Hi I've been low and in bed for the last 14 days all I do is cry , my family leave me to it as they know I'll come out of it .. I do nothing but stare or read a book . Nothing in the house is getting done I feel I have frozen and cant physically do a thing , I'm taking all my meds so why do I feel like I do , it's heart breaking . I want the old me back please help
Helpless : Hi I've been low and in bed... - Anxiety and Depre...

Hi, I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling so low and have been in bed for the last 14 days. I had a quick look at some of your previous posts and read that you have bipolar, depression and are going through the menopause. When you've had episodes like this in the past, was there anything that has helped to get you back up and on your feet again, or is it something where you just have to wait for it to pass? When you're feeling ok, what sort of things do you like doing? Would it be worth talking to your doctor about how you've been recently?
Hi thanks for reply, yes I just have to wait till it passes I'm afraid , I don't even know what sets it off I take all my meds daily then boom here we go again ! I've got a good GP who would look at changing meds but don't want to go down that Rd. Yes I do a Volunteering Job, and love walks with dog , and gardening etc , but can't do any of those at the moment .just hate this feeling I pray 🙏 it leaves me soon
Hi lifted, I am so sorry that you’re feeling this way. You are not alone. I have been struggling w severe depression for the last couple of weeks myself. For me it is also hormonal - that and a little bit my situation. I try to force myself to get out of the house every day and be in the world a bit. Usually just going to the store or something. Also trying to read something uplifting and pray, meditate. I text with a friend or two. I walk and occasionally bike. I can’t say that any of these things provides much immediate relief but I like to think they are helping prevent me from slipping further. I have an appointment with my psychiatrist next week and am wondering if it is time to change meds. I hate to do it because changing meds can be SO hard but maybe that’s what I need. Maybe a med change is in order for you also? Take care ❤️
Thankyou for reply , the outside fears me, I've been in that long , I can't go out, I do pray and love reading ..I just hope my strength and confidence comes back and will hear Gloria Gaynor telling me to "walk out that door"lol . I'm so loved and I'm a kind , caring, bubbly person , but when this takes over my Goodness I'm a shadow of myself xx
Lifted my heart goes to you! And big hugs ! I am where you are myself so I can relate more then you know ! My house is so behind in stuff that needs to be done piles of clean laundry not put away and the list goes on…., I get up t eat take my meds and vitamins go back to bed read or watch tv use the rest room but basically that’s it theses days . Just know you are not alone and I’m here if yo want to pm me or talk here either works for me heck If you want to chat by phone too I will d that as well . I feel my life is passing by trying not to feel ashamed is important cause this is a metal health issue that’s in our chemical imbalance in the brain some days are harder than others for me I live alone do you ?
Hi thankyou for reply , you do feel like your going insane, it's the guilt with me as well and I feel so lazy and ashamed .. I live with my husband and 21 yr old Daughter she really helps , but hubby is happy to leave me to it and watch TV ,
You are very blessed to have a husband and especially a daughter that helps you 🙏❤️D you have other things that could be contributing like thyroid imbalance or menopause?
This perimenopause stuff has really thrown me for a loop (at least I think that’s what it is?)! Also have thyroid disorder. I feel more energetic with adequate thyroid replacement but it doesn’t seem to make a huge difference w my mood. I know how hard it can be to leave the house. I too feel ashamed for being depressed and not accomplishing more. My whole life I’ve been entrenched in the idea that productivity/accomplishment = worth. So when I can’t be productive I feel worthless. I’ve really been a workaholic for the last several years but in Dec/Jan I became so depressed and exhausted that I had to go on leave. In any case, you are not alone! can also PM me if you’d like. Talking/messaging with others who are walking through a similar experience helps ❤️
Hi I know you said I could PM you , wasn't sure how? appreciate help xx