thought on seasonal affective d - Anxiety and Depre...

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thought on seasonal affective d

14 Replies

many factors affect arosal and sleep centers in brain

one theory of SAD is shorter wavelenght and or duration entering the brain through the retina. but ....whats there are two main cells ro=ds an cones....white lightis mix of wavelgnth..........whats the effective - white light , other light or colors ...or whiech wavelenghts....

obvously lower neurtransmotters but..whih and means of restoring

what other things increease said neurotrasnmitter to get around the problem

be interesting to try wavelenghts v white light v duration v time of appication v other approaches.....

suggestions and input welcome

14 Replies

Yes I leave my curtains open so I get morning light and that way wake up. I try to get natural light so fall asleep at right times and wake up. On YouTube was study between vitamin D and sleep just google very interesting

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thank u...know somethings..other studies or endeavor and we all know...when it comes to certain people.....if a pet parrot on their shoulder or foot massages to release endorphins or ororororr ....when i comes to loved ones......bucket brigade attitude.....all input considered........back to the books no matter whats known.....medicine is never ending refinement... many methods discoverd from wierd soures.....or diff approahes.....thanks muich ....wound management coming full circle using maggots again....who knowsl. whatever works for people improtnat to we all know

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Some I’ve heard of maggots eating dead flesh and leeches sucking out blood but parrots or pets to release good hormones nice to know about. Thanks 🙏 😃 made me smile 😊scientific research good

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good nurses will declare the ward early hallowween ....or decorate the wheelchairs....worlds best liars.....

nurses shave their heads to honor chemo

sell their shoes to buy xmas presents for patients

call the fire dept or motorcycle club to visit their wards.....

i get told im full of itbutall true.....double morgage their houses to help pay for....

nurses and others....

all one listens.....i dont argue about it anymore....

Midori profile image
Midori in reply to

Also leeches are making a comeback, especially when there is excessive bruising from plastic surgery.

Cheers, Midori

i mentioned st judes.....mind body soul spirit.....u kill the spirit....the patent dies of broken fight illnesses......u fill the spirit wthany thing that will remipwoer the personor helpothem cope....anyting......the d=body heals itself with time in many cases.....with meds oor if the ailement is overwhelming .........but giving people filled with inflamarory products and chronic ailments is wellproven to induce depression (been there ) and friends and supporoter fire peple back up in cancer or ortho recoveries.........nurses and frrineds are trhe worlds best liars along with medics.....just a scratch kid.....the nurses called ur girl and shes fllyintg in with ur dance shoes.......ohhh and do the nurses brag on u about how u never quit at phsyicla rehab.........whoa.....

the power of friends and the nurses..........u never leave a patient alone in pain..never never never ...the nurse in old days reading to the pateint......helped them forget displace and blok pain and and andanand.....the old classic nursing wastotally right on....

the power of family or nurses or buddies - hey george heck of a way to get some r an r.....see u back at workmondya morning man.......lots of projects and unfinished biz......boss freaked u werent at work.....8am sharp dude......


wheelchair..........we playing baseball in twnety min.....ur short stop





hidden work of all caretakers and nurses and buddies and

whatever keeps people fighitng and going.......illnesses can be exahsitng

people respond and omforredand empowered not wanting to disapoint the nurses or at rehab ten times harder.....nothing to do with her appearance...justis nursing power......or buddy pwoerwhatever....

Yeah carers and nurses and doctors and charities do amazing job. So grateful 😇 to God for them all

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Midori profile image

Hi Brig.

I agree with you entirely. I get very down when the light levels are low during winter, and the only thing that relieves that is waking up to the white light of a fall of snow!

I'm a miserable being otherwise!

I'm happiest in spring and summer. Autumn reminds me that winter is near, and makes me want to hibernate. Perhaps in a previous life I was a bear!

Cheers, Midori

in reply to Midori

its frustrating that people have to go through this alone ......alll animals are hard wired to respond to sunlight and to birds know when to mate and when to nest...elk go into rut in the fall based on sunlight not grass lenght, mares go into season in the spring based on sunlight levels....all animal life onthis planet is in synch with sunlight and other natural indicators....same with plants.....this is medical.....plants open and shut with sunlght....along comes humans who think they are what? differnt? yur kidding me righ that the medical community that looks down its noses at us vets as stupid struggles to understand 101? sorry to be this candid camera? this is medical....

we synchrnize mares on farms by adusting the light lenght in the winter to simualte spring and they are bred earlier.....

hello medical doctors that think were soo stupid?

recalibrate the lilgtht lengths and try adjstin the light patterns

a message and sympathy for the suffers of this affliction from the retard club veternianrians...u know we just work with " animals"

like people aren t offense doctors.....give me a break

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Midori in reply to


in reply to Midori

uuuuuuuuuu ar our friends....and loved ones....not a case





will be jumpin up and down.....

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when the covid came out the first thing i would have tried was anti inflamartores as we modify the immune response as vets - of course no one listens to us down the line groups of doctors are saying.....hey.....did u try antimrflam first? its gauling that we always have to play stupid to the medical communty and well were the animal pepole ....treated exactly like most women know very well....and many nurses just ask dolphin....

did u try 101 first before the Mayo Clinic? (meaning wholistic approach ..adjust the nutrition and and and which suports the host and lets their system fight off whatever...and is cheaper and necessary anyway before all kinds of meds with side effects .....first do no harm...101 but few listen to nurses and common sense- were the retards. )

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im advocating for the st judes approach which anyone can do...holistic med first....which i presume most here know........and fundamenal nursing advocating for holistic med first v poly pharm........including sensible levels of activfity...(avod the word "exercise" too loaded)...just keep moving ...however small ....its still not htink " i have to exercise"- LC/dolphin/HU slogan

" the new old cool" works every


low and slow wins every tmie (hare and tortise- let them laugh....see u in the winners tent) the hot rods flame out in two weeks.....low and slow just walk on by and wave..........bye.........and crosses the finish line 9 months later.....walkn tall baby lookin good and taken names.......(works every time)


is the new

coool man......

who needs grass when ur high on fresh air and life....

u go LC and dolphin et al......

power to the people........

ooooooh walkn for charities.............score LC/HU /dolphin

swish...........score yet again...angels 40000 critics 2

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