Severe anxiety : Hi I'm in a state does... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Severe anxiety

moggie8 profile image
31 Replies

Hi I'm in a state does anxiety feel funny in your head like slight pressure trembling in your head why does it make u feel your dying

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moggie8 profile image
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31 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Yes, that feeling can come from Anxiety. With anxious every muscle in our neck

and face clamp down causing this "not in control" feeling making you feel as if something

might happen. Pressure seems to get trapped causing that full headed feeling. Sometimes

it's a matter of being dehydrated and flushing out an overabundance of salt can make one

feel better. Pulling down the shoulders away from the ears and relaxing/meditating can

also help get rid of that feeling. Of course since I only can go by my own experiences,

it's best to have your doctor address the issue if it continues or happens frequently :) xx

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply to Agora1

But why does anxiety make us believe something bad will happen to us

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to moggie8

Hi moggie8, I agree that the sensations make us feel as if we might die or that

something bad is about to happen.

The reason is because our brain misinterprets the body's natural fear response

as a sign of immanent danger resulting in Anxiety.

The physical symptoms associated with the "fight or flight" response is what

makes us feel as if we may die at the time.

Accepting Anxiety is the first step to harness that fear. We can use Meditation,

Breathing, exercising, Mindfulness etc or just pop a pill. All of these methods

can and will subdue the sensations by reducing the levels of Adrenaline coursing

through our body. I hope this helps some :) xx

Atthepark profile image
Atthepark in reply to Agora1

Try exercise daily

Stippler profile image

Hi Moggie8 - I don't know if this is helpful, but my panic attacks usually come in the form of severe chest pains. When they first started, I truly thought I was dying of a heart attack. But, after getting checked out for that, and it being decided it was only panic attacks, my therapist told me that, rather than being afraid, I should "get angry" at it, and "boss it back." Rather than saying "It's going to get me," I should say, "Bring it on! Do your worst!" You should first get checked out for physical illnesses, but if you are otherwise healthy, maybe this will work for you. It doesn't always help me, but it does work much of the time. Sending prayers for peace. 🙏🙏🙏

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply to Stippler

But why do we think something is going to happen to us

Stippler profile image
Stippler in reply to moggie8

I don't really know, but I would say that, for me, a lot of it is PTSD and other anxiety that stems from past abuse/trauma. You might try going to a therapist because they might be able to help you track down the source. Sometimes that in itself is useful. Sending healing energy.

blueslite profile image
blueslite in reply to moggie8

Hi Moggie. I think it's just the nature of the beast. I call it panic attack mindset. It skews your logic, your thinking isn't quite right when you're having a panic attack. When I used to have panic attacks I tried to figure that one out and couldn't. I worked more at finding a way to stop them.

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply to Stippler

Does someone know how to refresh this page

CLB1125 profile image

My anxiety changes depending on the situation. If I have to do something in front of several people, my anxiety forms as if the air is being sucked out of me. My heart beats rapidly and flutters. But if it's anxiety caused by arguments or fighting, then my jaw tightens and my shoulders go up. Pain starts in my neck and I will have a migraine.

Lve2dance profile image
Lve2dance in reply to CLB1125

Yea, with certain family members I get some of that also.

MARYRD27 profile image
MARYRD27 in reply to CLB1125

I have a lot of anxiety from dealing with crazy and irrational people so my therapist recommended a book called Talking to Crazy by Mark Goulston. It explains “crazy” people and how to deal with them while maintaining your calm. Arguing with them only raises your anxiety.

CLB1125 profile image
CLB1125 in reply to MARYRD27

thanks I’m going to have to get that book! And share it with my daughter. She is an AP worker for the state DHS office!!

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply to MARYRD27

I need to get That book! Going to be with my Brother & Sister-in-law, and talk about the "crazies!" Well, since I am the person diag. with an Anxiety Disorder, they think I am the "crazy" one. However, having too much FEAR, which is what I have is AWFUL, but Not "crazy!" Trying to run someone's life, and having to be in control may not qualify as Crazy, but it sure is Hard to deal with --that's my Brother & Sister-in-law --they are dominating, try to run my life & others, always have to be in control, and a whole bunch of other issues which I are hard to deal with. However, I need to go to their home now as my alternative is the streets as I can't afford any housing where I now live. So, I shall be visiting them till I can find housing. Long story!

Teaching profile image

Yes, it sounds like Anxiety. I practice yoga and meditation to help me out.

Pitalife profile image

Our bodies try to fight the feeling,I too experience n g it now too,was told my rents going up again and I'm at max now on disability and I'm only here to caregiver my elderly mom,the rents have gone up in this area,(huge population explosion) I'm gonna be homeless in jot humid climate gonna kill me, God help me...

CLB1125 profile image

I’m sorry you are having such a hard go of it.❤️

Dadzo profile image

Anxiety can cause a lot of symptoms that we would never think is related. Headaches, head pressure, dizzyness can be very common due to how the anxiety causes muscle tension in the upper back, shoulders and neck. Deep breathing, Yoga, meditation, and stretching can all help. Also, if it continues massage and Chiropractic can be beneficial. Hang in there.

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply to Dadzo

Yea but I'm what they call in the anxiety state anxious 24/7 in other words my body is sensitized do u suffer everyday

Mofro profile image
Mofro in reply to moggie8

It sounds as if you're experiencing severe anxiety and that your "fight or flight" response is stuck to on. This brings all sorts of evil symptoms with it, especially adrenaline in your body. I liken it to the feeling you get rushing down the track on a roller coaster. I've been going through a lot of it myself lately, and even though intellectually I know it isn't true, I often feel like I'm losing it.

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply to Mofro

Do u get it everyday

Mofro profile image
Mofro in reply to moggie8

I have had extreme debilitating anxiety nearly every day for far too long. The mental health resources in the city I live in are abysmal, which has only added to my anxiety and depression, and feeling so completely alone and isolated from the world. I've never given up searching for help, because I fear the consequences if I did. The best support I've found has been coming here, and I'm so glad I found these communities.

This past Friday I decided to go to another primary health care provider because I hadn't been connecting with the one I've been seeing for about a year. I nearly canceled the appointment more than once, because I felt it was probably going to be yet one more disappointment, when I didn't feel I could take another one. I am SO glad I didn't cancel, because I finally found someone I feel is going to work with me in trying medication the other doctor didn't want to prescribe. I drove home feeling I might finally have some hope in getting better, after nearly 3 years of searching. Then he really blew my mind the next day by calling me to see how I was doing (this was on a Saturday!) I have NEVER in my life had a doctor of any sort, call me at home to see how I was doing, and only after one appointment with him. My own brothers and sisters, who are fully aware of what I've been going through, don't even call me.

I have been lucky to find counseling to help me through, and I've never liked to rely on medication if I could avoid it. But there are times when medication is called for, which can go a long way in making any kind of counseling or therapy more productive as well.

There are many kind, wise people here on HealthUnlocked who will make you feel much less alone because you're not. They've given some pretty good advise to you, and seeking help should always be a priority. If you don't find a doctor, therapist etc. you feel you can connect with, don't keep seeing them, find someone else and never give up. I was almost ready to but I'm so glad I didn't. There's no guarantee's in life, especially if we quit on ourselves. You aren't alone in how you feel. All you have to do is read the many posts from countless others that come here.

MARYRD27 profile image

I found, like many others, that the physical symptoms were from the way I was breathing - I was hyperventilating. The book The Phobia and Anxiety Workbook by Edmund Bourne was a real life-saver for me and I highly recommend it. Plus, when I was having really bad anxiety, I took Xanax. I’ve found that anxiety and depression go hand in hand and, until you can control the anxiety, you will remain depressed.

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply to MARYRD27

Don't u feel worse after taken the Xanax and how often do u take it

MARYRD27 profile image
MARYRD27 in reply to moggie8

I feel normal and calm after taking it. It is a temporary measure and I only use it for panic attacks or when my anxiety is too hard to manage. As far as how often you take it depends on what you and your doctor or therapist decide. It is habit forming so you don’t want to take it for an extended period of time.

Mofro profile image
Mofro in reply to moggie8

It certainly doesn't take away anxiety completely, as a certain amount of anxiety is part of life. For me, when I take it, it slows down my thoughts and calms me so I can at least function. It's the only thing I've ever found that helps within 30 min., although I wish I could find something else that worked as well due to the implications of taking it long term.

designguy profile image

Anxiety/panic can make you feel like your dying because that's what it was originally intended for which is to protect you. It's our body and minds builtin warning system basically malfunctioning and can't distinguish between a real or imaginary threat. Your anxious mind throws out all kinds of distressing thoughts and can make you blow up any body sensation and think the worst about it. Learning to not believe the anxious thoughts and know they are lies can really help and knowing that engaging with the anxious thoughts only serves to prolong them. You might find the youtube videos of DARE Anxiety helpful and the ones of Paige Pradko, the more you learn about what is really going on with anxiety the more it decreases the fear about it.

mindys253 profile image

Hi , I get that feeling but to me it seems like my head is filled with cotton. i can not stand it.. I hope and pray we all feel better.. let me know oxoo

moggie8 profile image
moggie8 in reply to mindys253

Do u get it all day the anxious feelings

mindys253 profile image

Not all day but a lot of the time it is the worst........

Mom. Severe. I wonder what that feels like. It probably makes some one else cry.

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