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Need help and feedback from those who are struggling with fear of leaving home NEW HERE 😩

Beba_80 profile image
5 Replies

The anxiety of leaving home is so debilitating. I am so tired and weary of feeling this way I have started one on one therapy just 2 weeks ago and I can’t see the progress fast enough

I want of my Zoloft it was making me more depressed just like all the other SSRI have in rhe past !!!!!

Does anyone feel like me??i feel I’m alone in this battle with anger , solitude and lack of understanding

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Beba_80 profile image
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5 Replies
DodgeDhanda profile image

Hi B80.

Welcome to the group .

Firstly let me reassure U that ur not alone in all ur thoughts & ur actions as you will find in this group others who have been there & done that & I will say this .


Remember that U need to be patient as this journey is a long& slow one & after 2 sessions & a new medicine that can take upto a month to actually start working fully but U already know this.

In this group U will read an answer to ur questions but its still a slow journey to get to a place where U are happy with who you've become & U will change. First remember anger is an emotion & it deserves its time in the sunlight , however its up to U to work on reducing ur angers need to show off.

U possibly think ur stronger than the need to work years & years on getting better & U can do it in no time but I'm telling U that ur lying to urself & that's the first thing U need to stop as lying to one's self is slowing U down.

I used to be chilled out years ago & then my health took a turn for the worst & then I became a very angry person & the hate I had for others was only overtaken by the hate I had for myself.

I had to learn to forgive myself & then start to heal myself by loving me for me & I also needed to work on me daily too & I researched loads & read articles & books & listened to podcasts to teach me how to be a better me . What works for U is for U to find.

A suggestion as I used it to help myself.

Not leaving the home during the pandemic was a god send for me as I was happy being without others around me & I got to learn & do those things that helped me & I found the solitude calming & joyous. I still hardly go out even now & I'm happy with that . I also cut out social media too as it was having an effect on me I now dedicate most of my time to me then my children then my family & I've never been happier but then I put most of that down to being single as I don't have any distraction from someone else invading my space.

I wish U love & light on ur journey

b1b1b1 profile image
b1b1b1 in reply to DodgeDhanda

Dodge Dhanda - I was just looking at your bio and I noticed that you mention Duloxetine. I am thinking of starting it and am wondering what it was like for you and if it helped. You can pm me if you want. Thank you very much. b1b1b1

DodgeDhanda profile image
DodgeDhanda in reply to b1b1b1

Hi B1.

When I started it I felt calmer within my mind & I feel it does still help me BUT that how it has or hasn't affected me , every medicine has side affects & ur own GP would be the best person to allay any of your fears.

b1b1b1 profile image
b1b1b1 in reply to DodgeDhanda

Yes, thank you. My doctor has suggested it, so it's good to get an opinion from someone who has taken it. x

EndUser13 profile image

Welcome to the forums! Now you don't need to be completely alone, there are a lot of cool people here 🙂

People with anxiety disorders often are impatient, understandably. The nature of a lot of would-be helpful drugs almost seems cruel because you have to tough out any side effects and wait a month of two just to know if it's going to help. I know this pain all too well, but there IS hope... it just might take some dreaded patience to try to find what works best for you.

I'm agoraphobic and as much as I hate exposure therapy I force myself to go outside every day. I don't walk miles and miles from my home, sometimes I only get a few yards but the more I tough it out, the easier it tends to be. Even if you just get out front and focus on reading or something you can focus on outside of your body, ideally, it should help.

There are far too many coping methods to list but perhaps your faith could help lend you the strength you need when facing your fears?

I hope you keep sharing and reading others' posts, these forums could be really helpful to you in offering ideas to try or support.

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