I had to stand up for my then 12 year old then when his narcissistic teacher messed with him and I got him moved to an amazing teacher who we still keep in contact with throughout the years Now my littlest has the same kind of teacher. I am fighting for him as well to get a new teacher as she also sucks. She had it out for him and his mental health is suffering. I contacted three people including both principals to get a new teacher. I will not give in or give up. I just can’t wait. He deserves so much better.
Again with a teacher: I had to stand up... - Anxiety and Depre...
Again with a teacher
Some people call it determination. Some call it persistence. I call it Spite. Spite as in 'I will not stop. Regardless of whatever you throw at me'.
To bet truthful, it hasn't always worked out the way I wanted it. But I gave it all I had. Also, you can't reason with crazy, unreasonable, or someone who just doesn't give a sh#t. But I always had my say. And I told the truth. A lot of people don't like the truth.
If we all had someone like you looking out for us, there would be less people on this website.
Starrlight, you already know this:
Never Give up.
Hi, How lucky your children are to have such a strong advocate to stand up for them when problems arise. 👍It is sad that some teachers aren't able to positively connect with children to support their learning 🦘
Hi this is Shnookie. I’m so proud of U. As we say in Hebrew Yosher Koach -more power to you. As a young girl in the late ‘60s I stuttered. I had a teacher who made fun of my speech in front of other students. I was shy and mortified. I went home and told my mom. The next day she was in school. Long story short, he never said anything to me again. It’s a fond memory I have of my mom. Keep up the good fight. I’m here 4 U
Hugs 🤗 S ❤️😎💪🤓🐶
Thanks so much! So sorry that happened to you but awesome memory of your mom.
U R very welcome. U R correct. Definitely a great memory of my mom.
Hey starlight , I just wanted to say you’re doing the right thing !!! Stand by your children and fight the good fight , You know what your child needs !! Unfortunately I was so scared if authority and very naively trusted them . It was the ruin of my son. My son has Tourette’s syndrome and his school treated him and myself too , terribly. I’d do it so different if I could turn back time .
Yes thank you! She’s so condescending to him and i have to invite her into my house so to speech through zoom today and this is so hard I don’t want to see her face or hear her words she’s ridiculous but we will keep working as the principals hopefully are setting another teacher up for him. So I will stay strong for him. I reeeeaaaaally dislike this teacher she’s a witch with her broomstick up her ass.
You're a wonderful advocate for your children. Don't give up. In high school I had an English teacher who didn't like me. Several years later my brother had her. One day she threw him out of class and said "I didn't like your sister and I don't like you either" My brother told her the feeling was mutual and my Mom got him in a different class. Keep fighting!!!
Yeah I can’t wait to get him to another class I’m just anxious about this whole thing it’s making me sick. But I will keep fighting.
You've got this. Believe in yourself.
Yes! Thank you! I just got info on my middle school child who will be going into high school next year. It’s making me so nervous and anxious but trying to take it one step at a time and not overwhelm myself with too much info at once.
Wow. Glad your mom stepped in sorry you had to go through that.
So the principal just wants to take a look at the class and he is falling behind he cannot even take notes doesn’t have the skills cannot concentrate his teacher moves too fast and is harsh and looks like the principal won’t move him I suggested moving back a grade to my son he said that would be the worst thing of all to do so no we are stuck. I’m not even paying attention to this stuff any more it’s too stressful. I can’t remember but one time feeling this stressed I can cope. Taking benzos to help. I need to go into nature. My son is doing okay today so far. Ugh I’m so sad. I am failing. I asked the principal how checking in on the class is going to help my son as she won’t tell you oh yeah I’ve emotionally abused him... I’m puttingpressure on him
Just as in all life, there are some Teachers who are Superior and unpleasant by Nature. Like you I was often down at the School with one of mine. They kept putting him into lower Classes, while I knew he was Bright. Wouldn't listen to me and found fault constantly, with him. It wasn't till he was applying from College to go Uni that he was Finally diagnosed as Dislexic! Like you I never gave up. We are strong Mother's. Don't let them get You down.
I do think it'd be a good idea. In fact they should test all Children, as Standard.
Yes, but my Son's type of dyslexia is to do with Number Blindness. He's fine with words. I was really meaning just to be sure the School isn't missing something. I was Fobbed off so many times. That Teacher doesn't sound too good to me. Best wishes Starr.
Well done starlight it's great your kids have such a great mom ♡♡