I need to overcome my fear of driving freeways. I panic and feel out of control.
fear of driving: I need to overcome my... - Anxiety and Depre...
fear of driving

driving on motorways or freeways can be a bit daunting at first just relax best you can and just watch everything around you the more you do it more confident you will be 👍
I think starting off slowly and working your way up to those higher risk environments is key in learning to adapt. I haven't been driving for much time at all but I understand the fear because there is a lot going on and it's super intimidating.
As most of us know, the only way to combat fear is to attack it head on. But you can do that in steps instead of throwing yourself into the deep end. Practice on other roads that have a high speed limit which aren't at the level of the freeway just yet. Once you become comfortable I'd say go for the freeway but maybe on a part of that freeway that has an exit coming soon so you can go off it in a short amount of time if you have to.Overcoming fear is hard but there's a lot of satisfaction when you remove the fear through your efforts. There is value in the difficult route.
Good luck.
Hello - I have this issue as well. I live near Atlanta and the traffic is dense and the cars are speeding and it can be very difficult to merge and change lanes. I have to do breathing exercises and distract myself with the radio. I think focusing on the breathing can really help. But it is still very scary. I developed this issue with driving when my son was a baby and it has gotten worse the older I get. I am 65.
Cooking, it isn't necessarily you who is getting worse - the interstates themselves are worse. More crowded than they were 20+ years ago, filled with drivers who have little self-control and a disregard for courtesy on the road. There is more high-speed driving than before as well. I used to be fine driving the interstates, but in recent years it's like entering a gladiator event. I tend to find back roads for longer trips, even if it takes more time to get somewhere.
Interstates have become hell on wheels - literally!
God morning. My neighbor had this issue. She took a lesson from a driving school (like when you first start driving). The focus was on this issue and she is now fine.
I started out just driving in the slow lane and not paying attention to the cars driving too fast, and if I'm in the slow lane and someone wants to pass me....let them....I'm fine right where I am doing the speed limit, eyes forward and no sudden stops...just ease in and easy out.