Who is the main person that I can talk to about my issues and relationship and feeling?
Who is the main person that I can talk? - Anxiety and Depre...
Who is the main person that I can talk?

Ok thank you I appreciate it. So do I talk to u here or private chat.
Ok here is fine. I am new to
Ok I don't know if u seen my page or post. So I been With my xbf Andrew for over 6 years and we just broke up on Oct 2022 its been over a month. I still love him and want him back. He is the love of my life. I just want to talk about to get my stress down more.
Then U need to work on U & how U deal with things & remember this that he may not want to go back to how it was. Take it as a sign from the universe that now is time for U to show U the love U want , need & crave ( we all like it ). Its not an overnight fix & yes its been longer than a month & this next question should help U.
Has he spoken to U at all in any form be it face to face , text , email or dm's ?
Aw thanks and no he has not talk to me for weeks to a month.
That's a big clue there & now is the time to be strong for urself & not crumble & U are far stronger than U think or know. A suggestion if I may , focus on urself & start to rediscover who U are , as we all change during a relationship , sometimes it's good & other time not so much as it could've been people manipulate others to suit themselves but the one that changed has lost who they truly are & so need to rediscover themselves & once they find that new old self is far better & U then we know what's best for each of us be it marriage, single life or even just a relationship without the marriage.
The journey is urs to take & start when U feel when ur ready . There will be ups & downs as there are in each of our lives but its how we learn the lessons as we take our own journey . I just want to finally remind U that U are far stronger than U think or feel & in this group U will find people who have been where U are & have got up dusted themselves down & learned about themselves & what they enjoy or dislike equally. U got this J30 👍🏼
Aw thanks I appreciate it alot and I understand. Just having that sad feeling and wanting to be with him so bad. I don't know how to get it off my mind or head. Because my feeling and heart is still connected to him. His still in my heart.
Of course he is & that's to be expected as U both have shared in each others lives & U can't just switch it off & if it means U need time to grieve then do so but not to the complete detriment of ur mental wellbeing. It's OK to allow urself that space but don't fixate on it as those things swallow us up & then we are just a complete mess , living upside down on the wall . So remember urself in all of this & start to build ur self esteem up again as U are strong U just don't realise it & when U focus on urself again U will see just how strong U are.
Ok thank you so much and I can try do that and I hope he will want me back or take me back. I know we need space or a break but I don't really want a break anymore I very want to be with him so bad. I am lonely and alone and need him in my heart he is the one and love of my life he always have been. I hope we both can get together and work it all out soon. The holidays are here and it had to happen right befor the holidays I hate how it happe. Why the holidays. That the hard time of the year. I hate my self now so bad. I want my xbf back so much. It hurts my heart and mind. Also my cats heart to she crying alot to and she wants him back to.
Well J30.
Only U know the how & why of what happened .
I'm nor asking U to tell me as that is unfair so I will make a suggestion everyone of us should take & that is.
Be completely honest with urself & see what was ur part in the contribution of the cause of the breakup. With any relationship breakdown & I include friends too , we all make a choice of what we do & it's that U need to look at & see what changes U can make within , so there is a chance that he sees that U have worked on urself & pets are cleverer than kids I find & they know when there is upset & disharmony.
Also U could reach out to him in a CALM friendly manor & tell him that the cat does look around for him & if he does come around to see the cat , ensure U have his best meal cooking or the food U ate on ur first date , just a bit of nostalgia to get his inner being to remember & food cooking ALWAYS brings back memories .
But remember to reflect & be the change that he may want back .
I wish U love & light on that little journey .
Ok thank you so much I appreciate ur help and ur beautiful words to. It should help. Our first date was Chinese at the mall. We both love Chinese.
Perfect , who doesn't enjoy a spicy Chinese meal . Also I wish U lots of luck & remember 2 things Ur stranger than U think & U GOT THIS my friend .
Ok thank so much I agree same here. I appreciate u being there for Me in a rough time and for the holidays to. Merry Christmas to you my friend.
And may ur Xmas wish 🤞 come true for U
Good morning/afternoon. Got some good news but not sure yet. Me and my xbf is talking by text. We mite be getting back together soon but not sure yet. I will let u know when I do. Also he said he don't want to be alone for Christmas like I be saying to.
That's brilliant & I know the cat will love that too , also even if U do get back together .. Sorry when U get back together , have a heart to heart , man to man , soul mate to soul mate , both of U ask where , what went bad & how U both can correct that minor blip .
I wish that ur gift for Christmas is being together with the 1 U love most in the world
Thank u for listening and your welcome. I appreciate it alot. I want to let u know I had a bad moment tonight while I was in shower I been crying in shower for hr and I could not stop crying. So when I got out I had to call 988 for help to talk. I am a little better now. Call was 45mins long. Wow that was a lot of talk to let out. Sorry if I miss spill words. I am not good on all the Grammer.
It's OK to cry in the shower , I used to cry showering as I didn't know what else to do back then & also my daughters couldn't see me crying as I was both mom & dad .One day the lightbulb went on in my head & I started to work on myself & my thoughts & feelings & I learned that communication is so important in any type of relationship or friendship , even server's in a restaurant have to communicate with the diners.
But sometimes we forget to communicate & things fester & that's when things go wrong , I know that I was equally at fault for communication breaking down in my marriage , but that's all in the past & now my girls are in their 20s & hopefully both living their best lives , just as I am & it's taken a full on breakdown & years of learning but now I'm living my best life , it's a simple life & I'm happy to learn new things everyday .
It good that U have a number U can call just to talk to someone & know ur being heard & sometimes & its true for all of us , that's all we need is to be listened to.
Also U know I'm here if U need to just chat & be heard no judgement. P.S what's the cats name ?
Thanks I appreciate it alot and I understand and hear you. Also thanks for hearing me to. I hope I am not single for much longer and on Christmas because if I am I don't know what I'll do. I'll fall.
No U won't fall as U won't be allow , have some faith in urself
Aw thank u so much for talking to me about all my issues and I did talk to my xbf and he said if his new relationship don't work out he will contact me and talk to me about us trying again but only when he wants to not me. So I said ok I'll be hear waiting. So I hope he will come back to me soon. I'll give him time but I don't want to be old or dead when he comes back to me.
Little Brother .Please don't sit there stagnating ur life as U too deserve happiness & U can also work more on U & learn more about who U are . Also I say U get back out there BUT step carefully as U don't need to be messed about or used.
I also think it will be good fun for U to make new friends & for all U know that friend of a friend of a friend may catch ur eye .
It seems ur ex has gone straight into a new relationship without mentally clearing house , where as U have stopped reflected & asked questions & YES I get it that U want to get back to how it was but as U said U don't want to be old or dead waiting.
Also lil bro a suggestion if I may ..... Why does it have to be on his terms ? Why not on ur terms or a joint agreement which is even better .
For Christmas I say get ur gladrags on & go be a diva & enjoy urself
Aw thanks I appreciate it and I agree. On his terms.. well he did tell me if he wants me back he will let me know when he wants me. Also I guess it's going to be on his terms so I'll wait for him. So I want to inform u and everyone that me and him did video chat today two times and he is the one that called me first. So that telling me something good. Also he said it will still take time. Also he did made my day and night when he called me to. Also if he don't wants me then I'll get out there to let others know me to.
It's made U happy so I'm not going to say nothing but I have my fingers crossed for U & as U say he reached out so that too is another tick in the positive column. As with everyone I just wish all happiness as life isn't that long & so happiness is vital .
Also thank U very much for sharing with me
Merry Christmas and happy holidays just in case. I'll will be still on here and will be checking here everyday to.
& a very merry Christmas to U little brother & ( he sniggers as he types ) may Santa's empty his sack under ur tree . Ho Ho Ho. ( now I'm laughing really loud )
Good morning Dodgedhanda. I hope ur Christmas was good. Mine was ok. I am doing some better and still working on my relationship still in the same issue but I think it may be working slow. I'll keep u updated. Have a wonderful day and be careful
I had a great Christmas little brother, & I hope U spent time with family or loved ones & U have a great new year & I suggest U go full divs on new years eve.
Thanks and my Christmas was ok and it could have been better. I am glad urs was ok
Remember 2023 will be Ur year & U will achieve so much, U'll even surprise urself. U have a good soul & starting Sunday U gonna start to make tiny changes & U will remember this & keep surprising urself.
Thank u so much and I hope my life gets better. I know it will but if it don't I don't know what to do. But I know I can try to make my life better like other people do.
U make it better by making U the centre of focus. U learn to be stronger & learn to be kinder to urself.Create new connections around U by making new friends & maybe some family connections too.
I say this to everyone as its 100% true & that is, the journey of self discovery is a tough & hard journey & at times U may want to give up but its then when U double down on winning the battle .
I still get tough days & it's then when I remember those things that keep me smiling & going & that I still need to work on me & I do.
Life is hard when we aren't carrying baggage but when we are , it's 1 million times harder. It's then we keep faith & practice what we learn along the way & each person's journey is different
Little Brother I will let U in on something , U will be happy & fulfilled as U shape ur life as U wish. Also I'm here if U need a pep talk if U wish.
Aw thank you so much and I appreciate all ur kind words and they are helping me out alot. Ur sweet and caring I thank u so much for ur 100% support and I will love pep talks now and then to. Has me and my xbf Andrew are now back together. We got back together on new years. So I am so happy for what happen the way it did and turned out to be. I pray the God so much and ask God to help me out and my prayers was answered so that made my life much better and now I feel so much better. So I hope we can get married soon down the road. I will keep you all posted has I can. I am here to. You have a wonderful day. Love Jesse.
Little brother I'm so happy for U & glad the new year brings a new start for U both. I know U will work on what needs working on & learn to make adjustments & hopefully both of U communicate with one another so any bumps in the road are smoothed out along the way rather then allowing things to fester.
Little brother I wish U everything U wish for & more & I thank U for compliments & honestly for me, I hope my experience & what knowledge I do have helps U & others & U living ur best life is a brilliant news & I hope U do get married & live the best married life too, I have experience of a fail marriage too lol.
But 2023 is all for U Jesse & I want it to get better & better each day BUT that only happens when U both work at making it better & hand out the hugs & I love U's as & when U feel & even more so when U don't feel it.
Thank U for the update & happy new relationship to U both Little Brother
There is no main person. This is a community.
Reply to any of us. Group format. You can chat personally if that makes you feel more comfortable. Always hear without judgement or harsh opinions. Just an ear for support. ❤️

Ok thank u so much and I appreciate it alot everyone.
Dios is the principal advance
hi I am here for you and I will listen and try to help if I can we can private message if you would like