Has anyone done Inner Child therapy work? I'm starting on this with a new therapist and I think it's going to help, but am also finding it very hard work and reliving so many things is depressing. Just need some encouragement from others who have done it, and feedback on if you found if helpful or not.
Inner Child Therapy: Has anyone done... - Anxiety and Depre...
Inner Child Therapy

Look up Dennis Simsek,The anxiety guy's playlist on YouTube for Inner Child work. I promise you'll get hooked on him. He's my #1 teacher for anxiety.
Thank you!
Yes I have, and it's great stuff. I was not only in therapy addressing this, but a group called ACoA which dealt with this issue primarily. I wish you the best and would also read a lot about this to help you understand the process of loving that kid in you.
Thank you! My therapist has given me a lot to read and I also am going to look into Dennis Simsek books after seeing LifeIsThePitts recommendations above.
ACoA...helped me with my mental injury, this is from part of the recovery stuff.
Inner Child
Many adult children have said they feel like a child in a grown-up body. This is the clue to the Inner Child, but there is much more.
Some adult children experience more than one Inner Child, for example, a five-year-old, a 10-year-old, and an Inner Teenager.
As adults, when we encounter situations that can resemble our childhood experiences, we can lash out at ourselves or others, seemingly for no reason without knowing why. Alternatively, we can withdraw in order to protect ourselves when there is no obvious need to do so.
In recovery we learn to reach out to that wounded child within who will listen if we take the time to build trust and intimacy.
We can learn to experience our Inner Child as joyful and playful. There is a feeling of lightness and great optimism when the Inner Child is active in one’s life. There is trust, spontaneity, and warmth.
I found that naming my inner child, Bertha, was an immediate way to gain compassion for her and embrace myself. I totally agree everything faux has said previously about the personal learning process. I only have One Inner Child and she's all different ages, and one giant pain in my butt! She also loves me unconditionally and will do EVERYTHING in her power to keep me safe...to my detriment, of course. That's her Job...but she's become the "Karen" of my brain 🧠 and I'm learning how to live with her and love her back after nearly 50 yrs of fighting against her.
You can do this too. Just take it slowly and remember that it took you a lifetime to get where you today... embrace the process and take baby steps. You'll learn to love yourself for who you are and not what others want you to be ❣️ namaste 🙏 🍄
Have you heard of the 'Outer Child'....that's my brat. She acts out on occasion when triggered and it's like at light speed, no filters, she's probably about 5-7 years old. The inner kid is about 4-5...and she's small, quiet, a fair haired little girl like I was, and gentile, but very fragile because she feels more, the loud words are more painful than physical pain. And they ring in your ear like a tuning fork...The outer child, doesn't have a count to 10 filter, it's right out there when she feels threatened or hurt.
I've never given them names, I'll have to see what comes to me...
I have to read about the outer child. I've been meaning to look into it as I believe you've told me about it previously. Gotta put a 📍 in it for the near future!I did a post (the voices of un-reason) a few days ago about the entities living in my brain and how I'm starting to reign them in like a 🎪 circus ringmaster.😆
Bertha named herself, but I "birthed" her into existence, so I have to also get her under control and not let her run the show 24/7. She's the toddler that has taken over my executive functioning and pushes every 🔘 button and cranks up every dial she can get her grubby little hands on! If I'm in the depression hole 🕳️, she's in charge...and that's no good for either of us.
I'm making progress...but it's hard when you're outnumbered!
I agree with what everyone here has said. Most likely none of us would be here if we hadnt experienced some from of deep trauma. Going back to that trauma and working with it and acknowledging it is getting to the root cause. It can be hard and scary work but very important and worth it to heal ourselves at the deepest level