Anyone have their weight not go to high with mirtrazapine?
Does everyone gain weight on Mirtraza... - Anxiety and Depre...
Does everyone gain weight on Mirtrazapine?

I did yes.
Not really, I've been on them for over 11 years, I was on the lower dose of 30mg , but I'm on 45mg and I probably have put a little bit of weight on, but I expect that to happen as I'm now sixty years off age, my other tablets may have also have something to do with the fact I haven't put much weight on as they suppress my appetite and I don't eat as much, and as you get older you don't do as much exercise, i have a couple health conditions that have stopped me doing this, so if anything I would have thought I'd have expected to gain a few more pounds, but I still fit into the same sized clothes from before I started on the tablets, just my body has changed shape has changed a bit, but nothing drastic 🙄🤣
I don't know about Mirtrazapine, but Lexapro has made me gain weight. Slowly and steadily, a lot!Do you have any experience with Lexapro? Maybe I should try something else. I'm so much heavier, I feel like this is not my body!
Started on 15mg in January. By late May I noticed that I’d gained 10 to 15lbs. Working on losing it now with diet and exercise but it’s been frustrating. I do like being able to sleep, however, so it’s a bit of a trade off. Currently on a very gradual taper down on Venlafaxine so I don’t want to rock the boat too much. It can be such a delicate balance.
Hi LT.
Did U not read the leaflet that comes with the medication ? As that will give you all the side effects that could happen from common to the most extreme. Also call ur doctor as they know, what medication U take & see if Mirtazapine clashed with any of ur other medication.
When it comes to medication always speak to a professional. Speak to a pharmacist if U don't wish to speak to ur GP.
I know the good folks mean to give U their best & honest answer but the replies show that we are all different & thus different results for different people.
Yes I did read it. I was interested to know how it does affect different people and I am aware of the side effects. Thank you. Its nice to talk to people who are on it for support.
You may want to consider your phrasing, as that unintentionally came off as unkind. Remember that we are all fighting anxiety and depression on here.
As for reading side effects, there are so many factors that go in to which ones affect which people and how much. And there are also MANY side effects that aren't listed and you have to dig for. For example, after my husband switched to mirtazapine, his diabetes went out of control. I had to search to find that, indeed, this is a known side effect. And the doctor that prescribed it has access to his full health history and medication list. Even they can't keep the side effects straight! Sigh.
I tend to agree. Sometimes reading the side affects., talking to the pros to clarify , etc can make our decision making more difficult. I’ve had many things changed in the last year and after a lifetime I’ve found substantial relief in both anxiety and depression and insomnia. Hallelujah!!!
These changes including adding Mirtapzine have most likely have caused another 10 pound weight gain. I will absolutely not mess with my new med cocktail mix in total terror that these horrific symptoms might return in force.
My current answer is better diet, exercise and bigger clothes
That’s just me
It wasn't meant to be harsh or nasty in any way shape or form. As I stated how 1 medication affects 1 person isn't the same for someone else , I too am diabetic & I take Mirtazapine & I've found that I'm more in control with my diabetes than I ever was.Again if anyone thought it rude it isn't meant to be.
I figured as much, thus the word "unintentionally". But "Did U not read the leaflet that comes with the medication ?" came across that way, so I wanted to gently let you know. Some people on here are really fragile, so we all need to be careful about how we phrase things!
I'm so glad Uve pointed that out as I always try to use the right words ( softer words ) but I did fail on this occasion which tells me I need to practise what I preach. As U say we are all different sorts of people which means something may never offend most but it may the ones I'm trying to help.
Tyvm K.
I've been on it 6 months no weight gain but always hungry x
I went up a bit on it, but over time was able to get back down. One thing that helped was taking it before bedtime, so any munchies could be more easily ignored. I was also aware of the weight gain potential, so I made/make sure to have healthy food and snacks ONLY at home. When I do have something else (chocolate, cookies, etc.) I keep them down in the basement so I have to make an effort to get to them, and then I only take a small portion so I don't just inhale the whole thing. For me, it was well worth it for the benefit of getting out of the depression hole I was in.
Is a bit under 10 lbs? Its so terrible for me as tried SSRI then Trintellex they both did same thing which made me quite sick. So now I am stuck with possibly mirtrazapine the fat pill apparently.
I have been on it for 5 years, before I started it I had lost 15lbs. After starting it I slowly gained my lost 15lbs back, but never gained anymore that what I lost. But I know weight gain can be a side effect of the medication, but it was helpful.