Lightheaded: Does anyone get constant... - Anxiety and Depre...

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moggie8 profile image
139 Replies

Does anyone get constant lightheaded with their anxiety up also get really anxious in the shower anyone relate to this

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moggie8 profile image
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139 Replies
Agora1 profile image

It's funny that you mentioned this moggie8...I remember way back when

taking a shower was terrifying and it wasn't because of having seen the movie

"Psycho". It was something about a shower made me feel I had no control.

After all, Anxiety is a lot about being out of control. When we are under the

shower, our hair and body are wet and the thoughts of anticipational anxiety

come to front the minute we turn on the water and realize there is no quick escape

if we needed to.

Just as when we are at the's about feeling trapped being in that

chair while having our teeth worked on. What if's come about very quickly.

These are common situations for the "fight or flight" to boldly take a stand. :) xx

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toAgora1

So what did u do about it do u get pressure in the head

asenath profile image
asenath in reply tomoggie8

Hi moggie8, Going through this right now, I know exactly what you mean about taking a shower, which is bad enough but washing my hair is too much....I have to sit to do that at the moment. The "what if" I go dizzy, "what if" I lose my balance etc. Just to let you know this has happened to me before over the last 30 years, ( I'm now 74yrs old) so you're not alone. Listen to Agora1 she knows what she's talking about, and I take heed of her advice, also Jeff1943. Hope you begin to feel better soon. x

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toasenath

Is that because your anxious

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toasenath

Are u anxious most days

asenath profile image
asenath in reply tomoggie8

Yes, no idea why though, been diagnosed with anxiety since about 1994. I went to the dr. because I was having some sort of "dizziness", more of being off-balance really. Eventually I had CBT therapy and my therapist told me it was a symptom of anxiety. I had been scared of it for so long it was difficult to accept, and I suppose it still is. As I suddenly began getting this symptom out of the blue 6 or 7 weeks ago and I'm just beginning some more therapy. Because I'm having difficulty accepting it I suppose that's why I experience it every day, If I can distract myself it helps for that time, but when I stop it comes right back.

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toasenath

It to do u sleeptally sucks I'm anxious 24/7 and it's more like I'm on a rocky boat also I get the pressure in the head it must be hard to be anxious for that long how

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toasenath

Im 65

asenath profile image
asenath in reply tomoggie8

Sometimes I sleep Ok, even take a power nap some days. Last night was not so good, with my head "wobbling" so I sat in bed knitting. Yes I know what it's like to be consumed with the fear 24/7, but I have to find something to take my mind off it. I live alone so it's easy for me to have a sewing room and a craft room too. I can take my pick. Yaay. I'm still not confident about walking anywhere but I do try when I can. I cheat and get my groceries etc. delivered, (for now).

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toasenath

I get my grocery delivered as well what's the wobbly head head pressure like u can't think I also get the tension blurry vision I can't get used to this fear it seems so real I always think something bad will happen the latest symptom is shaking inside tremors I don't sleep to well as when I get these racing thoughts it's hard would u mind telling me your symptoms

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toAgora1

Hi u mentioned there were others on here that had recovered like beevee and Jeff can u give me some others please

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply tomoggie8

Me :) xx

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toAgora1

Are u fully recovered and can u give me tips

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply tomoggie8

Hi moggie8, like everyone else who so calls "recovers", it's about learning how

Anxiety plays it's mind games on you through ruminating thoughts. It's about

accepting Anxiety as a lie, it's about not allowing Anxiety to get the better of you.

Knowing how Anxiety works both inside and out. Knowing how the

Mind/Body Connection plays a big part of our symptoms. I also started out by

reading the Dr. Claire Weekes' book on "Hope & Help for Your Nerves". She was

a brilliant doctor who worked on the theory of Acceptance in helping herself

with her Anxiety Disorder.

Since then, Acceptance has become a worldwide phenomenon and a way to

build a solid foundation in getting well.

Anxiety is a part of living. A way of keeping us safe from harm. Until we know

the difference between the lies and real threat, we will continue to be taunted

by Anxiety.

This is not an overnight success. This is about not only learning but believing

in what you learn. There is no magic pill but there is the hope that you can

and will once again get your life back and learn to Control your negative

thoughts which will in turn, turn off your physical symptoms.

Please continue to stay in this community,. With time in listening to other's

experiences, you will learn what works for you.

All the answers can be found on YouTube including videos of the great

Dr Claire Weekes. Never give up. Anxiety is but a game of the mind but

games were meant to win. And I won by having control of my thoughts

through Meditation & Breathing & Acceptance. My best to you

virtual friend. Stay with us, the best is yet to be. :) xx

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toAgora1

Hi thankyou for getting back to me you put in brackets so called recovered as if there's doubt maybe I got that wrong what I've been doing is when the thoughts come just don't engage meaning if it says something bad will happen I don't say no it won't because of this and that I just say whatever and let it go is this correct and I try to cut the worry habit but not sure what's a thought and worry when your in a sensitived body sometimes it's hard if u could advise be good kym

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply tomoggie8

Hi moggie8, the reason I put "so called recovered" is because some feel we never

really recover from Anxiety. For myself, I feel that I have since I am now in the

driver's seat. I no longer live under the fear of anxiety. I control it.

Changing your way of thinking is the correct way to cut the worry habit.

Yes, you are living in an over sensitized body (nervous system). However, with

time and practice you CAN reprogram your brain. (this is also on YouTube)

Even if it's a medical condition that you are worried about, what good does it do?

Once we start those "what if" thoughts, it ends up draining us mentally and

physically. I know it's hard but anything worthwhile in this life is.

Take care :) xx

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toAgora1

But your not sensitized now is what you mean ? If u get your thoughts right then how can u not recover it's so complicated

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply tomoggie8

I'm sorry for the confusion. I worry more about how my experiences will be

taken on this site. Recovery may mean something different to others so I choose

to say I am once again in control of my life and it's amazing.

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toAgora1

No it's just me sorry I appreciate any feedback I'm just trying to understand this whole anxiety never suffered before until 8 yrs ago did u find Claire weeks helped u at all my problem is I fear my anxiety keeps me stuck

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply tomoggie8

moggie8, let me assure you that you are in the right place on this support site.

Taking in the experiences of everyone on this platform will allow you to find

something that works for you as well. By reaching out to others, it will afford

you a variety of books, videos and suggestions that worked for them.

When I started with Anxiety, there wasn't a support group like this. I was started

on Xanax and therapy. *and of course was introduced to Dr. Claire Weekes book

by my therapist.

I stayed stuck for many years until I found YouTube. I was amazed at the

knowledge that laid before me and was free. I would spend hours a day listening

and learning from some of the best in the world, both Western and Eastern

meditation and theory.

Are you under a therapist? It is very important to address what happened

8 years ago to bring on this state of Anxiety. There is usually a root cause.

Medication can help cut that fear while you work on your issues and yourself.

All the physical symptoms of anxiety come along with the unresolved issues.

I am no different than anyone else in this community. We all have our ways

in reaching our goals. Please open up your views to the others on this site as

well. We are all here for you. Happy Saturday! :) xx

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toAgora1

I got a knee replacement but before then I was fine used to go to gym but when I developed anxiety I then became so afraid of it because it convinces u your in danger I noticed you are or were a paramedic so you would know if anxiety can hurt me I and that's why I'm in this cycle fear anxiety and more anxiety yes I'm seeing phycologist but anxious all the time is there other people anxious all the time

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply tomoggie8

Hi moggie8, depending on how long ago you had your knee surgery...sometimes

people can have a kick back from the anesthetic used or even medication *esp.

certain antibiotics can cause anxiety to appear.

I will agree that Anxiety is frightening but once we get into that cycle

of fear begetting fear, we are destined to live each day with it. This is where

Dr. Claire Weekes' book on "Hope & Help for your Nerves" can help as it helped

me to see how fighting these feelings is futile. You Tube also has her videos

which you may find more helpful. When we are anxious, it's very difficult to

stay on track when reading. Listen to her words carefully. Play then back

as often as you can until your mind starts to accept what she is saying.

Acceptance is the "key" to getting better.

As for your question regarding feeling anxious all the time?? Yes, I was just

like you. I'm always amazed at some of the people on this site who get

intervals of anxiety free moments. I never did.

As you learn to find something that works for you, something that tones

down the Adrenaline rush and allows you to breathe more fully, it is then

you will start feeling more calm. When the time is right, it will happen :) xx

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toAgora1

Got my knee replacement 8 yrs ago so we're u scared of it as well and does acceptance help calm it when do u get to the point where u don't fear it

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply tomoggie8

Acceptance takes time because the mind is not believing that it's a thought out

of control that is producing the physical symptoms and the fears.

Accepting anxiety as not harmful doesn't work unless you believe in what

you are saying. We also need Action attached to Acceptance, without that

we go no where. You start slowly in stepping forward out of your comfort

zone. It's not easy but the more you do it, the easier it will become.

For me it took years of therapy and medication. It wasn't until I finally

realized what I had been told by the doctors that this was anxiety.

Nothing more, nothing less. I guess the time became right for me when

I had an "aha moment" one night while rehashing all I had heard and learned

over the years. Why couldn't I have made sense of it earlier and saved myself

some wasted years? It will happen when it happens. You have to be ready

to change. :) xx

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toAgora1

I think the best thing is to just do nothing you being a paramedic u should be so proud of yourself and that wouldn't help I imagine so once u new it was anxiety u started getting better

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply tomoggie8

moggie8, we all need something in our lives to pursue. My dream always has

been in the medical field. When Paramedics came along I was far over my anxiety

days and so I went for it. It was the best experience I could have had. As part

of my training I worked with large teaching hospitals, fire departments, taught

CPR classes and even drove the ambulance at times. I was so happy and so

fulfilled that I left anxiety/agoraphobia in the dust. We are all here in this life

for a reason. When we find that reason or passion (whatever it may be) we

grow emotionally. We fulfill that want and need within us which makes us

have no room for anything else. I've learned from patients over my lifetime.

I am grateful for every day. Maybe that's why I am so positive about life.

It's an amazing gift we all get. You've going to be okay moggie8. Hang in there :) xx

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toAgora1

Wow that's impressive you should be proud I know a lot of paramedics get anxiety my neibour had to quit you should give yourself a big pat and I'm so grateful for you being here on this site and thanks for being a help for me regards kym

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply toAgora1

Spot on Agora....your such a lovely person and very kind, I always feel uplifted when I read your comments. Your such a good asset to so many here.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply tofauxartist

Thank you so much fauxartist for your kind compliments.

I am so grateful to have gotten as far as I have but it was not easy.

You and I have been on this site for a long time and can appreciate

what it takes to keep a community strong by all working together.

Thank you for keeping this community safe. :) xx

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply toAgora1

Thank you my friend...your very gracious and kind as always...I appreciate you.

A great teacher was once asked if there was one message they could give to the world, what would it be....he said..'love and kindness'. When you speak from the heart, and your words are sincere...and you empathize, with compassion...I think that's the message you want to show here. I certainly have a dark sense of humor sometimes, and cannot stand injustice, so I do speak out, but more importantly, is; I also listen to those that need help, we can't save everyone, there is no cure, but people like you who know, been there and done that, we help where we can and when we can.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply tofauxartist

fauxartist, you touched my heart. Wishing you a Happy Monday! :) xx

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply toAgora1


asenath profile image

My worst symptom is the feeling of being off balance, or movement inside your head as if you're being nudged, I believe it's under the heading of anxiety dizziness, but I don't get any spinning sensation (vertigo), just like a "dropping" sensation sometimes. Bit scary when you're out as I fear falling. Other times I get pressure in my head with throbbing. For me this is annoying more than frightening. Sometimes I get scared, but it's the "dizziness" that does that. Flushed red face, itchy scalp, jelly-legs, palpitation. Nearly forgot loss of appetite, (always), Frequent urges to use the loo, pretty much general symptoms I suppose.

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toasenath

Yes pretty much me too the nudging like tremors in your head that's what I get you've had these everyday so sorry well I know what it's like nice to speak to u

asenath profile image
asenath in reply tomoggie8

Nice to speak to you too moggie8, hope you feel better soon.x

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toasenath

Maybe look up beevee on the health unlocked he recovered from anxiety maybe it will help u are you a worrier or thinker

asenath profile image
asenath in reply tomoggie8

Overthinker, thank you for your help.x

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply toasenath

Have them all (symptoms) that you mentioned. But, now it's even scarier for me as I do have high blood pressure, and now living with my Brother & Sister-in-law (till I can get my Own place & pray that won't be too long a wait)! They (people I live with) are very critical, judgemental, and especially my Sister-in-law is just Awful to be around. Living with them aggravates my Anxiety which causes more of the symptoms all of you mentioned, then my Health Anxiety acts up, and on & on & on. I know, I NEED to get out of this living situation; but, till I can, I try not to interact with them, too much. I do diag. breathing exercises, crochet, etc. --still, very hard & struggle everyday. Lost my dear Sig. Other last Nov. & now this living situation. Praying for healing for all of us.

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

Are u anxious all day and get chest tightness as well

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply tomoggie8

I am anxious most of the day, and feel a little bit better when my "family roommates" leave the house for awhile! But, I get anxious often. Take 1/2 of mg. of Ativan at night (sometimes 1/2 in early aft., too), and that helps some! Get chest tightness for years especially when Very Anxious -- Is just Awful!

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply toWeatherwoman

1/2 of 1 mg. of Ativan one to two times a day.

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

Sorry to hear you lost your other half last year that's bad enough I know and the stress of your living situation does your brother understand how you feel it's hard when u live in someone else's house

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply tomoggie8

You can chat to me if u tap my profile and click chat if you want

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply tomoggie8

U can chat to me if you click on my profile then press chat if you need to talk

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply tomoggie8

Hi & thx. for your condolences re. the loss of my Sig. Other. Yes, & on top of that my current living situation is bringing more stress. My Brother & Sister-in-law understand (more, or less) my Grief. They do not understand, or even know that their way (being SO critical, and judgemental) are harmful to me. They are who they are & have always been this way. I cannot change them; but, I am trying to not let Therir opinions of me, and others get to me too much. Yes, living in someone's else's house who are Perfectionists to boot is NOT easy. I just hope & pray everyday that it won't be too long for me to get my own place. Affordable housing is Very hard to come by especially in the state that I live in.

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

What state do u live in in qld australia

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply tomoggie8

I live in the USA. I don't think on HU that we can give the exact state that we live in. So, I am far away from Australia; but, I am close as your computer.

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

Thanks I'm 64 not sure your age but how long u had anxiety for xx and thanks for saying your just a computer away

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply tomoggie8

I am in my Late Seventies! I have had anxiety since I was born! Believe that I inherited it from my Grandmother, and Mother --both Very Anxious --sweet & kind (I am, too), but a Very Anxious & Nervous person. I did not get any proper help from professionals till I was in my late 50's. Having Anxiety/Depression in "my time," one just "Sucked it up," and suffered in silence --those were the times. I have made progress over the years; but, do get setbacks. When the love of my life became Very ill, and passed last Nov., I have & continue to go through a Bad Setback. I have learned, over the years, to use my "tool box," which is a good therapist, proper, but not always effective medications, books (Dr. Claire Weeks is Highly recommended), Diag. Breathing, walking, sharing with friends (some of them), etc. Still, I do struggle everyday especially since my Sig. Other of 27 years passed. Being on this site is helpful, also, and I am on it every night! Pray a lot, though I am not religious --wish I had more Faith. It's Not easy with what we deal with, for sure!

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

I am so sorry cause losing your loved one will make you worse I will share something with you that I don't talk about it makes me worse I lost my son February before last he was 35 and the love of my life I just can't bear to think I will never see him again and he never got to live his dreams he lived in another state from me he left behind three kids so yes I know what u going through it's a sad case that your brother and sister don't understand but if you never been through loss people don't get it have u got kids xx

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply tomoggie8

Oh, I am So Very sorry for the loss of your dear Son. Words can't really esxpress such a loss. I am sure that some of his dreams came to be having had his children, and hopefully a good relationship with his wife. But, yes, he passed Way too young, and many dreams not lived. Mike & I did not have children, and neither of us ever had children before we met! I feel sad about that, but it wasn't meant to be! I am glad that you have Grandkids. It's SO hard to navigate our losses, I know. The "one day at a time," is all we can do right now.

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

Do u get adrenlin spikes with your anxiety and the meds u take care they like valium

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply tomoggie8

Yes, I do get Adrenlin Spikes, at times, with my Anxiety. I feel Hot all over, get head pressure, heart would go fast, but I am on a beta blocker for years, other symptoms. Doing Diag. breathing helps if you do it right away! The problem is, I feel, that I interpert these symptoms that I mentioned (and, lots of other physical symptoms) as dangerous. Like I wrote, I do have high blood pressure, and I think will this lead to a "Stroke," (pray not), and the thoughts Scare me, and that causes more anxiety, and more fear, and more anxiety. It's the thoughts that these Symptoms are Dangerous which is the Problem. The meds. I take like Ativan (which is a Benzo. like Valium) do help me. However, those meds are not the best to take long term as I have read. But, they do help! It's hard to know what to do re. our Anxiety. Life situatios increase the likelihood of Anxiety becomming worse, and as I have stated, my loss of my Sig. Other, and my living situation where I am Very uncomfortable do increase my Anxiety.

gajh profile image
gajh in reply toWeatherwoman

Are you familiar with Claire Weekes the author of Hope and Help for Your Nerves End Anxiety Now? She talks all about the thoughts that the symptoms are dangerous as being the problem. She talks about how to accept the fear rather than fearing the fear. I know it is easier said than done. It is a good book. I have read that other people here have overcome their anxiety by using Claire Weekes work. Even if Ativan is not good to take long term, it is good to use it if it helps you now. You can focus on getting off of that when you overcome the fear of the fear.

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply togajh

Yes thanks no I'm not on any meds as I tried a few and my salt went too low yes I have complete help for your nerves yes but I'm trying the acceptance method trying to anylise every day doesn't help either

gajh profile image
gajh in reply tomoggie8

Oh that is good that you aren't on any meds, I guess. No analyzing every day isn't good either. Just keep trying with the acceptance. You will get there eventually.

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply togajh

Yes, I have Dr. Claire Weeks books, and they have helped me A lot over the years. The problems is now that I am older, Do worry that the symptoms Are dangerous (certain one's), and I guess that I should talk more to my Primary Care Dr. Since the Pandemic, my Health Anxiety took a BIG HIT, then my Sig. Other was Very ill, and I was taking care of him for over two years, and then he passed away. Now, I am in a living situation that causes me more Anxiety. All the above that I wrote has increased my Anxiety Big Time, and all along with my health issues, I am a "Mess!" But, I still do relate to Dr. Claire Weeks, and it's not easy. I have a Very Bad Setback of my Anxiety Disorder, and trying the best I can.

gajh profile image
gajh in reply toWeatherwoman

Wow that is a lot. Too much. Talking to your primary care doctor sounds like a good idea. I am sorry that your living situation causes you stress. That must make it so much harder. What do you do to take care of yourself? Have you found anything helpful?

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply togajh

I may have to get another Primary Care Dr. since I move five hundred miles away from where my P.C. is. That will cause anxiety finding a new doctor, but needs to be done! I do breathing exercises, do some walking, talk to & text friends, have a therapist, and an OCD Group (both online), have a Grief Support Counselor, going to sign up for a Grief Support in my area (in person), do a little meditation (need to do more), try & not take everything my "family roommates" say (and, that's NOT easy), go on this site, take my meds. Started to crochet, again, and that is theraputic.

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply toWeatherwoman

Have to work at Not getting SO upset so much --Geez, we have our "work" cut out for us!

gajh profile image
gajh in reply toWeatherwoman

Wow I can't believe how many wonderful things you are doing for yourself. I am glad you have created so much support in your life. I wish you luck with your search for a new doctor. That is hard for anyone let alone someone with anxiety. Hopefully you can get a referral from someone you know. I hope you are giving yourself credit for all of the wonderful things you are doing.

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply togajh

Hum -- No, I don't give myself much credit for the things that I am doing --even my Grief Counselor said something similar to me! Sometimes, all the things I do help, and other times, they don't. I think that I will always be a nerous person, but that doesn't mean that I can't "turn the dial down," & be less nervous & anxious. In one of Dr. Claire Weeks books, she mentions (to paraphrase) that Anxiety itself is being Human --where the problems comes in with the Nervously ill person is that his/her fears play too much of a role in his/her life & the remedy is to bring the anxiety to "normal" levels. It is not to ban, or erase the anxiety (as that is part of the human condition), but to bring the levels down to "normal" intensity. I am paraphrasing here. The book was Peace from Nervous Suffering by Dr. Claire Weeks.

gajh profile image
gajh in reply toWeatherwoman

Then I will say it again...give yourself credit. I am glad that at least sometimes all the things you do help. See those times as a victory. Keep taking good care of yourself and you will learn how to "turn the dial down." Don't be too hard on yourself.

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply togajh

Thx. for your post. I am Too hard on myself & I've been told that by others! I recognize that, and need to be kinder to myself like I am to others!

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

Trouble is when we have sensitized nerves it exagerated everything to even going to the hairdresser seems dangerous

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply tomoggie8

Hi moggie8, again going to the hairdresser is another situation like the dentist

in that you are stuck in that chair until they are finished. That in itself brings

up our "what if" thoughts which is irrational since we are not tied into the chair

it's our mind putting this thought there. And yes, it is because we have an

over sensitized nervous system which keeps us on our toes even when there

is no danger. :) xx

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toAgora1

Yes but I went anyway

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply tomoggie8

And that's the way to do it moggie. You showed Anxiety whose life it is.

It's when we give in to our fears that we stay stagnate. You did good.

You've got a handle on what you need to do, scared or not. Good Job and

I bet you look and feel great :) xx

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toAgora1

Yea but felt like shit does it get better

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toAgora1

Hi agora 1 did you get over your anxiety sensitization you said to me you were anxious all the time I know the thoughts are a big thing how did u actually overcome it where u know longer suffer thanks

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply tomoggie8

Hi moggie8, it's been a long road in getting where I am. The desensitization is

a practice I use each and every day through my Meditation/Breathing exercises.

First thing upon awakening before the negative thoughts of the day come flooding

in, I listen to my Imagery Tape. (Taking me to a place of peace & calm both in my

mind and my body.

At night, I end the day listening to Affirmations through my Meditation/Breathing

exercises. So what I am doing is starting the day on a positive note as well as

ending it on one.

By feeling this calm, it helps desensitize the mind and body making me able to

function more clearly. All this is about retraining the mind and accepting the

feelings as not harmful. Takes time :) xx

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toAgora1

Can u tell me what meditation u use but if you are living your life I don't understand thought that was to desensitize u anyway just like u living your life

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply tomoggie8

Hi moggie8, I was given a tape by my therapist many years ago.

It is by BelleRuth Naperstak...One side is Visualization and the other

Affirmations. I'm into many other forms of Meditation as well. I have

been trained in Self Hypnosis which helps immensely. I live a very stressful

life because of my sick daughter. However, in keeping positive and up with

my Meditation and Breathing exercises, I keep my mind and body desensitized.

In order to keep control of my emotions which no longer arise because I have

trained myself in what to do when stressed out.

It's not about finding one thing that works but multiple things that I find

on YouTube. We all respond differently to different methods and tools.

It's an ever learning experience. My mind now is well disciplined to control

pain, stress and anything else that may come my way. :) xx

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toAgora1

I just do the focus on your breathe I don't mean deep breathing just normal breathes and letting thoughts go is that ok but when my mind races it's bad can't think it scared me

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply tomoggie8

Know this moggie in that it's the long slow exhales that lower the blood pressure,

heart rate and adrenaline. You can do this whenever you feel anxiety, while you

are shopping, talking on the phone etc. It helps relax you.

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toAgora1

You also mentioned you watched u tube videos about retraining the brain could u tell me what they are please kind regards

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply tomoggie8

moggie, I would be more than happy to although what I use and what would

work for you may be 2 different things. Let me get right back to you with

some suggestions that at least will give you some direction. :) xx

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply tomoggie8

Hi moggie8, Tune into YouTube. That is where you will find multiple videos to help you as well as answer many of your questions. I have 5 videos that may help you.

"Rewiring the Anxious Brain" Neuroplasticity of the Anxiety Cycle #21

by Therapy in a Nutshell

2. "Rewiring the Anxious Brain/10 skills to Beat Anxiety #22"

3."Understanding & fixing the real cause of Anxiety" by Dr. russell Kennedy

4. "Deep Relaxation Hypnosis for Stress Relief, Anxiety Relief & Instant Calm"

by Panic Free TV

5. "Neuro You will never feel Stressed Again" by Andrew Huberman

My best to you. Goodnight dear Signing off now :) xx

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toAgora1

It was Andrew huberman not sure how to do the breathing he talks too fast I got the slow exhale could u explain to me please

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply tomoggie8

Hi moggie8, I did find another video that may help.

YouTube "4:6 Breathing Techniques to Lower Heart Rate/Calm Down"

by Take a Deep Breath Happy Monday dear :) xx

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply tomoggie8

Yes, sensitized nerves does magnify everything! Got terribly upset with something my Brother said a couple of hours ago, and had I not been in this sinsitized state, I would not have gotten So upset. Looks like we are on at the same time --it's 8:30 PM in "my neck of the woods," now!

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

It's 130 pm here

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

Yes I know as we get older we worry but that's what keeps the cycle going even when we are told symptoms aren't dangerous we might feel better but an hour later we go back to thinking they are dangerous again are u able to do much physically maybe if you have utube look up vacate fear or get the book at last a life by Paul David but vacate fear is good look up nothing ever happens on vacate fear but my symptoms are pretty bad 24/7 but as u say we getting older let me know how u get on luv

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply tomoggie8

Thx. for your replies. I will look up that book that you mentioned.

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

Do you also get blurry vision

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

Do you get lightheaded and blurry vision

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply tomoggie8

Yes, I get lightheaded & blurry vision, too! AWFUL!

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

How long have u been on the Ativan for I get blurry vision everyday and lightheaded

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply tomoggie8

I have been on the Ativan for years --probably about 8 years, can't remember. However, I only take 1/2 of 1 mg. daily (sometimes, when Super anxious, I will take 1/2 of 1 mg. 2 x day)! My doctor says Ativan is addictive & I agree it is, but it does help me. So far, my doctor keeps me on it. Also, having been on Ativan for so long, it would take Mos., and maybe a year to get off of it. It is Very bad to try & get off of these types of meds. by yourself, and I won't do that! I may be getting a placbo effect by now; but, even if that's the case, it still helps me. One time, when I was in the ER for Very high blood pressure, the doctors gave me Ativan to help bring my blood pressure down, so Ativan is useful for physical as well as mental health issues.

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

Hi how does half a mg help it doesn't seem very much

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply tomoggie8

No, 1/2 mg. is Not very much. But, I am Very petite, weighing about 97 lbs. which is okay for me as I am 4' 11" and Very petite as I mentioned. I take the 1/2 mg. before I go to bed so that helps me sleep. It maybe a Placebo effect as I mentioned, but it works!

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

So I would of thought u would of had to up the dose as the body gets used to anyhow how's things going

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply tomoggie8

I thought the same as you that I would have to up the dose! But, the 1/2 of 1 mg. seems to work. When Super anxious, then I take 1/2 of 1 mg. 2 X a day as I wrote! I, also, take Effexor for my OCD. Taking 75 mg. of that, and when OCD was Real bad, I took 150 mg. of Effexor. So, things aren't going very good for me; but, I do believe that my Anxiety increasing is due to my Life stressors which got So much worse when my Sig. Other became ill, and all the stress caring for him, and then his passing away last Nov. Then, I became homeless recently, and had to move in with my Brother & Sister-in-law five hudred miles from All my friends. I just can't relate to my Brother, nor my Sister-in-law, and am VERY uncomfortable in their home. I think, too, that I am developing Social Anxiety (which I didn't have before), and stay in the guest room a lot to avoid interacting with them too much! Sorry, this is negative; but, how I am feeling.

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

That's what I'm here for have you tried talking to them yes I also have developed social anxiety I think as well will u be moving closer to your friend you said u were 500 miles away wish I could help you I'm always here we can also chat privately you just press my profile and u will see chat not sure what mitral valve prolapse not heard of that but I'm here for u do u have any friends there my dear

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply tomoggie8

Hi --Will ans. your replies another time as I am All "tuckered out" tonight. That's another Awful problem is I get Tired Out easily. I do have some health problems & Stress aggravates everything as you well know. Tension & Stress & Anxiety wears one out. Oh, I did walk too much for me, that is, today! Yes, we can go on "chat," too!

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

Ok I check on u tomorrow not sure the time difference I'm Australia 220 pm my time

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

Are you ok sent u a message

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

Hi I have a tight chest today and pressure in head bad u get the tight chest I think u said don't u can't look back at the posts to remember plus lightheaded all the time Shakey inside I have a stye on my eye which I worry about as being sensitized

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply tomoggie8

I do get tightness in the chest --have for a long time. Have it today, and I think it's from stress from my living stituation which I can't change right now, and Very Frustrated due to S, and other things. Am lightheaded from time to time --got dizzy a couple of weeks ago. Have been shaky inside --feel like a "bowl of jello!" Sometimes, am so shaky that I can barely write my name especially if I have to sign something in front of someone! Sorry that you have these symptoms, as well. Hope that stye on your eye goes away. I worry about the tightnes in my chest due to that I am older now & could that be something with my heart. Afraid to take tests re. my heart --I did the treadmill years ago, and didn't do well. I do have a Mitral Valve Prolaspse (congential), and thyroid problem (long story) & take meds. for both conditions. We do seem to have similar symptoms. My life situations are increasing my tension & stress which is causing greater Anxiety, some depression --while I know what's causing my increased anxiey, & I do have "tools" to deal with some of the anxiety being unable to change my current circumstances Now is Extremely upsetting. My friends tell me to have patience. Not easy.

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

Do u also get heart palpertations

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply tomoggie8

I have had heart palpatations (sp?) for years. Probably from a lot of things the heart will beat Very fast & I have gone into sinus tachacardia. I have been on Beta Blockers for probably 40 years for this. I have a Mitral Valve Prolapse, had hyperthyroid that went undiag. for many years, had & have Severe Anxiety --Beta Blockers can help with all the conditions that I mentioned. Beta Blocker are heart drugs, and also used for anxiety.

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

Oh I left u a message this gets abit confusing as I'm not sure what message I'm repling too I said in it I'm always here if u need to talk especially being away from your friends you are so isolated from them which would make it hard and the living conditions too

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

Hi how are you going

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

Yes exactly me too I think these symptoms will hurt me which adds fuel

gajh profile image
gajh in reply tomoggie8

Can you try to believe that the symptoms will not hurt you? They are just anxiety. Can you try telling yourself that?

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply togajh

Sorry I did the wrong reply yes I can try do u suffer anxiety

gajh profile image
gajh in reply tomoggie8

Yes I have anxiety, but mine is more mental thoughts than actual physical symptoms. I have thoughts going round and round. I know the same approach is what it will take. To not focus on the thoughts. To not let them bother you. I try to keep telling myself that everything will be ok. It is just very difficult. I have anticipatory anxiety so I start worrying ahead of time if I have to go out. So the time before is actually worse than the event itself.

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply tomoggie8


moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

Do you get these everyday like I do I'm scared of them too hard to break the cycle

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

Yes I get these symptoms everyday

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toWeatherwoman

I hate it sorry about your situation Ithat would be hard for you I know are u anxious everyday somehow I think I'm the only one to be anxious 24/7 the symptoms are horrible

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply tomoggie8

I know.

Contra21 profile image


moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toContra21

I get head pressure can't think shakey inside and lightheaded tight chest

Contra21 profile image
Contra21 in reply tomoggie8

Me too sitting in couch rush to head fear of passing out shaky on my feet

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toContra21

Yes I get the head pressure and Shakey on the legs and funny in the head as blurred vision as well

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toContra21

I live in Australia

Contra21 profile image
Contra21 in reply tomoggie8

Me too

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply tomoggie8

Yes I get Shakey legs as well or else the tension is so bad I hate when I get head pressure and funny in the head

Contra21 profile image
Contra21 in reply tomoggie8

Scared im sick

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toContra21

Hi it's anxiety I am like this everyday I get pressure in head nausea light headed sometimes headache with all these and blurry vision anxiety makes us feel ill I live in qld

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toContra21

Tell me about yourself do u work I don't I'm 64 but I couldn't work in my condition how long have u had this for I've had 8 yrs are u seeing a therapist?

Contra21 profile image
Contra21 in reply tomoggie8

Message me

Gillyflower18 profile image

Oh yes I can identify with this. I had a difficult upbringing. My parents saw to that we had the material things we needed but emotionally no support at all. I had to deal with these problems on my own on a very young age. It was scary to say the least and there was no one I could talk to. I had all these symptoms due to anxiety plus what I called rubber legs and the ground moving under my feet. I can surely sympathize with you. I’m 73 now and still dealing with them although with professional help it’s a lot better. Hang in there!

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toGillyflower18

They scare me these symptoms I'm 64 do u get these feelings everyday as well

Gillyflower18 profile image
Gillyflower18 in reply tomoggie8

Very rarely now. Usually when I’m under a lot of stress but I recognize them now and know they will pass. Everything changes eventually sometimes we just have to accept them and be patient. You may have heard this elsewhere on this site but I found Claire Weekes book Hope and Help for you Nerves very helpful. See if you can get your hands on a copy. I believe it’s still in print.

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toGillyflower18

Yes I have listened to it but it's the fear of the symptoms I believe they will hurt me and I'm finding it hard to implement the acceptance part when I get funny in the head I freak out I'm trying to work on my thoughts but hard when I'm full of adrenlin because u can't see the thoughts so when u say you recognize them now and they pass what u do too make them pass sorry for being a pain

Gillyflower18 profile image
Gillyflower18 in reply tomoggie8

You are not a pain! I guess I just recognize the physical tension and my tendency to over react out of proportion. I take some time to do deep breathing. I listen to calming music. I go dig in my garden. Yanking weeds can be very therapeutic! Moving and keeping busy almost always helps. I use the Calm app a lot as well as Insight Timer.

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toGillyflower18

I'm trying to implement the acceptance part and can't put into action

Shunneddune profile image

I can definitely relate.?..I get so dizzy it scares me...and the shower I'm so afraid I'm going slip and just be laying there naked with no way to gt help.?.and sometimes I get groceries and other time I have them delivered

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toShunneddune

Me too I have to hang on in the shower and I go down the rabbit hole sometimes u know when your sensitized everything scares u

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply tomoggie8

Hi moggie8, as long as we start out anticipating what may happen, these

sensations will come over us. What happens is that we start to hold our

breath in fear as we start showering or washing our hair. Anyone would

get dizzy headed when doing this. Until we learn to relax our shoulder and

enjoy the water cascading over our bodies, we will continue to feel that way.

Remember, it's not the shower itself causing this feeling but the negative

thoughts we are thinking at the time. :) xx

Countrybum profile image

Yeah I feel that and also like I'm dreaming everything seems foggy, right now my anxiety is so bad it's hard as rd to do anything at all but lay in bed

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toCountrybum

Yes I know the feeling have u had anxiety for long and do u get it everyday like me

Countrybum profile image
Countrybum in reply tomoggie8

I've struggled with it 4 years, I go through phases where it's unbearable and I then times where I feel great

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toCountrybum

Mine is unbearable everyday day dizzy tension head pressure scary thoughts and on top of that adrenlin spikes what causes your anxiety mine is the fear of symptomd

Alexa12345 profile image

Yes, I am so dizzy and sleepy all the time, I spend 23 hours in bed

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply toAlexa12345

Why do u stay in bed is it because of your anxiety

kushami36 profile image

I was getting unwell in the shower, but in my case it turned out to be orthostatic intolerance. I was suggested to try a shower chair and to keep the water as cool as possible. Much better.

Just thought I’d mention it because my doctor said it can be hard to tell between feeling faint and feeling anxious when you are prone to both. I think the two conditions can feed into each other.

(I also have heat intolerance and feel bad if I have to stand still for more than a minute or two, e.g. in a queue.)

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