Any body have trouble going to sleep because of tinnitus lately it’s been bothering me help I have trouble going to sleep?
Tinnitus: Any body have trouble going... - Anxiety and Depre...

Hi I've had tinnitus for many years in one ear. Tbh my only advice is to just go with it 🤷. Don't worry about it, don't focus on it. The more you think about disguising it the more you highlight it. Mine is loud. I've had a scan as apparently if in just one ear there could be a growth on the auditory nerve but all ok. It's there all the time but I'm only aware or bothered if it's mentioned, like when I read your post. ☺️

Thank you for your reply I notice it’s worse at night or when I focus on it
Stress can affect my tinnitus and heaven knows we’ve all had a lot of thSt the last 2 years! I use white noise and music to help block it out when it’s bad.
Try listening to something that is mono-toned, something you are interested in. Maybe an audiobook
Have you tried ginkgo biloba? It's an herb that helps it and it also helps with depression and memory loss and brain damage.