well.

in reply to

Yes there's enough for us to deal with on day to day best just take it one day a time get through it make best of it 🤗💛✨

Midori profile image

I could tell you the reasons, but Politics isn't allowed on here.

Cheers, Midori

Krn210 profile image

It is very triggering to me as well, so for the time being I have stopped watching, reading, and listening to the news. It’s been a year since I stopped. I noticed a change pretty soon after I quit. I have tried to go in and read local news, but I am still too sensitive so I shall be on hiatus from it until who knows when lol

Hi I dont know if this will help but the way I cope is to read the BBC news page so I can pick and chose which articles I want to read. That way I don't become too overwhelmed by bad news. Even if I just read the headlines that will give me a good idea without reading anything in detail. I do get this.

I find not all the news is negative, some articles are of general interest, just got to look and find what appeals to you at any given time.

Also I rarely watch a live broadcast, In UK we have iplayer so if I watch it I can skip the bits I find upsetting and get onto the stories of interest. Like you I want to keep informed and cutting myself off isn't an option for me.


Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

Yes Twinkly?

in reply to Dolphin14

Just wanted you to read the post 🤗

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

I did and I responded :)


Dolphin14 profile image

I read the news. One and done. I can't have the constant repetition or my anxiety goes up.

I don't watch tv. I never understood it being on all day,

I say shut it off. Read the headlines daily and all set :)


in reply to Dolphin14

It's a fine line between keeping informed and upsetting ourselves. I think we each have to find our own way. I don't listen to social media, I only read or watch the BBC.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

Hi WaitingGame10

I'm def not a social media person either.

I agree, find what works and brings you peace :)


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