😔 I feel scared and alone many times
The way I've been dealt with has left... - Anxiety and Depre...
The way I've been dealt with has left me feeling suicidal

Hi. Please don’t do anything to harm yourself. Sometimes certain posts get taken down on here because of the nature of them and some people can say some very stupid and insensitive comments.

I didn't say anything stupid or insensitive. I just said that I struggle with depression and sadness and it is triggered by a certain activity which it seems we all do at times bu(but it seems maybe I'm not allowed to say it). I expressed my vulnerabilities that I am in pain and struggling, which is what this place is supposed to be for.
Either way even if I did say anything wrong (which judging by others support I didn't say anything wrong) it's not kind or fair to delete people's posts without saying why. We all can say things in innocence and we all need the dignity of understanding if this has happened. There is no kindness and care in censoring people and not having the humanity to explain to someone why. It's left me feeling really worthless and not worth been given the time to explain anything. I wouldn't even treat a child that way if they did something wrong but didn't know why. I would kindly explain the right way. I really shared my genuine self and pain, which I thought this place is for and maybe I did make a genuine mistake and broke some rule I wasn't aware of, but I put my heart on the line and it really feels like I've been really rejected. It would be easier if I had an explanation from Healthunlocked but that's not how they work. It is so unkind to not give us the time of day to explain anything. It's really hurt me that I'm not worth that to them.

Maybe this post will get deleted too. I don't know. I don't know what is expected of me which puts me on edge and makes me lack confidence in expressing myself. It's bound to have this effect on people if you just censor people without explanation. Maybe I will get censored again just because I'm calling Healthunlocked out now on how they don't care enough to explain anything. It's really hurtful. It's so surprising to me they operate this way. They must have hurt so many people doing this. I've never had this on other forums. There is always someone to talk with and represent the forum, but here there is nothing. It's so isolating for a big company who claim to care about mental health to operate this way. 🤷♂️

By way, thank you for your kindness Googoodollsfan.

Even though I feel really hurt, I feel better for you showing some care to me.
Someone could have reported it and the admin didn’t really look. Idk if that happens. I suspect it does. You brought up a sensitive but completely normal and legit topic. Some people are just unable to cope with those feelings and act badly. That’s not your problem. You are welcome here.
I really appreciate your reassurance but I know Healthunlocked should have enough care about them to provide this reassurance especially as they are the ones deleting posts. Effectively, you are doing their job for them. It's just unkind and insensitive to go around deleting posts without any explanation. It's somewhat unprofessional too for a mental health organisation to do this. As I said earlier they must have hurt a lot of people. It's just not conducive to dignifying people and promoting good mental health. In fact, I may well report my own post here and see if they are willing to respond to it because we ALL deserve an explanation why they operate this way. I think the people here like yourself are lovely, but at least some ways that Healthunlocked operate is awful.
I won't be posting about my mental health any more as I just don't have the confidence I will be dignified. My experience has genuinely left me lacking in confidence on this site. It's not a pride issue. I just genuinely don't know what will be deemed as acceptable or unacceptable. I don't have confidence my words will be accepted any more. I can't be typing my heart out and have half of me wondering if what I say will just be deleted without any due care shown to me. I'm sure others have felt similarly too if they have been censored especially without having received the kind human touch of been given an explanation. As a result, I want to use my time here (which may well be limited as it seems the people of Healthunlocked don't like honesty if it makes them uncomfortable) just to call out how insensitive Healthunlocked have been to myself and others by erasing genuine heartfelt respectable posts and how much worse it can make users feel. And hopefully this will encourage Healthunlocked to provide a kinder more professional service.
I reiterate though that you have been very kind Blueruth thank you. I really appreciate your caring reassurance. This helps me. I was genuinely feeling suicidal at feeling rejected and dismissed before but feeling heard and accepted by you and Googoodollsfan fan has comforted me. Sometimes that's all I need to improve my mood☺️💙
When I wrote the previous response it was with an eye on the fact I hope Healthunlocked see it and understand how they have hurt others. I want them to understand that. But it still doesn't take away the fact there are kind people like yourself on this site. Thank you for your kindness.
I'm sorry. Hope you feel better soon
a user got a report and didn't give any informtation why is was taken down .

I understand why it would hurt if you didn't get any explanation.
yet i could tons of cyberbullying and yet adinms sent a message wasn't breaking the rules .

If you were cyber bullied and no one stood up for you then Im sorry that happened.
i also happen on facebook with college people and they through i was the cyberbullying but other two female user that i tried to explain to them i didn't want to a vidoe call and that they kept vidoe calling . Kept saying No .

That sounds like they were stepping over a line with you if you said no.
her friends said that she was deaf and didn't understand what no mean . some yonger women also tried over stepping the line while i was in college and did have relationship . they did gain my trust to get my prevous boyfriend's temp to them to cheat and also has a lot drama also .