looking to get back sexual function as a woman - just looking at these two - anyone had sexual disfunction and then found it again on other anxiety medication ?
Anyone on venlasov XL or mirazapine a... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anyone on venlasov XL or mirazapine antidepressants

Every medication I’ve ever used has caused my sex drive to disappear. However, I have found since really leaning into the underlying issues and truly gaining some control over my panic/anxiety my sex drive is returning despite being on medication. Not always, but I am feeling those feelings I haven’t felt in a long time again. Also, sex is like a muscle, you use it or lose it. The more you have the more (slowly) you’ll start to change the relationship with your significant other and maybe even want it again. I actually think I’m enjoying it again….. after 4 kids and many many many years of marriage. Lol
Couldn’t agree more. I have read in many places how antidepressants can negatively affect sexual desire/performance. This, however, has not been my experience. In my case, my depression crushes my libido. Just like it crushes most joyful things in my life- appetite is another good example. Antidepressants have helped tremendously with this and many other symptoms. Wish you well.

Yes I know for lots of people they experience that and it great it helps you - I just have this negative side effect so am looking for others that had it but managed to resolve it
I have never had a problem with my sex drive on Mirtazapine. Some meds definitely affected this for me, but not that. It works entirely differently than SSRIS, so it's definitely a good one to try.
The only side effects I've had are sleepiness and increased appetite, but taking it at night before bed has made the sleepiness a bonus and the appetite not a problem. It also got me out of the deepest depression I've ever been in, so I'm a big fan.
Brilliant that’s good to hear - I may try SaM E supplement but will ask my doctor about Mirtazapine - are you in the uk ?
Have you put on weight and do you still feel sleepy during the day ?
It’s not sex drive it’s that I can’t orgasm - even on 2.5 mcg s - the whole area is numb and has no sensation
You are not alone. I think these sexual disfunctions are a combo. of the meds., & other stressors in our lives. My libido is Utterly gone, now, due to Too much stress for way too long. My libido was okay, but had the same problem as you with the antidep. Now, I have No libido at all! I think, it's a combo. of things as I mentioned above. Hopefully, when less stress, and a talk with my therapist & med. dr. something can be done. As for now, along with other health issues, (physically & emotionally), every part of the body & mind are affected. Body & mind, and emotions, anxiety, depression, medications ALL play a part.
Yes true but as soon as I come off meds I can maximise so just trying to explore other meds - there is not much research on antidepressants and women’s orgasms
Yes, I have looked on my "Smart Phone" for research re. Woman's Orgasms, and while Anti-dep. (some of them) mentlion these meds. as a problem with Sexual Disfunction, other articles mention the meds., and depression/anxiety, physical issues, etc. --not much help. Perhaps, a therapist, medical physician can help. Medications to treat depression, then the med. has these crushing side effects is SO unfair. My doctor, nor my therapist never mentioned to me re. these type of side effects else, I would not have stayed on them so very long & would have tried other methods. Hopefully, can find ways to help us.
are you off them now ?