Took my girlfriend to work actually walked her in. Came home went to the store to pick up my BUSPAR going to try that again to see how I do since Paxil was hell also went to the bank to cash a check. Sat outside some went for a small little walk around the block. Picked my girlfriend up talked to her mom for a couple minutes though I did feel the anxiety just kept at it through the day. Though when I got back home with my girlfriend I decided to try and talk to my own mom and tell her how I was feeling about some things and it caused me some brain fog and derealization ugh. May of overwhelmed myself. I just wish I could shake these anxiety symptoms like I can handle some of them but feeling lightheaded sometimes is annoying like I don’t know if I’m actually lightheaded or if it’s like in my head because of the anxiety. My gerd has also come back full force trying Protonix instead of Prilosec because Prilosec seems to make my anxiety worse though protonix doesn’t seem to be working. Just trying to ignore the symptoms of anxiety and such though it’s hard especially with the sensations of gerd on top of it.
Had somewhat of a productive day - Anxiety and Depre...
Had somewhat of a productive day

Adamj you were amazing today. Those are a lot of hugh steps that you took forwardin one day. I'm proud of you. By the time you came home and were talking with your
own mom, understand that the brain fog and derealization might have come from being
more tense and on edge. When we talk with family and try to tell them our accomplishments, there is always that underlying fear that we will be brushed off or
ridiculed in what was a big accomplishment for us. When that happens, we tend to start
breathing erractically and soon our head can feel like a balloon.
If and when that happens, remove yourself from that issue and find a quiet spot to sit
and slow your breathing down. It will help relax you. Also make sure you are hydrated
since that can play into that head feeling as well. You did good Adam Gee can't wait
to see what tomorrow's post will bring from you xx
You did have a productive day!! 😊
I mastered bingo today