I have generalized anxiety disorder with major recurrent depression. It’s hard to talk to people who don’t understand what you go through and I wanted to join a support group, where I will not be judged and will be understood. Anyone else feel like that ?? 🥰
NEW MEMBER :)))): I have generalized... - Anxiety and Depre...

Absolutely Moviefanatic.. it feels so secure to have a safe place to come
where we know we will be understood and not judged.
I'd like to Welcome you to our virtual family of friends. I'm happy you
are joining us. xx
hi there and welcome! So glad you found this forum. There is no judgement here and so many wonderful ppl here in all stages of life and struggles. You will find much support here with a wide variety of ideas and tools to help you!😀

You are awesome !
Welcome to the group! You are among friends here. Its hard to explain an invisible illness like anxiety and depression to folks who don't have it. Some folks tend to down play it as "you're just sad for today. Drink water and you'll be fine." Or "Everyone gets nervous. Just don't think about it."
Its that at all. You can have everything in life and still fight with depression. Anxiety can affect anyone at any time. Its struggle to overcome. Hell Ryan Reynolds took a break from acting for a bit because he suffers from anxiety. He says sometimes it's a struggle to leave his house.
I've experienced that. I'm like why is this happening. There was a time where I had recovered from anxiety. But I have relapsed. Here I am. Working on trying to put it in remission again
Yes ! The whole “it’s not as bad as you think” what does that have to do with me freaking out and needing someone to tell me that it’s okay to be who I am. Everyone has flaws and well, mine is just being anxious all the time haha. I can laugh at that because I know it’s apart of me forever but I can learn to cope when I am feeling overwhelmed with anxiety and fears. Not everything is fixed with water either. It takes time and patience. Thank you !
Hello movie fanatic ….it’s sad that you are so young and experiencing these feelings ….please know that you are understood and not to be ashamed of them .if you can may I suggest you get as much professional help as you can now so you don’t spend the rest of your life worrying and fretting .it’s all so easy to advise others but so hard to overcome these feelings…just saying as I am so much older than you and realise that my generalised anxiety and repeated low moods have taking so much of the joy of life from me .For so many of us it’s very often not got anything to do with our experiences or background or upbringing …we are just wired that way ! I hope you have sought help and searched through your past to explore any reasons you feel like this ….it’s horrible worrying your life away …I have come to terms with my “ funny ways” and actually think that maybe …just maybe …people like us are more ‘ normal’ than we think ….maybe it’s because we are realists and more aware of how life can throw us the ‘ odd curved ball ‘so we feel always that we must be prepared for adversity …who knows why we are this way …all I know in my 68 years is some of the nicest ,kindest ,cleverest people I have known are all GAD sufferers …so maybe ..it’s ok to worry but it’s finding the balance and being able to control the low episodes and not ruin your life that is the aim ….I’m no expert but I guess 60+ years of ruminating on it gives me a little insight ..I would love you to get the wisdom to deal with this and the ability to look inward and ask those questions and get help to learn to know yourself and find out what your triggers are and why …..life is so very short and precious and I wish I hadn’t wasted soo much time being anxious about things that so far never actually happened ..but we are what we are ….good luck and be as happy as you can be you are young and have time xxxxxxlots of love
Thank you for your encouraging words and yes ! I have been getting help for a couple years now. Just last year I went to therapy and have been going regularly and it’s helped so much with social situations and feeling overwhelmed in those situations. I am on medication and I have a great family, who is supportive of me. But this community, this will be my changing point. I can finally vent to a community who completely understands me. I wish the best for you as well . No one should suffer but those who do, only become stronger!
Nice to meet you too ! I ask people all the time, do you worry about this and that and they look at me wide-eyed like I don’t know why you would freak out about that but I do and I’ve learned to know, it’s okay to not be okay