Here to win.: my story starts in 202... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Anonagoraphobia profile image
3 Replies

my story starts in 2021. I have always dealt with anxiety in many different situations for my entire life , and in October of 2021 my life changed forever. I had broken up with a lover and moved to california to be with my sister. I thought I’d find a nice job and start a career, until I decided to bring my cat to the vet. Lol. I had a stressful day and as I was talking to the vets I noticed I had started to panic. I’ve dealt with mild to severe panic attacks before , but for some reason this one really did it for me. It wasn’t too severe, but I had an awful tunnel vision experience with heat flashes and almost passed out in front of everyone. I completely embarrassed myself to say the least and I had no control over it. Since that experience I have had a difficult time going into any social experience. I have not succeeded in going into a store, gas station, park, bank, or even driving for over a year now without the awful feeling of severe panic and faintness to the point where I’m on the floor grounding myself just to not pass out. The anxiety starts before I even walk in the door. I used to go to raves, work customer service jobs, drive 3 days in a row long distance from my hometown to colorado, go to concerts and parties, meet new people at skateparks etc. i was very sociable (despite still feeling the nervousness of meeting new people and having acute social anxieties.) to say the least I’ve had the most challenging year of my life and adaa has given me new hope. I found their YouTube to be extremely helpful and I hope I can find people on here to continue my journey in overcoming agoraphobia, generalized anxiety disorder, ptsd, and more. Thank you for listening x

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3 Replies
moxoni237 profile image

sorry too hear about you’re overwhelming life does not always relate to who we’re stress can shape many forms and Anxiety anxious thought especially if being a close relationship the loss of senseof transcendence can seem daunting self worth lightness of burdens building that positive energy and focus keeping mind motivated with self worth friends and family are helping hands and a nod in the right direction helps take away that negative energy that does not serve you’re higher purpose be inspired surround self with like minded people who have you’re interests at heart relax enjoy transcendence and tranquility hope that you find a worthwhile relationship time is the greatest healer health and well being purposeful

emmi331 profile image

I am so sorry you're going through this. Keep in mind that major life changes can be hell for anxiety-prone people like us. You had two of these within a short period of time - a major breakup and a move to a new environment. This double whammy probably triggered the panic attack and subsequent fears.

I believe what would help you is talk therapy. I know, it's hard to find a therapist these days! But be persistent. Perhaps seeing a doctor about starting/changing medication would also help.

Last year I went through months of depression and anxiety before getting better with talk therapy and the right medication. Also possibly with the passing of time.

It was during this time that I found this forum and the kind and understanding people here. So keep coming back!

silentdreamer20 profile image

Hi! I'm sorry to hear about your experiences. I know that such a big change to your life is difficult. I used to be a "social butterfly". Actually, my entire life I was considered one. The friendliest person you'd meet. I still am, to an extent. I got sick in 2010 and every year seems to bring more conditions. Once I started having seizures my entire life changed. I was afraid to leave the house because I experienced seizures in the car (passenger), in church, in stores, restaurants, on the street, etc. Not only was it embarrassing, it was terrifying. Eventually, I had to adjust and accept my new life. My body wasn't what it once was. Once I started accepting that and learning more about what I was going through, and why... Life became a little easier. I have panic attacks sometimes in very crowded places. I was on a family vacation this past summer and had a panic attack inside a store and we had to leave. I used to believe that I embarrassed my family, but it turns out they just want me to be comfortable and to be safe. My conditions don't embarrass them at all. My daughter knows what to do in each situation as well. We are all prepared for anything, which is the best way to handle it all. I got cleared to drive nearly a year ago, but I haven't taken the step to renew my license yet because of anxiety. I will get there. I'm working on it with my therapist. I haven't worked in years, but I am currently looking for remote positions because some days are much worse than others. Working from home would be a perfect match for me. There are ways to work around your health. Don't give up. Educate yourself and accept your new limitations. Work with what you've got. Adjusting is difficult, but it's possible. I wish you all the best, hun.

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