Just looking for motivation. My friend didn't invite me to his wedding because I deleted him from Facebook because I'm not ready to come out of the closet. With OCD and wanting to know my sexuality perfectly (cause no one's 100% gay or straight, right lol) I just feel so miserable and sad I have missed out on so many things in my life I shouldn't have and continue to do so. Suicide ideation is really big right now and I'm just so tired of feeling like this. Words of wisdom please!
Is life worth it?: Just looking for... - Anxiety and Depre...
Is life worth it?
Thank you.
You are doing a great job encouraging people I sae you on a different post. Thank you friend, you are appreciated.
firstly is your friend a really close friend or just someone you know to say hello to ? If it’s a close friend we are lucky to 1 or 2 or 3 of them sit down and talk you have deleted him from Facebook for a reason and face book is good but can cause a lot of problems for people I find put as little as possible on there say as little as possible it’s much easier as for your sexuality that is no one’s business but your own and should be accepted by your friends if they can’t except you for who you are then they are not the friends for you if my mate came out I would say that is your choice your life you don’t have to please anyone else but your self suicide is not the way out it’s a waste of a life surround your self with people who appreciate you a friend of mine is gay he has now move to London and loves it the gay community down there for him is good and has made many friends and is happy
please call 988 - Crisis Hotline They R very supportive and compassionate.