I don’t really understand how this works but I am having chain panic attacks and I have no one to talk with. I’m just so alone and scared.
So scared: I don’t really understand... - Anxiety and Depre...
So scared
someone will see your post and will talk to you we are all here to help we get what your going through just say hello

how u doing?
Honestly? Not great. The thing I’m worried about is an anvil hanging over my head and even though I will pay the price if it happens I can’t do a thing about it except wait and fear. I’m trying to work on breathing exercises and distraction but nothing is working.
Just try to concentrate on your breathing. In through your nose and out through your mouth. Simple but effective.
You must let go of the fear. This only fuels the panic. Breathe slowly. Focus on something that makes you happy. This will pass, and you will learn from it. You are not alone. I know exactly how you feel, I’ve been where you are and I promise it does get better with time. Just breathe and try not to overthink it🙏
I've been there too, that feeling of impending doom just hanging over my head. You mentioned feeling better when your husband is around, me too. I call him my physical xanax, just touching his leg or arm can help bring me out of a panic attack. So can breathing techniques. I use the 4 square technique. I breathe in for a count of 4, hold for a count of 4, breathe out for a count of 4, hold for a count of 4, repeat until better. There's lots of techniques online, that's just the one that works for me. I also like Yoga Nidra, a type of meditation that's between asleep and awake. Ally Boothroyd has many vids on YouTube and I find her voice soothing. With practice, it will lower your overall anxiety level.
Hang in there. You’re not alone. For some reason it likes to come in waves and set backs. Do some breathing exercises just slow breaths in hold it three seconds slow exhale. Also try and do exercises of saying aloud what ur fearing: like my anxiety is telling me I’m going to pass out, or I’m going to get an attack, and then keep saying it aloud for five minutes straight. Ways to desensitize. Prayers up to you.
Never feel alone, you know that you have a God who cares for you and some friends, that you should not feel alone and think about the wonderful things you have experienced. Put enthusiasm and attitude to life. A hug.
I have had the same problem my whole life. You can find suggestions for good grounding techniques here online to help you. If they are severely limiting your life you should probably seek the help of a psychiatrist who can prescribe medications to help with the panic attacks and a therapist who can help you find ways you can work through them . Hope the best for you. I am here if you need to talk. It’s very scary but there is hope that it can get better with the right help.
Thanks. I will definitely need to talk I’m sure. I’m definitely planning to talk with my doc about medicine. Unfortunately psychiatrists are few and far between where I live. Years long wait lists.
Medications were the only thing that worked for me until life stressors changed. I was on medication for years and finally weaned myself off. I haven’t had need for them since and that’s years ago.
How are you feeling today?
I am sorry you are going through this alone. How can we help?
Do you know what triggers an attack? Do you know what has successfully brought you out of one?
To get me out of my panic attacks, I cried to get some energy out. Then I focused on my breathing. In for 6 seconds. Fill the belly. Hold for 4 seconds. Blow it out, exhale for 4-6 seconds. Concentrating on counting helped. Then I could do guided imagery/hypnotherapy with an app to get my body to relax.
I am alone also. I spent all of the holidays including my birthday home alone no cards no calls no one to talk to no one to get me out of the house. I finally called a distant relative and she was so worried about me that she sent the police to my house so at least I had someone to talk to for about 10 minutes that was Christmas Eve. I have nowhere to go nothing to do I sit in the house and look at beautiful sunny days and wish I could be out in it but there's nowhere safe for me to go I live in a terrible neighborhood and I can't even afford to be here I have nothing to live for I have no friends no family they've all died over the last 10 years I can't pay my bills I work 60 hours a week and I still can't pay my bills I have applied to every agency for help I don't even get one meal a week. I am scared of everything I just crumble up in a ball and shake and cry and babble and make absolutely no sense and I can't go in public because I'll just melt down because it's so terrifying and no one understands. They even go so far as to make fun of me I've been shunned and asked to leave certain support groups because I'm too depressing. I have no life and nothing and no one to live for I have nothing to look forward to except living in my car after my last hospital stay I will probably end up losing my house and being homeless. And people wonder why I can't act right and pull it together it makes me violently angry I beat up somebody for the first time since high school and I'm a senior citizen but I couldn't stand the way that she was talking to me so I grabbed her by the throat and punched her in the face repeatedly. I'm a ticking time bomb and I cannot get any help I'm poor I'm underinsured and I don't qualify poverty level I'm totally alone. I don't know if any of that helps you but it helped me to say it out loud, you're not alone. I just keep literally dragging myself through life hoping against hope that God hears my prayers and helps me. God is all I've got left the government the medical industry and humankind has failed me.
Wow, you’re dealing with a lot. I can’t even imagine. I wish I had words of advice but I don’t really know how to help myself and my problems seem minuscule compared to yours. I guess all I can say is you aren’t alone either. I guarantee there are many many people in the exact situation you are in. It’s sad that even one person is suffering like that though. I wish I knew how to help.

You're so kind, I didn't tell you all that to make you feel bad or anything. I just wanted to let you know that even though things sound really bad when they're all lumped together most things have been resolved it's just the memory that keeps replaying in my head. I just got off the phone with my counselor and that was the focus of our conversation was how do I keep my past out of my present. And the answer is for me practice practice. I have to learn to start to look at the world differently I am no longer a victim but I still hate being alone. The chances of being alone get a lot better if I continue my bad behavior people don't like to be around me because I'm either crying or I'm raging or I'm just in a daze. I am going to at least for the next week actively monitor all of my interactions with other humans and check myself immediately if I'm out of line I have faith that things will get better for both of us! thank you for reaching out, knowing that someone cares helps more than anything does!