Does anyone else feel this sensation that they’re dying? I know it sounds dramatic but I get this feeling a lot and not like what you feel before you know you have anxiety with the chest tightness and heart palpitations but like your body is just giving up. I’m not sure if this is a common thing but it’s by far the worst thing I’ve experienced.
Feel like I’m dying: Does anyone else... - Anxiety and Depre...
Feel like I’m dying

I am sorry you are feeling that way Maybe I can help because I feel the same, yes It feels like you will just die right there but it's not that it's just that your emotional pain is so excruciating that it's manifesting in form of physical pain. The only thing that works is to sit still or lie down in silence for 4-5 minutes your body will fight against it and then start slowly analyzing the situation never take any decision or talk to anyone at that moment.
Thank you and I’m sorry you e had to deal with this too. I wish I could do that but unfortunately it happens when I’m at work.
I understand. Just try to take a pause or replace that feeling with some physical action.. like make a fist and use as your shield what I mean to say is this will take time to put into your subconscious but it can be done by replacing your emotions with a physical action whenever you feel that way just do acts kind of an instant button that you push to stop something. For me, I just move my hand across my face as if I am taking that negative thought out of my mind and pretentiously throwing that into the trash I have done this so many times that after a point of time, it feels real
Sorry you had to go through that. How did you win?
Well I’m glad you’re making progress. It’s weird that I have felt this so many times but yet my brain still thinks it’s a threat and goes into fight or flight.
That is the hindbrain, the primitive and instinctual part of you, non-rational, just moves you to flight, fright or freeze. I used to be very ruled by it when my husband used to become violent. It can be brought under control, by recognising what it is, and working to look at the fear in a rational manner, May take time, but it can be done.
I hope you manage.
Cheers, Midori
I don’t know but I do have something maybe similar… something strange going on with my body. Like when I’m busy I’m fine but when I rest I feel a tugging on my body like it’s being drained. Hard to explain. Well, I hope both of our ‘things’ stop at some point. Best to you
I suggest taking a covid test. I've had it twice and it drains everything out of you. You feel wrong.
My depression is extreme. It takes me awhile to notice changes. When I finally get to a point where I have obvious changes ie. bad balance, falling over, running into things. I reluctantly go to the doctor where I expect not to be believed because of my mental illness. I had an ear infection, and a kidney infection. What I am clumsily trying to say is if you are feeling this go see a doctor. Maybe you need a med change.
Hi, you’ve mentioned sometimes it happens at work. A psychologist told me once, if you splash cold water on your face it may take some of the underlying anxiety away (like a shock to the brain). Symptoms of anxiety can vary from person to person. Maybe keep a journal of when it happens and ask yourself what you were thinking or doing just prior to this feeling hitting you? Could it be job related, depression, or a fear of immortality? Hormones can cause erratic feelings/ thoughts, ie feelings that are sort of out of the blue. I wish you well.
I know exactly what you mean ! When I was suffering with anxiety disorder and being a hypochondriac I went to the hospital every other day repeating this ! I know I’m dying always repenting , crying , thinking of writhing bye letters and all along it was the weight of fear and anxiety.. Anxiety can cause so many symptoms and sensations on your body and create stress that can weigh you down but I’m here to tell you that you’re fine ! I’ve seen this so many times and everyone I meet that deal with anxiety has this same fear 💜 you’re going to be ok if you need someone to talk to or someone who understands I’m here

Thank you 🙏 it’s crazy all the different things we feel with anxiety. I’m here too if you need someone to talk to.
Have you tried EFT tapping? There are good videos on YouTube that show how to do it. It seems silly, like what's that going to do, but it seems to work. I don't know why, maybe because it causes you to focus on the sensation and be present.
👋 Hi. This is exactly how I feel when I’m at my worst with depression. I say “I feel I’m dying inside”.
I know the feeling and I know that it’s the most horrible feeling ever.
Lately, I’m feeling ok. It helps when I go for walks with my 🐕 2 dogs & seeing the sunshine and the mountains around me.
Stay focused on something that brings you joy and that makes you feel like “YOU”.
You are not alone with those feelings. I have been feeling this a lot lately and its so hard to brush it off.
Yes, on several occasions. It's scary especially when you are in the midst of people. Prayers for you 🙏
yes I used to feel that way a great deal of the time until I cured my depression.
Your not alone,I suffer w bipolar depression on my lows I feel way you described,I have 0 energy n my body feels terrible,and low energy and tight chest and body aches. I must ride it out n pray it passes plus I get bad anxiety and panic attacks that are horrible,stay w this group its great place to read n share a lot great people here suffering as we do....
Right now I feel like that; but for me it is a combination of the hot weather, humidity and the fluids collecting in my legs. I no longer feel depressed as such, down sometimes, and in combination with the arthritis pain and the pain in my Fubarred knee not allowing me to walk far.
I have hope, I have had quite a torrid life, but mainly I'm at peace with myself, I hate it when folk think Happiness is the thing to aim for. I don't agree with that. For me, and I am 75, it is becoming content with yourself and your surroundings, Knowing I have done the best I can to bring up my children after my husband's suicide, given them a good home and launched them into their own lives, I am content with my bungalow looking over the Welsh Hills.
I have achieved a fair amount; nothing earthshattering, but I was a nurse for many years, therapeutic masseuse, lecturer and examiner for First Aid at Work Courses, AM Dram, from stage to backstage, Makeup, scenery painting, wardrobe and props.
I am no fashion person, but I wear jeans and tees, with silly sayings on to help cheer up others. One of my faves is a grumpy owl holding a cup of coffee, saying' What day is today? Who cares, I'm retired!'
I'm currently planning my Halloween display for this year. Will be setting it out towards the end of next month.
Hope this may have brought a small smile to you,
Cheers, Midori
Now the temperature has decreased somewhat, I'm feeling quite a bit better. I joke sometimes that my internal thermostat has broken, as I am only comfortable in a narrow temperature band.
Current Teeshirt says 'Running on Coffee, Chaos and Cursing!' Sounds about right!
Cheers, Midori