I don't even have energy to write. I just want to sleep and cry all dayRecently im finishing university and don't have to go out, and going nowhere, staying in my one room accomodation all alone is ruining me. I have to attend a few and i get really overwhelmed when i do. I went on Monday and im still recovering. I probably need a job but my damn country won't consider me disabled unless im killing people. I could use the time to study or do my presentation or my course but i can't. Im interested in nothing. I just want to sleep. My brain is like micedmeat. I feel like my brain will ....i forgot the word in English...will just melt away and flow out through my ears
Im either depressed as hell or fatigu... - Anxiety and Depre...
Im either depressed as hell or fatigued...or both... and it's a living hell

Depression is exhausting and leaves me with extreme fatigue. Try and rest, drink lots of water and eat small regular meals.
How is your sleep?

A bit better actually. The fatigue makes me sleepy and i sleep a lot. The nightmares are one point easier on me. Maybe because of headache meds and meditation music during sleep or just the fatigue
I'm glad to hear it. Not getting good sleep messes with absolutely everything.

Yeah, those nightmares, nighttime anxiety and calls, reversed day and night are ruining
"I feel like my brain will ....i forgot the word in English...will just melt away and flow out through my ears"
I'm pretty sure that's what my brain is doing, too.
hi, so sorry to hear you’re feeling like this. I can totally relate. Depression is incredibly isolating, but know you’re not alone. The only thing that has honestly helped me survive is Wellbutrin. I’m in the U.S. (our healthcare system is a joke), but when I was in uni, there was student insurance available for medication/therapy. I believe we had free therapy resources as well. Maybe an option for you wherever you’re from? There are more free resources out there than you’d think.
I hope you can get through this. We’re here for you. Take one day at a time.

I am caught in that loop too. Depression causes fatigue which is made worse because we move less and eat more poorly. It’s a vicious cycle. I sleep but wake up tired still. I don’t think I’ve ever had the feeling of waking up refreshed actually. I also get fatigued from working. I have a busy desk job, which is exhausting! It takes up so much brain power and so I’m depleted at the end of my day. I come home and can barely speak sentences I’m so tired.
I’m in therapy and have been, on and off for years. The fatigue hasn’t really improved. Maybe it won’t. Maybe that’s just me. When I take my adhd meds it helps a lot for day time but again, after work I’m done.
They say if you can force yourself to do even a little bit of what you are struggling to do, it’s helpful. For example, plan to do the first step of laundry. Only plan to separate colours and that’s it. Likely, you will do more, but don’t have it as an expectation. Don’t plan a full walk, plan to go to the mailbox. I don’t know. I don’t really have a solution. People my age have usually tried everything lol.