there are those who see the extroverts as the great standard of leadership, and there are those who avail of themselves to aid, comfort, ressure, care, help, listen ..have compassion, and try to reduce the suffering of others........that is an often unsung unnoticed committment rather than kicking people around and telling them to get their rears up some unknown worthless Hill yet again......the generals get the praise while therest lean up the mess.....aned bear the long term scares of their commitments........its grossly unfair for their suffering to be called mental inlensses etc.....ur wlcome to in ur house but not around me (plse).....depresson, sandeess an so on is genuine suffering....lets see iwhat we can do to turn it around but its an insult to people in my mind to accept the lables clinical people use....i want only to respect and honor those who care and let them comfot those in need of their genius.........i do not want to hear labels....what are we going to do to suport themanned therir mission to ge5t ur life turned u fell useful needed and a contributor ane improve ur life quality.....ignor thoes who block ur path to being a contrituor ...those who dare to care show us theri iner strenght and capacity for humanity ......we honor all of u wherever u are....
Honoring those who Dare to Care - Anxiety and Depre...
Honoring those who Dare to Care

3 Replies
Remembering all the Wisdom of MASH- need to let off steam and Col Potter painting...seems like a lot of doctors and mh people missed those training films.....i think they were spot on and totally right...people need time to recharge and go play golf on a p;ar 52 hole or whatever.....they arent machines unlike our society thinks
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