This bout of depression has been with my for about 6 months.
As anyone of you who is depressed feels, I just want to snap out of it.
This is a rough time of year to be this way.
Don't want to bring my wife and kids down too.
Any suggestions?
This bout of depression has been with my for about 6 months.
As anyone of you who is depressed feels, I just want to snap out of it.
This is a rough time of year to be this way.
Don't want to bring my wife and kids down too.
Any suggestions?
Just wanted to say this time of year around November and December I really start to feel down. I believe I have seasonal affective disorder along with other issues. A good book to read about that is this book titled Winter Blues. I am just fed up with all the Christmas season stuff. There’s too much pressure around Christmas to try to buy people the perfect gift. And then you end up broke in January. I have to watch my money very carefully. All these stores just want my money. Yes, I have become the Grinch!! And while I’m at it, I think it’s ridiculous how some people spend all this money on fancy holiday light displays. Why don’t they spend that money giving to a good charity instead??? Seems like they’re just showing off. Okay, rant over. Bah humbug.
Hi sorry you’re feeling this way. Are you taking an antidepressant? Are you talking to a therapist? Do you practice mindfulness like breathing and meditation. Also don’t be afraid to talk to your wife about how you’re feeling. Perhaps also talking to a friend. Praying 🙏🏻 that you find comfort, rest and peace. God bless you.
Thinking of you. You need to work with your psychiatrist to figure out if something needs changing up in your medication . Then work with your therapist to make small achievable goals to help you feel better about yourself. Sounds simplistic and I definitely know it is not but this pulled me from a deep suicidal depression this past year. I couldn’t feel any better. I also find getting outside myself and helping others makes a big difference for me. Hope things are better for you soon.