Does anyone else try to find comfort in fictional characters? Like, imagining fake scenarios with them in it? Or meeting them and becoming best friends and them comforting you? Just wondering.
finding comfort in fictional characters - Anxiety and Depre...
finding comfort in fictional characters

I do, I loved reading when I was younger , now the only things I read are academic journals and textbooks lol , when I was younger I always imagined meeting the characters from the books, they were an escape for me from real life .
Yes l do. I imagine myself being able to reply to a comment in the manner they would. I imagine myself in one of the big houses back in olden times. I've always been fascinated by those. I love imagining that world as it's described in novels.
Yea I guess that's how fanart came into being.
I love your username! I'm a big reader here too and completely feel this. When I was going through a hard time, I started to pick up books and read them. Found that the lives in the books were easier than mine and it became an escape from my reality. Reading also became therapeutic in a way because some things I read were of characters going through similar struggles. So by reading them, they were walking me through understanding emotions and how to process it.
Me lolI always wanted to be a writer,so I tried to write what I've imagined.
But then after some time,the imagination gone and the stories are half way.
My phone is full of them,the never-ending stories *sigh*
Absolutely 😂 I literally cried whenever a character from a book or video game for that matter goes through something gut wretching or dies 😂
Then yeah my mind wonders if I was in this piece of fiction how could I have helped him/her/they out. Would we get along? Could I even survive in their time? (Depends on when the book or game takes place) could I even be a soldier/spy? I would love to be a spy. Yeah I say it's pretty normal to think of fictional characters that way. I mean there's even a sub gerne called fan fiction. Some of those are crazy 😂
oh yes! I love all of Jane Austin’s heroines. I can identify to some extent with each of them and love history and historical novels and tv shows.