Does anyone else exsperiance anxiety before going out for a few beers etc, I don't go out much now as I work alot but my friends asked me to go out for few drinks and suddenly I feel a little on edge and sick think it's the thought of being hungover or having hanxiety the next day?
Going out. : Does anyone else... - Anxiety and Depre...
Going out.

Before going anywhere, but especially social events, can get me really anxious and then when I'm out I get very self conscious. I try to challenge it and sometimes I do well and other times it seems like too much and I stay home. I usually feel better about it when I challenge myself and spend a little time outside my comfort zone.
I certainly do. I’ve never loved going out as I’ve always had anxiety. 8 years ago I ended up getting epilepsy which made going out even worse as I was terrified of having a seizure while out at karaoke. Now it’s being scared of Covid as I have underlying conditions. I went to karaoke on Friday and was there for about 15 mins and it was sooo busy and loud I had a panic attack and had to leave ASAP.
Hi James, Many times we end up putting ourselves in an anticipational anxiety beforewe've even left the house. Alcohol has a way of increasing our anxiety along with a hang
over, we would wonder if it's worth it.
Not being able to go out as much because of your work schedule, could also make
you socially anxious. It's not just you my friend. xx
Also, if you do go out you don’t have to drink. I started going to karaoke 3-4 years ago and I rarely drank and now I don’t drink at all. I think people feel pressure if everyone else is having a drink but don’t, there is no rule saying you have to. You can always just have an appetizer or a non-alcoholic beer.
I have tried that once it was alright however also nothing worse than being the only one soba whilst everyone's drunk you feel you spend your whole night taking care of them haha 😄