Please has anyone experienced increasing acid reflux or GIRD as a result of a depression or anxiety episode? What could be causing this?
Depression and Acid Reflux: Please has... - Anxiety and Depre...
Depression and Acid Reflux

Hi Amkwaku...I remember going to my GI doc because of acid reflux as well
as bloating. Chewing gum was my problem. He said when you are nervous you
tend to swallow a lot of air when chewing (food or gum). Your stomach produces
more acidity which can give you reflux. As for the heart palps, all the air we swallow
in just being nervous can produce air bubbles in the upper stomach causing it to
push up on the heart and giving us palps. For that though, I would recommend you
talk with your doctor or cardiologist regarding the palpitations. xx
when I have bad anxiety, I can have pain all over my body. Your gut is very sensitive. I have acid reflux from anxiety. I take OTC meds to help.
You might look at your diet and make sure you are eating healthy foods and a balanced diet. Cutting back on caffeine can help. You could also be dealing with some food allergies and could work with a naturopath or functional medicine doctor to resolve it. When I have had gird I will do a bland diet and allow my digestive system to calm down and drink Slippery Elm tea, it helps soothe the inflammation.