Does anyone have problems first thing in the morning? When daybreak hits I feel so depressed because I know there's another day to get through. As the day goes on I feel better. I sleep OK until around 5 when I get up to give my pup her morning treat. I have trouble going back to sleep at that point since I know the day is almost here. Anyone else have this?
Nwe Day: Does anyone have problems... - Anxiety and Depre...
Nwe Day

Dear Kateba I know how horrible you feel I have the same sick shaking feeling every morning and I know as soon as I open my eyes usually at 4am I am going to be a mess until late afternoon I can’t go out anymore because I feel so depressed I have started medication but it takes 4 to 6 weeks to kick in I am on my third week now and still feel awful but I hope we can see an end to this curse and get our lives back sending you a big hug and peace in your life
I am on medication and have been for sometime. I had this type of thing happen 20 years ago as I was getting on medication. It seems to be back now as my anxiety has been bad, plus living alone and with no family I struggle to find things to do during the day. Also dealing with some health problems which weigh on my mind. Hope your medication allows you to feel better
I understand completely! I have those days too. They are actually worse when there is no sun. Try having 1 thing to look forward to. Spending time with your fur baby sounds like a great start! What is making you so miserable that day break upsets you so much? Are you missing someone? Do you have a job you don't like? Do you have an activity you like to do such as reading, photography, or knitting? I'm not sure if this helps, but I hope you start to feel better soon!
For me I live alone and don't have much to do during a day, also just the thoughts of having to get through a day with all the bad thoughts that go through my head. When I'm sleeping it's restful, but when I wake up then it's Oh boy another day to fight through. I know I need to find things to do but right now I'm leery and to be honest scared to get out there. I have an appt. next week to talk to a psychiatrist about extra medication.
Good for you for getting up for ur fur baby! You are not alone, for me this every day .... I don’t sleep well and when I see that light coming through the blinds I do everything I can to try and sleep....
For me I live alone and don't have much to do during a day, also just the thoughts of having to get through a day with all the bad thoughts that go through my head. When I'm sleeping it's restful, but when I wake up then it's Oh boy another day to fight through. I know I need to find things to do but right now I'm leery and to be honest scared to get out there. I have an appt. next week to talk to a psychiatrist about extra medication.
Boy do I know what you mean! I hate when I see light through my blinds in the morning. And many days I’m even afraid to go downstairs and my day is spent pacing, accomplishing nothing. I hope you can find the right meds that will work for you....I want that for myself as well.
It really is tough as daylight approaches and you think about getting through a new day. I'm sleeping at friends houses right now, don't like being here alone. I have 2 doctors appts. the next 2 days and I hope they can give me some help
Oh good luck to you.... unfortunately for me I keep rescheduling mine considering my fear to leave the house. I know that’s not smart.