only took this for 8 days still having side effects now!!!! Any help or experiences gratefully received.
flouxetine withdrawal: only took this... - Anxiety and Depre...
flouxetine withdrawal

Please don’t give up the fight, I have been on 40ml of Fluoxetine for three years, I feel happy and perfect now, at the beginning I had every side affect there was, couldn’t sleep couldn’t eat, rapid heart beat, the shakes, and many other things, but for the past 2years I have felt fine, it took almost 9 months to feel perfect and happy as I am today, I will continue the fluoxetine for as long as I feel this good.
At first I would have one good day and then maybe a month before I had that feeling again, but then suddenly I felt good everyday.
It takes time for this medication to work, longer than the time specified on the box, please keep fighting you will get better, good luck on your journey.
I completely understand what you are working through. My psychiatrist and I are working on medication changes. It’s hard as heck to change from one antidepressant to another, changing my anxiety medication and adding in an antipsychotic medication. I trust my doctor 110%, and I know it’s in my best interest, but the change is difficult. Interested in checking in with each other? I would welcome the chance to walk this journey with you. I hope you have an amazing day!
I was on citalopram for 19 days stopped it as l couldn’t handle side effects so had sertraline for 4 days so sick then flouxetine for 8 days too sick x so now withdrawing from them all x feel terrible at the min x thank you for replying x l had to stop cold turkey each time as directed by gp x
I've read numerous experiences of people having issues from quitting abruptly and how most doctors are clueless about how best to quit meds. They aren't on meds so they don't have a clue what it's really like. The best way is to do a slow taper off the med to give your mind and body time to adjust and usually the slower the taper the better. Plan to taper for at least 2 or 3 weeks or even longer depending on how you feel and what the med is. You can even get a pill cutter at your pharmacy to help reduce the size of the pills. You can find info on tapering on google or youtube.
You need to give it at least a few weeks, before you know it is working, sometimes up to 6 weeks.
Jumping from one medication to another is a waste of medication and your doctor's time. 8 days is not enough, it's not like an antibiotic.
Cheers, midori
thank you for replying. Had to stop this drug as the side effects were too brutal to handle. Struggling with withdrawals at the min even after taking them for 8 days.
They are hard to come off of, I used to take them. I found the best thing was to wait until I was really getting antsy, then take the dose, and gradually space them further apart, until I could do without them. Another way I tried was to cut the tablets in half, then in quarters, and again space them out.
Cheers, Midori
how long were you on them for ? Thank you for replying
Several months, they took some coming off too! It was the way it best worked for me to reduce the 'need' for them.
Cheers, midori
thank you so much, I had citalopram for 19 days then sertraline 4 days then flouxetine for 8 days cold turkey on them all
Sertraline was the last one I came off. My doctor put me on them because I had Fibromyalgia and I was a bit down due to the pain, but I ended up weaning myself off them once the pains had eased. I hated going around drugged out of my mind.
I had to forcibly tell the doctor that I wasn't depressed because I had Fibro, but Just because of the pain, and painkillers would have worked better.
Eventually he ended up giving me Ibuprofen at a fairly high dose, which was fine. I don't take many of those, either now, just when I flare up, I still have Fibro, but I understand it better now, and can basically treat myself and adjust the dose. My last doctor understood that I used to be a nurse, and was good at listening to what my body told me.
I haven't seen a doctor at all for 3 years!
Cheers, Midori
Only over the counter Ibuprofen or Paracetamol.
That's the last medication I took all it did was made me sick all day everyday for over six weeks, I finally got admitted to the hospital and aii I take now is Cionazepam twice a day every now and then I will take another in the mid afternoon if needed, I tried aii the medication the doctor have me tried in the past 20 years, Paxil worked the best but, after awhile it stops working. And I pray daily and it helps me a whole lot May God bless you and get you feeling better.
bless you x did you ever take sertraline?