I’ve been reading all of the posts and finally feel I should make a bit of an introduction now that I feel comfortable (which took me 2 weeks). I’m a 36 year old man with severe social anxiety, me even posting anything is making me feel anxious lol, I’ve been dealing with it since I was 19 with very unsupportive family and friends which has me now unable to even leave the house. Really just need people like minded to talk to.
Reaching out: I’ve been reading all... - Anxiety and Depre...
Reaching out

hi mate welcome aboard good to read some posts first and get the feel for things hopefully it`s helped you feel more at ease.
we are glad you’re here!
You are definitely in the right place.
so glad you are here. There are so many wonderful people in this group
welcome! Glad you felt like speaking out today. Lots of great ppl here w/different situations and a variety of knowledge and tools to help you.
This is reality we r all raggy dolls imperfect cant fix us - we dont know how to cope i dont think with life......still u have to indulge your different parts of you we have many selves -
all the best
hey Artemus! So glad you’re here.
Welcome Artemus! 🙂
I hope the forums here are a good testing ground to help you fight through your anxiety. Its great that you feel comfortable, there are some cool folks here
Hi Artemus-1830 I'm happy that you feel more comfortable with us to post.
I too was socially awkward, had high anxiety levels that led to Agoraphobia.
My family was too overprotective. Never giving me the confidence that I needed
to grow up. Self doubt surrounded me in my early twenties.
It wasn't until I was trapped in my home for 5 years that I broke away from feeling
incapable of surviving on my own.
Once you decide to go forward and succeed, the world is at your feet. I've beaten
Anxiety, Agoraphobia and no longer shy and introverted. Quite the opposite now
and find life to be amazing. Don't give up, believe in yourself and not what others
tell you. You are here for a reason. Learning what it is, is an adventure. Let us help
you take those steps forward together. xx
Hi Artemus, welcome to the best group around. As the Cheshire Cat says 'We're all mad here!' Join the company!
I'm the prehistoric old granny (used to change diapers on dinosaurs!) Seriously, I'm an old bird, probably one of the oldest here at a couple weeks short of 75! Been there, done nearly all of it!
Let us try to help.
Cheers, Midori
Thank you all for welcoming me in such a positive way to this community, I am really trying to better myself and this place gives me a sense of calm I can’t get anywhere else. As I read posts, I can see I’m not alone in having the issues I have and hope to eventually get to know you all better. Again thanks for sending good vibes my way, It was more helpful than you know 🙂
Hello Duke, welcome to the group, I know it takes courage to reach out. I had social anxiety for years and finally realized what was going on with me. I tried to find a therapist that specialized in treating it but there wasn't one near me so I did an online course from the socialanxietyinstitute.org which helped. Social anxiety makes you believe things about yourself that aren't true and distorts your perceptions of others and how they perceive you. You may also suffer from low-self-worth which can cause or contribute to it. I recommend you find a therapist that specifically treats it or do an online course. there is also a lot of info on youtube about it and healing self worth, you can heal and get on with your life.
Welcome!! 👋💪👍
I hope you're having a positive day today so far. Sending you support!