does anybody else have this problem?
issues with not saying sorry - Anxiety and Depre...
issues with not saying sorry

Yes! Although sometimes my “I’m sorry” jar is so full because my “Swear jar” is so full. It is a bad habit but I think saying “I’m sorry” is completely ok if it’s coming from a good place.

"stop saying sorry!"
".........IM SORRY"
imagine never having to say your sorry … utter bliss😀

swearing is a sign of intelligence! You are emphase a feeling that everyone get. “That was horrible” simply doesn’t have the same weight as “that was f* horrible”. Banning those words from TV was the dumbest thing they did.
I say sorry too much at work. Watch the guys. They rarely say sorry or “we” as in “we succeeded at winning the contract”. We look weak. “We” should be inclusive but it looks weak. We work in a man’s world so we gotta stop until every ceo is a woman. Btw women Supreme Court justices are interrupted way more times than male counterparts. I’m guessing the same is true for women lawyers in front of the Supreme Court. Justice Kagen made the observation that she would say “excuse me” or “may I” where the men would just start speaking.
I noticed that on Supreme Court as well. It’s completely bullsh*t and needs to stop.

yep. I have to say I thought I could make a difference in the small company I work for. I'm slowly coming to conclusion I will barely move the needle.
Idk, I have a feeling you may be moving the needle more than you know. Don’t give up, many women here standing behind you!

One yes. He has girls. I asked him if he really wanted his daughter to become an engineer or a CEO when he told me at least one wanted to go into tech.
Take over Daddy’s company?

Maybe. I bet they intern before college. But if I had an opinion I would say start their own. Reason is there aren't enough started by women that actually grow into larger companies because they are less likely to get seed money. There are a lot of small companies started by women because they get tired of corporate (especially black women) but they stall. Once you populate leadership with men it is really hard to change the culture. Women starting and growing companies is really important. A female Scott Galloway is what we need.
Tech is also unique in that it doesn't require something like extra physical strength but people mistakingly thing women don't want to do it. In fact the world of advertising and therefore education pushed out girls in the 70s/80s. Prior to that it was mostly women. A few schools are trying to right this wrong.
”swearing is a sign of intelligence” … Thx for making my day. I feel smarter already. 😀
shit …sorry to hear that has a place
pay up, both jars

yeah didn’t really think that one through
Yes, but I have no guilt for swearing lol. Damn shit hell... But sorry, I say it for EVERYTHING. But, sometimes I think people misunderstand it. I can be sorry that someone else is hurting or struggling, right? I didn't cause it, but it still causes me sorrow to see them suffering. I don't like it when I say "I'm sorry that you're going through this" and the response is "You didn't do anything"... I know, but it still hurts me to see you hurting, so I'm sorry for that, idk....
Sometimes I tell people I think I apologize for the air I breathe. Seems with some people it's an automatic thing. I say I'm sorry when I didn't do anything wrong. It's kind of done to just keep the peace. Totally wrong thing to do
Both those jars would be over flowing for me.
I don’t do it as much, now. It means you are taking ownership of events that are not yours to own. An apology follows a mistake. If it is your responsibility, then you can say it. If it was something out of your control, it is not yours to apologize for. Take a second and pause. Ask yourself if you caused it. If not, don’t apologize. You can say something like, “Well that did not work as planned, let’s see how we can make this better.”