I'm trying to get off antidepressants. I am really struggling with Effexor. If anyone can offer some advice on how to make it easier, please talk to me.
Withdrawal: I'm trying to get off... - Anxiety and Depre...

"I'm trying to get off antidepressants. I am really struggling with Effexor. If anyone can offer some advice on how to make it easier, please talk to me."
I went through the same a couple of decades ago.
I understand that this is hard, but (please) follow your psych's/doctor's advice.
Here.. If if was up to me, I would say to taper off as slow as you can. (the slower the better)
But it's not my call, it's your doctor's/psych's call.
I agree here. Tapering is best.
Hi there mercede i am on venlafaxine myself whilst i find it work it did take me a while to get used too it i font know what dosage your on but it maybe worth asking your doctor to review it and either increase the dose or change the medication ! Have you been on it for long time and its causing problems usually a change of dose is enough to help you ! That way you dont have to go through withdrawal and have to get used to another medication have you tried citalopram ! God bless you and good luck !
I am now on 100mg. Down from 200mg. In 3weeks I go to 75 mg. I tried it for couple months. I felt like a zombie. I've tried almost all the antidepressants that are out there. I have to get off my klonopin next. I've been on it for 30 years. I'm curious to see if it works once I am off the Effexor.
why are you getting off klonopin if you don’t mind me asking?
why are U trying to get off the meds ?
Thank U for your input. You need to work with your doctor on withdrawing from the meds. I know it can feel like hell But doing it in little steps is the best way to do it
Very slow tapering is the only thing that worked for me. Effexor made me uncomfortable. After switching to Lexapro I was able to stop Klonopin after 25 years of use. It’s possible but requires patience and some very uneasy days. Good luck to you, it can be done! 👍

I too was on klonopin over 25yrs,it helped me alot w panic attacks and anxiety, but I had to move to south florida where is alot drug abuse and rehabs, so they cut me cold turkey itvwas hell,I took GABA supplement and wentb30 nights NO sleep..it's a rough one to get out the body...but do able...I wish u much luck getting off it......
Wow 30 nights of no sleep had to be the worst. I can’t even imagine that. It’s a shame they couldn’t have tapered you down slowly. I’ve been off Klonopin for 18 months and am doing ok now. I’m glad we were both able to get through it. It’s tough and I wouldn’t recommend anyone to ever start taking it, unless for a very short time. There are much safer and less addictive options today. I’m not believing in antidepressants (for me) anymore either so I’m starting to taper down that as well. Would like to go a more natural route in the future.

Good luck w that,I'm on antidepressant now been tolerating it ok and it has helped,I have my mom in hospital ccu and my chronic pain and anxiety been really bad all the extra walking n footbuse,I been using my cane again for long walk Innis in hospital to ccu unit...I'm sole caregiver for my elderly mom since my brother took hisbown life been a mess here..uuggghhh... wishing you much positive energy in your searches for alt therapies...
I’m so sorry about your brother as well as difficulties walking back and forth to icu to be there for your mom. Take it easy when you can so you can be there for her. It’s a difficult time I know, sending prayers to you both. 🙏

Thank you very much,I seem to have picked up stomach virus from going to and visiting in the hospital for 8 days..uuugghhh..I gotta be fit I'm o ly one to help my mom....thnx for the kindness...much needed...
Your welcome. Always here if you need someone to talk to. 🙏💛
What is another option for klonopin? I’m asking because I want to stop taking it before I get cut off cold turkey. I see they’re doing that to a lot of people and want to be ahead of that mess. Thanks in advance
Because Klonopin is a benzodiazepine there are no good alternatives available in that category as they all are addicting. I was put on Lexapro (antidepressant) and was able to stop the Klonopin within two weeks time tapering day by day. I had tried tapering in the past, even a 9 month taper and failed at the end. I’m crediting the Lexapro as the only reason I finally succeeded. Some days I would love to have the Klonopin but have no physical dependence on it which is a huge weight off my shoulders. Yes getting ahead of the game is half the battle and having a doctor who is experienced with benzo dependency is also a must. Gabapentin and Propananol are also used but that’s completely up to your doctor. Lexapro worked for me. Let me know how it goes. Best wishes to you
thank you for the information. This is so good to know. I will definitely be discussing this during my next appointment.
Cold turkey? I believe you, but is that legal? I’ve been hearing horror stories like this. I don’t understand how that’s ok. I’m asking because I take klonopin on an as needed basis and want to taper myself off before I become a victim of their cut off. What else besides Gaba did you use? It sucks because my medical Dr. always says stay away from natural remedies 🙄 I’d greatly appreciate any helpful comments. Thank you

It shouldn’t be legal to cut you off cold turkey, but I think it is. Rules may be in place for different states though. A very slow taper is best. Took my son well over a year, but he had minimal withdrawal symptoms.
congratulations to your son!! Thank you for the response
Hi Mercede, Reducing venlafaxine is known to be quite a hard thing to do. It is very important to taper very slowly. If you take the extended release version (XL or XR, most people do) then make sure you do not cut any tablets as this will break the extended release mechanism.
It is possible to get a capsule version. Each capsule contains lots of little balls or tablets, each with its own extended release coating. By splitting the capsule, counting and removing individual balls/tablets, it is possible to taper much more slowly than the jumps in dosage size available off the self.
Hope this helps.
Are you sure you need to come off venlafaxine though? If it is not helping it is possible to augment it with another medication.
Hello Mercede
I hope you are as fine as possible.
Even if some will say that you can, by yourself and with no support at all get off of antidepressants, the support of a doctor or any therapist will make this withdrawal not only easier, it will make it a measurable success, a signal that you are now feeling better.
My only advice is to speak to your therapist about this will, and work with him on to this aim !
Much courage in your path !
Hope this helps a bit
Love from France
Please stop with the negativity on here!! Meds have helped many and without them many of us wouldn't be here today. They can be a helpful tool.
Coming off meds stinks. There is no doubt about that in anyway. I am doing the reverse right now with Klonopin first. I am cross tapering with Valium and it seems to be going ok. I don't think anyone is being vicious about medications. They are life saving for many of us on here.....but I get it. I too have been at this since 2003, so of 20 years I have had some sort of medication cocktail, but it always included a benzo of some sort. Currently Remeron is my antidepressant and I have no side effects from it. I did start to feel a bit better and hence determined with my doctor the start to taper. Then for my autoimmune issues I started LDN (low dose naltrexone). It is an opioid antagonist and I swear on my life that is the med for my brain. I am much calmer and it is hard to explain. Heck I haven't even been on the this site much cruising through some decent days. LDN messes with my sleep so it's just past 2:30 AM where I am now....so if I can figure that out, it would be great. Just offering something you may not have tried in your life and could help in the end when you wean from all. I think you are doing a brave exercise in this taper. I think many of us wonder how we would be non medicated. I know I sure do.....so I want to say that I am proud for you! PS-would it make sense for a second opinion from another doctor. Just to see what they would do given your situation. Given it's been such a long time on medication, I just wonder what other doctors would say or want you to do.
Sorry, but the way you worded it sounded negative..and talking about her doctor being a 'quack'. Others were being helpful. I am actually fortunate to be off meds after decades, becoming treatment resistant to them and finding TMS through my therapist
I hadvto get off klonopin which was very hard,I used GABA and activated charcol..it worked took 30+ days I went w out sleep nearly a month.. maybe Dr can ween dose that be recommended.....much luck it's not easy....
Hi Mercede.....I'm so sorry you're having a hard time. I'm also coming off a drug and I tried to go to fast and it wasn't pleasant. My past experience and the one I'm having now is to go very slowly.....as my doc once said, "it isn't a race," although I know we want to have it done and over with! Try to be patient with yourself and the process.....you'll get there!
I've been coming off venlafaxine for years. It can require very slow tapering. I'm down from 375mgXR to 87.5mgXR, but it has taken almost 2 years (leaving out a yearish when my Mum died and I stopped reducing). I recommend survivingantidepressants.or... I've followed the advice for venlafaxine/Effexor. I can't recommend it medically, obviously, but it is a cautious tapering protocol and has worked for me so far.
Low and slow - the lowest drop for the longest time possible. I usually go down the smallest step possible and DO NOT go any further until my symptoms have normalized at that dose. That may mean a month or two at a lower dose before going down again, but trust me... severe withdrawal symptoms can be truly horrific. When I went off Paxil, I had every symptom in the book and thought I had MS or some other serious condition until I figured out that it was withdrawal syndrome. And definitely touch base with your doctor, but some docs aren't as cautious as others when it comes to stopping meds. It's always better to err on the side of caution!
Why are you trying to get off? Is it the side effects? Is it not working? Unfortunately Effexor has a reputation as being one of the hardest anti-depressants to withdraw from. It also has some of the worst side effects. You will probably have to work out some kind of withdrawal schedule with your practitioner. Good luck.
In my experience doctors seem to want a quick taper. It works for some, but not others. I have heard and read that a 10% taper is best. I can’t remember how long between dropping you are suggested to try. I would join a Facebook group with others who are getting off Effexor. There seems to be a group for every psychotropic. But remember the people in the group represent those having difficulty, not a real life representation. Everyone has different experiences. I had no trouble getting off it, but it is known to be a pretty hard one to discontinue.
I have been on Effexor for over 20 years. None of my doctors ever told me about the side effects, and just kept prescribing the med. I took it for my OCD & it worked, but I did have a lot of side effects, at first! Was on 150 mg (not time release, but tablets). OCD got a little better, then went down to 100 mg. Then down to 75 mg., back to 100 mg. when I w caring for my Sig. Other, and he passed away last Nov. Now, I hear from my therapist, and articles that I've read that being on that, or other antidep. for a long time is not good for our brains, or body. I am back on 75 mg. now, and would like to get off Effexor altogether. However, I am going through grieving for my Sig. Other, have to move to another State, etc. & no time for me to go off meds. now! Also, have been taking Ativan for a no. of years which helps with my Anxiety, and sleep. I am afraid that "they" may want to stop that med. & I don't know how I would get off of the Ativan which is addictive! Oh what a tangled mess. Bottom line, listen to your doctor & your own body, and hope all goes well with all of us!