I was sleeping and my phone rang, an unknown number, it was the lady with the internship i applied to after i was kicked of my last. I was just going to rest this month. And i'm so anxious she might think i'm lazy for sleeping untill late. And explained a hundred things about the internship and i just paniced and zoned out. And she wants me to go Tommorrow and mom might pick me up Tommorrow
Got accepted for another internship - Anxiety and Depre...
Got accepted for another internship

uncertainty and anxiety normal....go for it....i have notint to lose...if it doesnt work out...i gain practice in the interview..all adds to experence and skills......
well done....ur......helpng mei used to get fuming ..when i gave help sessions at college....
no one shows
i get fear.....
but ........ill make considerations only so many tmes
im not going to do the studyig
i can help any a student to d student
but better find a way to accept help....imsaying to my students
becasue we leaders and teaher will hold hands only so long
we all had to face tons of fears in our careers.....and we fore our selves to sruvie....we hae no choce
get skills practie skills cuz ...people have their own carreres
and dont hae time to carry dead wt...
ive sent 3000 resumes out last 8 years....
u fore urslef nto how u feel
we dont hae any alterantive
they are reasonable people and good experience.id say to myslef...practice meeting people and for later job interviews....
i have to advocate for myslef ...like it or not........its my job.....
and i was so pissed with my damn students after a hundreth help session and they wont come...........ill meet them only half way......im a coach not a mommy.........and why im not alwys good for 5this site...
ive walkd all night to keep from frezng walked 5 miles to get to jobs daluy ....u do what u have to do........general u not persoanl u...no alterative bu to suceed thoguh hared work
u can do it.
the interview will go fine...ull suprise urself....have fun meet anew person...get warm....enjoy the bulding etd...new opprtnity to talk to anothe person.......
its an oppornity ........pradtie netwokign
lemons to lemonade......be a breeze for u ....
today- keep org he farm and shed....and area..say prayers for Real and thakful for hose helping her...as long as shesn not alone swiming wth rhe sharks ish....thak goodness for the kindness an insidgh o people here....Midoiri helped me more than i can say ane o5hers....just no words......Real prob thinks we are disappointed in her.....nope...how do u convince her of that.........in a suck situa5ion making it worlk....

Aw, thank you! (Blush!)
Cheers, Midori
ooops now how did that happen again.......
so wierd...a country saves ur brother and time after time the kindest people any wereh and shows u what courage and integrity are.........when lacking everywhere else......
how wierd they would be sooooo inspiring and memorable
hidden heros......
heros of WW2 etc
shhh ...i wont tell...they are very modest people......
AA Milne was from which?? country? Mary Poppins was from Which Country? the Paralimentary system was from which?? county.........Dunkirk was from which? country? they love nature and gardens which country is this??
oohh sorry....must be computer loop or something sorry...
to Britain: long ....may she wave.........music.youtube.com/watch?v=K...
feelings about the British people u lived with 18 months......u lived with them not a 4 day pop in ...not a week sight tour.....
slow walking and biking....really seeing the people...
and their history and culture....
Judith Durham - Morning has spoken Utube music
i can never begin to tell u....what Britain means to me.....thousands of mini lessons every day....
((((((((((((((im still....having a terrible time strugglng with the loss of my .........i wouldnt know what to say.....u at least reached out noeat mocking or laughing....u reached out....and...
it was an incredible human gestrue of humnity.....it doeesna did help.....im still so byond words...just devistated....ill deal withi t but in large part....someone reached out and didnt laugh........i get it brig...essentualy ish...
said abadly..but .....hope u get it...still so terrible....ill deal with it of course no worries........beyond words...tks
when facing severe tests..i reminded myslef
has been done by others
therefore it is achievable
thererore...it reasonable not impossile
and i can do this....
ignore if insutint btu thi is what i did to face my challenges the intenhsip a golden opport5uinity ..we all have fears.....just do it Brig...
Well done for getting your internship
im bad abot lecturing...meant well but ..insulting....all real
remind myself
internships are designed to succeed and trainnew people
this isnt going into neurosurgery residency.......which they will
eat people
One door closes…another opens!
What great news. Things are going to go well for you with the new internship. What a great blessing. I hope you have a wonderful day.
todays classroom assignment in my classroom (welcome to join)
"I am loved by the people of HU "
written 100 times....stick a copy in my wallet
do i have my safe areas in house or town ready in my mind? how well do i knolw the routes? map flashiligh5t?? safe places planned?what gives me confidnence from my lucky penny to ..whisle and ID in my wallet....whisle can be very effective.....
good day to double check ....oh...umbrella 4 bucks ...very effectie and good PPE.,,,,,bags for my shoes incase it rains....put my feet inthe p;laastic baga nd water proofs my feet......etc....
garbage bag not bad emerg rain coat..head portrection....lsoe 1.3 of body heat through head...old timers were stupid....stuff like that......
do som fun stuff for me too ......
make fun out of work...and u do see the progress which make sone feel good
Congratulations 🎉. Hold on to the positive feeling. You deserve to embrace the success! Don’t let negative thoughts or people take away from your happiness!
got a lot done today for my landlord...tech i pay him rent but he has forgotten more things about more things so im pickintg up lots of things in many areas enven tho i know some....and he was there fro me anin fin allowing me to use his shed and out of the woods....sooo one hand washes the other whereas other peopel might force me 5o nicle and dim eerhing......or say its manupilationswhich it isnt...i oer pay him in compensation so everyhooe knows im not takeing advantage....the work helps show my intnet t5ooo.....and its not back breakng and he never screams.....i got into some wire with the mower....fortunately able to cut it free ..no damage t5o the mower...hes patient ...heckles me in good ay bu good to not5 take urself too seriously and hes a comdeican at harea5...so we get on fine......i am his goofer in many hears when he goes to contract wrok but hes mr integrty just his legs and body are faillng him....so i technnically help out but ...he helps everyone so ..im helping to keep a helper keep going.........he hlps me fine jos and found used furanature being thrown away....id be hard rpesseed to carry it walling for 8 miles......so..again....u play the game an u lok past or relly dont see his poor wt 350 but who cares...just feel for him......feels good to get tangables done and not hare sork compared to most hard ork....place looks neate4r and doinngt the same inth eshe sends a message to him...he can relax and wont streess ...keeps the tension down.......so u play the lft brain games all neat and tidy ...and so what......for him...hes a good joes an di dont hafe to wrok for hard mean bosses....let him a good guy win..ha ha.......let the mean bosses lose a good worker and good luck finding help; u liek to abuse....bye....will continue to org the shed and surroudning...my landlord will take big sigh as he lets me rent the shed but cant get to his stuff no matte how disorganized........get it all fixed up and everyone is hapy and happy and peace....then no one hassles me if i paint....play the left brain world game.......
had a potato for dinner from my bosses garden.. fab....when i cant remember instructions on jobs..i will ask for written instrucrtions.......usually accomodating as i cant rmember 2 secondas....thats my panic is my short term membory impacts looking for jobs....takes me 5 o 6 times to pick thntgs up......just hae to wrok at it and push throgh it....have no choice...
note to self- very smart to do internships....designed for people to gain experence- usually with understandint staff who have seen countless new people and the struggles of adjstment - no big deal to them..some students come in with tape recorders or ask for accomodations ...today thats no big deeal at least places ive been. trkick is how to get new people to understand its no big deal..we see hudreds and then they think ur babying them and dont have confidence in them and prob some5hint wrong wi5h 5hem or u dont like them or they are alreay disapointint u so what the h and they quit........seen countless cases of people readng neg into things with that big brain of theirs no matter what u say...give them i gie them ridt fo showing ersus the spoiled kids laying aroun 5their pool...no matte wah5 i say or do...i cant get them to unders5and wer used to 5his an ew wer new once 50 centuries ago........someday 5hey will be welmng interns and see hingts ffrom our perspective.....myabe warm muffins would send a nice message or bring big bird.....
i write myself orders for rhe day as when i was a resident-
helps keep me focused.....some strucrure
day - go with my boss help him finish a job bring home my painintgs..
continn reorg and upgrade rhe shed...then some master design palns......(bored)
the cleann up helps my self eesteem in that progress ir real v o5h is longer term nebulous
self esteem helps my self worth confidene and strnth to dealwith hcallenges ahead which i need to list......(boring and too routine- stillneed to do it......)
buld in some future stuff to look forward to....rational? ourse not who cares.....ur swiming withthe shark and some office jock want to splt hair or ask acadmeic questions.....we need someotng to look forward to on practical baiss.....dont need some acadmei yahoo when who knows when food wll come or water....or o
wonder if Real can appreciate swiming wt5h the sharkish.....lol ooh makbybe just a little......
she aint alone she aint never alone alone alone......everyone here ullng for her 24/7 whether she knows it or not.........she aint never alone alone alone alone......
reorg the shed, restacking all rthe lumber and piles will also funcrtion as message to my landlord- told him i woluld take care o him....for him being thre for me even thou i more than pay him..however...he....was there for me......so ill transform rthe farm and then the porch area ana nd and 5he shed will gleem and and
send a messate and reinstill his confidence in me an sends a mwessage....im not waiting nor defeated.....im taking charge of my area and life....im resp for my life no one esle........hands off.....whaterfer i need to face i will ask research consult do my homesork, ask for any help assstance as thats their job ....and make myslef succeed no matter what or go around obstacles until my brain solves those problems........all t5his helps my self confidencewhich i can do on my own time way and no pressure rrom o5thers.......my area my space....my job.......hands off....
whatever it takes.....as long as it takes....if thats what iwant to do i will do it......on my** schedule and my drive my way..not someone elses....get ahead ** of the curve....not react......what back upo jobs
watch remember rehearse mentally wi5th visulation
watch remember rehearse......make myself an asset....lean into challenge.....fitness program strenthing et5 ...prepared is better than reacting........this isnt work...acadmeically i5s work....bulding lfe habits ....once habit buld new ones....and so on.....thats how it works for me bulding experience....annd confidence in areas im shaky at.......not the smartest or the brightest....but i am a very hard worker and i will learn it...smart cards library whatefer.....im not waiting for cri5ique im getting ahead of it....
im planning my new job or intervidewlay out my clothes
plenty rest
be to work one hour ahead
what my travel route and time
plan for problems
learn all i can ahead about my job - talk to others find mentors get involved so i dont react...get ahead of it is control
check my clothes
food for day
needed equipmnt etc
master calender even if i need to make it
to do lists on the wall
bulliten board ..reminders
to do lists.
x mas ane winter in 4 months
needs wants desires challenges op5ions
brainstor4mintg solu5ions
traige decsions - some immedeidate some delay some defer some need more info or consult or more researh.
areas where i can relax and be myself too
work is progress tangleble aned more rewarding even tho some see as menial..managbment goals take foreer...clean up rewar is almost immediate......whose t5he dumby
we compete or work (aneshesia) under extreme stress due to he hours of training and exerience til u feel over ready....one is never 100 in stress be i demanding lesssons or com;petion but preparation and over helps deal with the human element of nerves butterfleis ...all planned all human thrugh training...we tell peop;le this 5hosand of times an ignore nerves anxitey and doubts and train trian til routine...til we cant forget....said to thousands of students compe5i5ors and still .....they want to reinvent the wheel and talk endless ly about how the feel.....i dont care.....it one percent u i...bring ur potential ur hunger ur atttude and ill take u all the way....have a mliono times........so people dont listen to us old compei5ors and peole wi5h a millino hours of experience
not my porblem.......this formula works for me.....hundreds and hundreds of time....not theory not some ...
my bossdes farm is now
my farm.....
i can transrom this as i have coun5less times....
three days.....
doing my own internship;...my third with my boss ...always hard but ..long term a person learns and gains so much and referencwes...growth not always easy but as hes so decent ..worh it...not sayhing its easy ....but worth in the end
Thank you all, i can't write a lot because i'm having technical issues but want you to know i'm grateful