I’ve been on 10 mg Paxil for a little over 20 days and I’m having really bad side effects of worsened panic attacks, insomnia, and now intrusive thoughts. I’ve been told by my doctor to stop taking the medication but I’m really worried about withdrawal symptoms or antidepressant discontinuation syndrome. This is my third ssri and all have only worsened my symptoms. Any similar stories? How did it end up for you and what did you experience? Did it get better?
getting off of ssri (Paxil) ? - Anxiety and Depre...
getting off of ssri (Paxil) ?

I am so sorry you haven't found a good med yet mcgeen 😥. I guess if the doc says to stop I would. I know that my Drs always said that things might get worse for a bit but give it 6 weeks or so. I was on fluoxetine (Prozac) for a few years and we ramped it up slowly and things weren't too bad. I am now on venlafaxine (Effexor) and it was pretty rough starting out. It is an SNRI. Things were much better after about a month. It helped me get through it knowing that it was just the drug magnifying things.
Sometimes I go a few days without taking it and with this one i can feel the effects, which I don't think was the case with ssris. Anyway, I am sure listening to your Dr is best.
If you are really concerned you could probably cut the pills in half and take a half for a week or so then go to none?
Do you go to therapy in conjunction with trying to find a good med? I have found therapy is the most effective thing for me.
I wish you peace, strength, and hope
I am in therapy once a week, though lately I feel like I need it more often than that. Not sure if that means finding some kind of outpatient therapy or program. I might try the test which can help tell you which meds work best for you. Appreciate your comment!!
Your just at the point in starting an ssri which is the hardest. Where anxiety does seem to get worse. Your doctor should explain that to you if they have the knowledge of these medications. Your doctor could help you with something like propranolol to take when you really need it as and when until the paxil kicks in fully. Its still early days yet and the paxil might help.
I hope you feel better soon
I had worse anxiety on ssris and I hung in there for a month. people say it gets better you just have to wait it out. I was not sleeping for a month. I took St John's Wort for 20 years, then lmethylfolate mhtr and now I'm taking 5-HTP. All OTC. No side effects. Ashwaganda for anxiety. Not a cure but no choice. Recently trying zyprexa but it raised my blood pressure. Now also trying compounded script low dose naltroxen.
20 days is not a long time and if your doc advised you to stop then you should. They would have tapered you down if they thought it necessary. I took Paxil for over 20 years and never thought it helped. Switched to Lexapro as less side effects. The good has to outweigh the bad though. (If I could go back in time, I would have never started taking antidepressants, but this is only my opinion) Talk to your doc about your concerns and other possible options. Best of luck to you.

Me too .

I'm starting to consider that SSRI's might not be for me, but I think with therapy and other methods of dealing with it I can get to a better place. I really appreciate your comment thank you
My experience was similar. I drank alcohol too and it exacerbated it. I stopped drinking and about a month later I started to feel less depressed and anxious. I have been on it for 25 years. I do have family members who could not find an ssri that worked. It is tough to experiment if it makes you worse. Hang in there, you are not alone!!!!
Hello, I have been on this drug for 25 years and now I am trying to find a Dr to help me get off it. I think you have to give it time to help, but I would not stay on it for more then a year which they do not tell you.. any questions please write me. best mindy