all doctors and nurses should have to be real patients for at least one month in the institutions..........none of this mock i put on the jacket stuff............
they should be assigned a category like the book black like me............and then live the system..............then they will realize what their customers have been saying all along
the condition isnt that bad.
the system should be more like animals
oh sally is here oh hi the bike ride
v .................we are labeled and etc...........we all know..............they dont listen
when they walk and live in our shoes................the system will be totally diff as always.
want things to change...........have the boss try to do it..............
works every time..............same ole same ole...
until that time- ur a human being or person...........i try not to post as i have a attitude.....against the system
u are who u are..........i want to hear ur strrnghtrs and what ur good at before i hear all the complaint list about your self..........
i want to hear the 98 percent of the glass ful............not the 2 percent of whatever society or critics are saying.......
at least in my classrooom
what u do outside or witrh yoru counsleors or life is your biz
but in my class
critics..............not welcome...........each person has somehting to contribute
we all are saying the same thing.............
want to hear the positves or the good stuff about u first............
or what ur plans or what u want to do if u could.........
we all are saying the same thing..............humanness is a strngth - some doctors and othrs failed to get the memo
not our fault