My anxiety hasnt been bad at all i still have some issues but i work though it Iam so happy right now i pray I can stay this way . I been praying that my anxiety goes away ......Iam praying that i can keep my calm and the wave of anxiety away for good .....
This has been a great week for me๐ - Anxiety and Depre...
This has been a great week for me๐

This post gives me hope. Thank you xx
Thank you too i have moments were i think or feel it want get better but it doesn't you have to belive and keeping pushing i have driving anxiety it its hard not being able to drive were i want like i use to ,so i decided to research thi gs that will help me get over my anxiety i start walking and thinking more positive about this and little by little pushing myself to drive further than i been going out of my safe zones . Dont get me wrong i have my moments but its getting much better ...
Do you have a driving fear? I have one and I agree you just have to push yourself, exposure therapy.

Yes i have had it for years now and it has gotten worse the last few years thats why im so happy iam doing better it seems my anxiety triggers with stress. How do u handle it ,i start walking and it seems to help alot .....
I had a major breakdown last year and stopped driving the freeway. I make myself drive a little further and I also started walking too and it is a good stress release. I think my fear is a fear of being unsafe. If that makes sense

Yes the same i started with not driving the highway but last summer it went to regular streets. I started making myself job to work and them my mom took me out to just practice on a lot and it help i still sometimes do shortcuts and avoid certain streets and roads buts this week i went on so of the streets i had stop driving and did well ..i have to stay in the right lane i get nervous in the left and doing left turns but inhave done some this week its getting better inuse to drive everywhere before this anxiety hit me years ago ... it went to just not driving highways then last year it hit hard ....
Iโm the same way!! I stay in the right lane most of the time. Keep fighting the good fight. Each little victory counts

Yes it good to find someone to relate with thats go ik ng thought the same thjng i feel like people really think i can just fix with a snap of a finger, but i try to tell tell them its not that easy ,i explained myself all the time to people, i get blowed at alot because sometimes i hesitate before i turn are etc.....

I have learned to stop praying to get better and to pray that it goes away.......

I do find the walking helps me relax
Great to see a positive post on here. Fingers crossed for you. My week too has been a good one though I never take it for granted that it will last but it is good just to have a few days when I am not overwhelmed by "unwanted" thoughts. Gemma x
Guys i have had moments were i couldn't even move my car at all and had to call for some to pick me and my car up so it feels so good to not have that wave of anxiety even just for this week and i praying i keep it up thanks for the support everyone.....
We all need help sometimes ..I don't care who it is ..even I do ,and that's hard for me ! But now I asked . I feel better about that,took alot of anxiety off my back .