Does anyone have a pet rabbit? - Anxiety and Depre...

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Does anyone have a pet rabbit?

Scarlett28 profile image
28 Replies

I live alone and feel quite lonely at times. I love animals and have had tiny dogs in the past. I’m considering committing to a pet again and someone mentioned a rabbit. Is there a certain breed that likes to be held/petted? Any information or suggestions appreciated.🐰

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Scarlett28 profile image
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28 Replies
EndUser13 profile image

Welcome, Scarlett!

I love all the floofs, though I always get something with a longer life span because I get so attached. I'd do a little research and go with your gut but there are all kinds of animals that could be helpful for your nerves.

Scarlett28 profile image
Scarlett28 in reply to EndUser13

Thank you!! I know pets become my world. I am a little concerned that I will not want to leave the house if I get one. I rarely did anything when I had my dogs. Although I still rarely do anything.

EndUser13 profile image
EndUser13 in reply to Scarlett28

Aw :/

Are you agoraphobic?

Scarlett28 profile image
Scarlett28 in reply to EndUser13

No, I just spend way too much time alone. I’m divorced, no kids, no friends, don’t drink. So outside of the house all I really do is walk. I do see my parents, sibling & nieces each week for a few hours.

Scarlett28 profile image

I love dogs too! I was just wondering if a rabbit would be less maintenance and non shedding unlike a cat, although I like cats too. I just want to be able to snuggle a pet and I don’t know if rabbits like much attention. Thanks for sharing your landlady’s love for them😊

Adamj profile image

I have a pet turtle

Scarlett28 profile image
Scarlett28 in reply to Adamj

Sweet ☺️

MadBunny profile image

Yes I have a rabbit. I have had them for around 25 years . They are wonderful pets but I feel I must say that they are not always easy to look after. They vary so much in what they will tolerate. Generally speaking they are social animals and experts recommend they are kept in a bonded pair, that is a pair which have lived together. A male and female are the best combo ( neutered of course) .Bear in mind too that they are a prey animal and instinctively don't like to be picked up and petted. Having said that , I have had mostly single rabbits and they can form a good bond with their owner. All my rabbits except the one I have at the moment , have enjoyed sitting on my lap and being petted. Dylan just won't let me pick him up ,even though I've had him since he was a baby.

I hope I haven't sounded too negative- they are wonderful little creatures but not always the cute cuddly animals they appear to be. I wouldn't want to be without one.

I've always had a dwarf rabbit( I've got arthritis and can't handle anything bigger ) so I can't comment on the best breed.

They can be kept in the house but you need space and be prepared for chewing. Boy can they chew! Line cats they can be trained to use a litter tray.

As EndUser13 suggests, do some research first to find out a bit more about their needs xx

Scarlett28 profile image

Thank you so much for information!

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Scarlett28

Sorry that was a bit long - I didn't mean it to be a lecture 🤗 They are such good company , even though they dont always interact like cats or dogs. I love the way they just sit and chill . I find that very calming - the way they have of just being in the moment.

Scarlett28 profile image

Don’t be sorry, I appreciate you’re detailed response😊. I may be keeping my eyes open for a small rabbit to adopt. It made me smile how describe the way they chill in the moment & has a calming effect on you. I think it could do the same for me.

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Scarlett28

Let me know if you do -I'd love to hear all about it .Meanwhile , here's a photo of my Dylan chillin' 🤗

Wonder what he's thinking
Scarlett28 profile image
Scarlett28 in reply to MadBunny

Oh my he is adorable! 🤗

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Scarlett28

He is- when he behaves! He's got the most beautiful big eyes.You can maybe see in the photo the cushions stuffed between the furniture and the board on the left of the chair ,to stop him going behind and chewing the electric cables😁

Masil profile image

Hi have you thought about guinea pigs as my daughterinlaw has them and keeps them inside with her she absolutely loves them and said they are right little characters and love to be snuggled with and she wouldn't be without hers she had a stroke and doesn't go out much and tires easily and these seem to be the perfect cimpanions for her I think she has 3 so they don't get lonely and are relatively low maintenance to look after so there's another option for you to think about but please let us know how you get on and what you decide to do best wishes xxx

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Masil

What a great idea!And the beautiful way they squeak.

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to Masil

Whee! Whee! Whee!

Scarlett28 profile image

Thank you! I had not thought of a guinea pig, I will definitely be looking into them as well. 😃

Midori profile image

If you have allergies check rabbits out carefully. Their coats are so very fine that if you have Asthma, you may have a problem with them as I do, but guinea's hair is coarser so less fur flying around. Make sure you get them neutered though, you can be up to the eyeballs in babies quite quickly!

Cheers, Midori

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Midori

That's a very good point. And they moult, too🤗

Agora1 profile image

Hi Scarlett28, my daughter had come home with a "Mini Rex" black and white bunnythat we named "Jack". It was the first time I had experienced having a rabbit. Was so

surprised in how smart, cuddly and loving Jack was.

Just like anything else, they respond to love. Jack was trained to go potty in his duty area

He liked music and twinkle lights and even learned how to use his paw to get music box

to start. Having been a dog person my whole life, it was truly a joy in having Jack.

I wish you well in getting the love and support you need from your new furry friend :) xx

Scarlett28 profile image
Scarlett28 in reply to Agora1

Oh, what great story! Thank you! The mini rex is so cute ☺️

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Agora1

What a lovely story.🤗🐰

samack profile image

I want a rabbit too. I was told that they need s very large cage, so you have to have the room in your house for the cage. Then I hear about rabbit proofing the house, I live in a vintage apt and cords are everywhere. I'd love just 1 bunny, but I'm not home enough to keep it company. It seems complicated..

Scarlett28 profile image
Scarlett28 in reply to samack

I am struggling with the decision too. I may be leaning more towards a guinea pig even though bunnies seem so much cuddlier because they are so darn cute.

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to samack

Yes rabbit proofing is essential as it's instinct to chew. I don't know why they like cords though .My current one has been the most destructive so far. All the others never chewed a thing except cords. But Dylan - everything is fair game to him 🙄 I still love him though

I decided not to get a rabbit for my kids when they were younger as I had heard they can get aggressive - don't know if this is true?So we had guinea pigs +++, bred them too! Such lovely little animals, very sociable and would chat to us when we brought food for them.

For many years I'd carry a plastic bag when I went out for a walk and pick them grass etc from the hedgerows which they loved.

Some with handling got very tame. Anyway that's just my experience, in any case any pet can be good company.

Enjoy your little friend!

The most affectionate creature I ever lived with was a hooded rat. He'd stand on my shoulder and wrap his tail around my neck and snuggle. Rats are pack animals, just like dogs, and they transfer that loyalty to you when you are their family.

Had a rabbit. It didn't work out at all. He hated me and attacked every time he saw me. I had to find him another home.

Look at that sweet face.

Not what you're looking for?

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