When on days i'm too much stressed and anxiety is kicking i feel like this nearly passing out and that only for about a few seconds but i don't really passout and that's like when i'm away from home or hanging outside and it happens out of the blue, do any of you ever feel like that?
Passing out anxiety: When on days i'm... - Anxiety and Depre...
Passing out anxiety

Oh my gosh yess! Every time I’m super anxious I have that same feeling. I don’t know what causes it but I would really like to know why it happens.
It happens even when you are distracted?
Well not necessarily, I work myself up and it causes me to have more anxiety and I almost pass out. What seems to help me is to distract myself with drawing or doing things I love to do. I wish I could help you with your problem but I don’t think I’d be much help. I would definitely ask a therapist though. ☺️
My daughter started passing out. She does have anxiety but not sure if it’s related. She has a form of tachycardia and very high heart rate. She was just hospitalized and put on a beta blocker. It seems to be helping.
Yes about 15 years ago i had a very stressful job, i started to get very anxious then would actually pass out, after doing this at work and falling down a flight of stairs then at home and hitting my head on a sink both times ending up in hosp they did tests ..
Well it was very interesting but abit embarrassing , i was basically so stressed i wasnt breathing, holding breath and passing out, my brain was never getting enough oxygen , i was alway forgetful,dizzy, off balance. I. had to go to a breathing physio to retrain. It is very common , it called the “ fight or flight mode” my body was in such stress it was breathing enough to keep me alive but reserving oxygen that if i got to stressed it would make me pass out?
Anyway basically now i meditate, i do 20 really deep breaths from the stomach every morning whilst laying flat on bed or floor and just make sure i do it through day and remind myself how i should breath!! Deep stomach breaths. Try it , it may help help u. Never passed out since
Yes, an hour ago I felt it. It passed. It's a bad feeling of weakness and like im going to pass out also. I see it as anxiety/stress related. A while back I did a test ,when I was experiencing this feeling to check my blood glucose,sugar levels. Thinking it was my blood sugar too low, i did the check and see my levels were normal! I'm not diabetic at all,was just wanting an answer.