Are pills the answer I've been lookin... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Are pills the answer I've been looking for

taylorrr profile image
22 Replies

Hey guys, I just signed up on here today and after reading some testimonials, I see there are a lot of people on here who have been medicated to deal with their anxiety and depression. I try my best to cope without using medications, but as I get older (I'm 23) it just seems to be getting worse and harder to deal with on my own. I guess I'm just curious to see how others feel about being medicated (or not) and really just your general opinions on the matter.

Let me know!


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taylorrr profile image
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22 Replies
Marshall64 profile image

The best person to talk to is your doctor (need to make the disclaimer). My doctor told me that only 30% of people respond to antidepressants. I have become resistant to medications but they do help many people. I'm currently taking lexapro and Abilify. They may help against extreme lows. I have been taking the lexapro for two years and it helped in the beginning. That seems to be the case for all of the antidepressants that I have taken in the past.

Exercise helps a lot and so does going to peer led support groups. I'm also trying to eat healthier. Giving up caffeine is the biggest challenge.

in reply to Marshall64

Good luck with giving up the caffeine, I did it last week , one whopper of a headache but I did it, so can you! Wishing you all the best! Love & Hugs!!!

_amabelizzario profile image

That's a great question. I also want to know what people think.

-Poetic2 profile image

I have always viewed meds as stepping stones to give you as ‘breather’ so you can work on areas that trouble you. Don’t have to stay on them forever.

Rilo7268 profile image

i think meds can make you feel strong enough to face your problems. they dont have to be forever. that being said i was never one who wanted to take meds until my anxiety became unmanageable. i have two small kids and i needed to be able to make it through the day without being in a constant panic.

kenster1 profile image

its better to get as much support as you can before you take medication.even if you do try get something mild for a couple of weeks and see how you feel.talking is the best form of recovery I think.just my opinion though been on antidepressants for years and that has made me worse I think.

Lm92 profile image

The best person to talk to would be a psychiatrist. They can assess your mental health, evaluate the problem areas and steer you on your journey. Something I've learned is that everyone is different. Something that works for me won't work for you and vice versa. For me, the best approach is medication (Lexapro) and therapy when I have bouts of depression.

Southpark profile image

If a persons serotonin is too high the antidepressants make things worse. It happened to me. Weaning off now and going to a homeopathic Dr who has been treating me with other things. He did a test that showed my serotonin is too high. Only homeopathic drs seem to know about this test. This is all very complicated and it’s unfortunate that we can’t get a straight answer.

taylorrr profile image
taylorrr in reply to Southpark

oooooh very interesting. I prefer taking a more natural or holistic approach to everything in life so I'll definitely check this out. I don't want to go on meds because I feel like artificial chemicals, while necessary for some, aren't the best thing for the body seeing as the universe was created damn near perfectly and it provides us with the things we need to survive and also big pharmaceutical companies don't care about us and doctors are pushed to sell certain drugs and all that. The major reason, is that I am really looking to expand the quality of my life instead of numb myself and become a zombie, as I've seen happen to so many people. I've considered many alternative "doctors" or healing retreats/ceremonies but I've never thought to look into a homeopathic doctor, so thank you for sharing!

Southpark profile image
Southpark in reply to taylorrr

Hoping you can find a good homeopathic Dr. Right now mine started me on CBD oil that is made from hemp. It’s supposed to help anxiety, pain and sleep(I’m having s terrible time sleeping) and other things as well. . Just started it 5 days ago. Hoping it helps.

Southpark profile image

Of course I have to be careful who I

Tell this to because it’s very controversial. We have to do what is best for us.

Well I take anti-depression & anxiety meds. Last time I went off them I wound up with shingles, I've accepted the fact it's what I need yet everyone is different & that's okay too!!! I wish you the best. Oh welcome to the site! We are very kind, understanding & caring people here. I wish for you peace of mind. Love & Hugs!!!

Southpark profile image
Southpark in reply to

Thank you for the welcome. It’s wonderful to Find a safe place where you can freely talk

in reply to Southpark

My pleasure!!! Love, peace & hugs!!!

Hi and welcome.

Meds, not my thing I sorted myself out without them. I don't see them as a cure because I think they only paper over the cracks. I beat my problems by believing in myself and believing that anxiety etc is not what life is about.

Maybe if you think you need something new to keep you afloat then maybe meds could be a good thing for you, if you have tried everything else then why not. They might give you a well needed break from it all or they might be what you need to make you feel better full time.

localgrandma profile image

Hi, my doctor reckon anti depressants can only help about 40% and the rest is completely the source of your anxiety or depression. It’s hard to do it on your own. Ive been doing it myself as I dont like the feeling of being burden but If you do try and get help, step by step and you will get there. Im on two antidepressants called setraline and Amitriptyline, i feel okayiisshh its weird I cant even explain as I cannot remember how it feels to be in normal state. Im sure what im feeling is side effects as ive just started.

keep us updated xx

Strongest123 profile image

Hello. I’ve been on medication for years. I’ve had OCD ever since I was a child, but about 3 years ago I fell into a deep depression. I was taking meds for my OCD for quite sometime, Effexor and Zoloft, then my Dr took me off of those and put me on other meds to treat the depression. She had asked me if I wanted to address the OCD or depression, I told her the depression was more of an issue. She put me on various meds to address the depression, but none would help. She did a DNA test to see which meds would suit me better, so she put me on Pristiq, Tintrillex, and Rexulti, I also take Xanax as needed. Anyways I’m giving them time, even though I’m not really feeling better and the OCD has taken a turn for the worse. I believe that every person is different of course, some people react better to meds than others. I believe that talk therapy is really beneficial to addressing the underlying issues. I’ve been seeing a psychotherapist for CBT for a while, and I do believe it helps. Medications are not for everyone but I do think some people really need to take them such as myself. Being that you’re 23 years old, I would go the route of talk therapy with a good therapist. Try and find one that you feel addresses your concerns and how you’re feeling. Starting to take meds at such a young age I don’t think is a good idea, especially if you haven’t done the talk therapy yet. I’m not saying that meds wouldn’t work for you, I would definitely recommend a psychotherapist for CBT 1st. If the therapist feels that you need both, the CBT therapy and meds together, then by all means. A lot of these antidepressants come with some bad side effects. Good luck to you........Samson

Agora1 profile image

Hi taylorrr, I've always believed there is a time and a place for medication. It is not the complete answer but it can afford us some time to get therapy, to work on our issues and to just have a little respite from daily emotional pain. Your doctor will know what is best for you according to your health history but know that you always have the last say in going on meds. Good Luck. No matter which route you take, the idea is to start feeling better so that you can move forward and not stay stuck. xx

Ironj profile image

There’s no need to not have medication. If you were diabetic you would be smart to take medication to control it. The same goes for Anxiety and depression. I’m a big fan of Benzodiazepines, people and Dr’ may say NO there addictive. That may be true if your abusing them. I’ve been on Xanax off and on as needed for 30 years and has helped a lot. And I can go for long periods of time not taking them. Antidepressants for me haven’t worked very well so I stay away from them , they ALL cause big weight Gain.

Kmason311 profile image

I have been on medications for many years (30+). Early on, I would feel better then stop taking my meds. I would feel worse and have to start meds again. After many cycles, it finally dawned on me that if I were diabetic, I would not go off insulin because I had good levels...I would not stop blood pressure meds because they were "working" to keep my blood pressure under control. I have a medical condition which requires medication to control. I've also learned that being on medication has allowed me to learn some coping mechanisms through therapy.

hunter4ransom profile image
hunter4ransom in reply to Kmason311


Your experience with medication is very similar to mine. I love how you put our need for medication in perspective by comparing it to insulin for diabetic or BP meds for high blood pressure.

I have been on Zoloft for 20+ years. Of course I would feel good for quite awhile and wean off. Within 6mo I would fall into a pit of despair and end up back on Zoloft. I’ve done this maybe 4 times over the past 20 years with my my most recent attempt to wean off for good being about 7 mo ago. This last attempt knocked me down harder than ever before. My anxiety came back with a vengeance and instead of simply going back on Zoloft to get better, I’m now in therapy and also take benzodiazepine twice a day and Klonopin on nights I can’t stop spinning. It’s been 2 mo and my recovery slow going, but progress being made.

With all that said, I will never ever wean off my much needed medication ever again. I wouldn’t wish the hellish experience of out of control anxiety on my worst enemy.

Thank you for sharing your perspective. I hope many others find it as helpful as I did.


ManUtd7 profile image

I tried meds about 20 years ago but stopped after a few weeks. I was using Zoloft and another pill to help me sleep. But it made feel like a zombie and I was not remembering some things I was doing like online purchases, etc. It may not affect others as it did me so definitely talk to your doctor. I've basically been coping using medical marijuana after consulting my doctor. Good luck with whatever route you take. Peace & Love!!

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