Hi everyone,
I have a job interview on Wednesday in person at 8:45 am in the morning and I'm anxious about it. I get nervous talking to people. Just hoping that it goes well.
Hi everyone,
I have a job interview on Wednesday in person at 8:45 am in the morning and I'm anxious about it. I get nervous talking to people. Just hoping that it goes well.
Maybe you can try to practice an interview with a friend or family member or, write out some questions and answers. You may try to research the place you're going to interview at and get to know them, too.
Breathe, you'll be ok.
Yeah, I was planning on writing out my questions and answers. I know where the place for my interview is already. Thank you!!
And, good luck! You'll do great I'm sure. It's quite normal to be nervous about such an event, remember that.
For sure, I hope so. I just get anxiety a lot.
At least at 8.45am once its done its over for the rest of the day!
All you can do is give it the best you can!
Worst thing that happens is you don't get the job and if not the world won't end!
I can relate to your anxiousness. I am holding you in calming light. You can do it!
I wish you luck. I understand what you mean but just trust yourself and assure yourself that you can do it.
You are in the vast majority when it comes to being nervous about a job interview. Folks have given good advice I see. Think of it as an adventure and also that you are interviewing them as well. Is this place worthy of your talent? Treat yourself to lunch or something after the interview.
Good luck.
Make sure you get plenty of sleep the night before. 8.45 is a terrible time to have an interview, but at least it will soon be over and you can enjoy the rest of the day.
As you are in the room so early, what can you do to make sure they remember you when they've closed the door on the last candidate.
I have had a few interviews say between 8am and 9.30am and I find in lots of ways they are good as once they are over I don't have to worry for the rest of the day!
Once I had a 3pm interview at a place and my ex boyfriend had said to me I thought you didn't like afternoon interviews and I had said I don't mind a variety of times and that you can't go through life always doing things you like can you?
If we always did things we liked we wouldn't appreciate anything and wouldn't be challenged in learning new skills!
You might mentally switch it around and think of you interviewing them to see if they are the right fit for you and whether you want to work there or not.
I recommend some deep breaths beforehand. Just 3 should do it. Exhale that nervousness. Best of luck!